2010.08.05 Dominic Casey emails

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IMO - This goes back to the cleaning of the trunk...More than one time? By more than one person? Why even bring up GAS?

I mean really, they were looking for a live Caylee - why is DC discussing ANY type of DNA at this EARLY point???

Quote Respect PMLsmom :cool2:

Good catch! Great catch! Just from what I have seen posted, it is clear that DC had information that was under the heading "Caylee is dead" but also understood the game was "Caylee is alive." Lee expressed his frustration at this dynamic during an interview when he said he was upset with his mother for sending people out to the woods to look for Caylee, when they were supposed to be looking for a live Caylee.

I mean, we have been calling them "liars" all along, I don't think it is against TOS to say so, at this point. To speak the truth is not a slur. At what point when people have lied, do we call them as such? This is only the court of public opinion, and this is only a post that is my personal opinion but I say it is a fact these people are liars. It really isn't a secret to anybody that Cindy(and Casey, don't forget about Casey)have been changing their stories(lying)all along. Innocent people tell the truth.

Jose may have been looking for a way to defend Casey but Cindy was busy looking for ways to cash in while (what she thinks has been)protecting herself. But because she is a narcissist she will come to her own ruin(according to the myth.) :angel:

Back to your simple brilliance: why be discussing any type of DNA? Indeed! Why. :snooty:

The reason I believe it originated with Cindy is there is zero chance Dom was a particularly insightful person and could have seen through the happy go lucky, celebratory Casey and seen inside her wounded, abused history seeping through. Casey was on top of the world. Some described her as acting as if she were a hero of the family returning home from a tour in Iraq, and others describe as laughing and happy like she was in a cheerleader meet. All described as never ONCE mentioning Caylee, playing games with her bodyguard, cooking for them, flirting with them, no crying, very flippant, even when learning that the tests revealed that one of the Anthony gals was dead at one time in the back of that car she replied "Well, I'm alive". Rather than trying to help the investigation what we she discussing with a former police officer, and a bounty hunter that track down folks for a living..... hmmm "I'd like to sign some pictures or something to make money for my defense fund, I'd like to go on Howard Stern, but he'd want to know my bra size, and if Jose was hittin' it".
No there is no way that Dominic saw an obvious abused child, especially sexually abused. If he witnessed any signs of abuse , IMO, it was the utter emasculation and disrespect that apparently had been going on for years towards George. Cindy told him when to jump and how high. Casey yelled things at him that I would be knocked across the room for yelling at a parent. Even now. Casey told him to get out, that he could not stay there , she wasn't having it, him questioning her, and indeed he did leave according Tracey and Rob. She certainly gave no indication that a mere observer with no special skill set could have interpreted and would lead them to draw that inference that pop sexually abused her. That was told to him, IMO.
Moreover, Cindy didn't mind dogging her husband. He is not someone I like, trust or respect, at all, but for the purpose of answering your question that surely Mom would not have allowed Dom to say these things about Pop would she? MY answer is yes. I just promised a friend that I would search my heart for some compassion for Cindy. Apparently I need to pray harder for help, but I will try. If you remember what Grandma and Uncle Rick shared with LE....Cindy wasn't with George out of any love or respect. She was going to have the divorce until she learned that she indeed would have to split her limited financial assets with him, so she decided begrudgingly to let him stay. To be fair, I could never let someone stay in my life that betrayed me so, she kinder than I could have been to him. In my opinion that is how she treated him, that he remained in the home at her pleasure, and she allowed Casey to treat him with disdain too. At least the impression her family had was, he was a liar, a thief, could not be trusted, he had gambled or lost in some dumb scheme all of the money they had and then some. He certainly never was the head of household provider, but worse than not being that, HE COSTS HER MONEY, every penny she had ever worked for. She hated him. She hates him still. She sure had no use for him when she told him to butt out when she wanted to get Jesse out of Casey's room, she told him she'd handle it. Can you imagine telling a father to butt out?
We saw in the police interviews that Cindy is very capable of brainstorming and ideas and suspects on the fly are her specialty.

For us to assume that this particular new PI concluded on his own the exact same story that Casey would float two years later would defy common sense. There are no coincidences in criminal law. It came from mom, no question, imo.

It is kind of the oldest trick in the book, right, when one is manipulating someone? A married man doesn't approach a pretty girl and say you know what , I am a liar and a cheater, I don't respect you or my wife but I sure will use you for one night, how bout it. No, he lies and starts in on his wife isn't good, she doesn't understand him, it is over, and possibly even details how egregious her behavior is, so see we'll only be cheating on someone who deserves it.
I do not find him to be particularly clever. What I do infer after reading these e mails is he is very, very easily led, shockingly so, and he does seem desperate for approval. Oh yes, someone could have had him hook, line and sinker. So much so that he swore to take it to his grave that he was sent out to the woods that day by mom, all so she could later announce, as she did, "Caylee wasn't there when Dominic was there in November".

I must find it for you, one picture that tells the story.
The fact that you see Dominic pictured holding , supporting Cindy's arm, and George tagging behind , well , let's just say the body language expert would eat that up with a spoon. The chance of a man holding you while your husband trails behind, is likely minus zero.

( All just my humble opinion )

TWA - you truly are amazing. I agree 100% with everything you have written, and most of the time anything you write. What do you do? Are you a writer? A psychiatrist? A psychic extrodinare?? (Don't expect an answer) You are one of the most insightful people on this forum and I could read your posts all day long.
pg 233

August 25th, 2008 Dominic to Luke

Luke, Padilla has nothing. He is a speculator and we feed him tid bits for him to play with. He is under my direction and control.

Soooooooooooooooooo......I think we know why the cowboy didn't want to take a polygraph eh???
This brings up a good point. I really want to know if DC was playing Luke. At one point he seemed surprised that Luke had contact with Cindy. There's no doubt in my mind that Luke's "info" was being fed to the As, but I think there may have come a time that they were just using him for the crazy stories. The first time DC comes up with his own theory based on his "intuition", the theory places Caylee near where she ultimately was found (he had the map and all). But, then Luke continues with every Tom, Dick, and Harry. We know that DC visited the area prior to bringing JH, right? Is there mention of that in any of his emails to Luke? Are we to believe he just dropped his own idea and surrendered himself to more craziness?
The reason I believe it originated with Cindy is there is zero chance Dom was a particularly insightful person and could have seen through the happy go lucky, celebratory Casey and seen inside her wounded, abused history seeping through. Casey was on top of the world. Some described her as acting as if she were a hero of the family returning home from a tour in Iraq, and others describe as laughing and happy like she was in a cheerleader meet. All described as never ONCE mentioning Caylee, playing games with her bodyguard, cooking for them, flirting with them, no crying, very flippant, even when learning that the tests revealed that one of the Anthony gals was dead at one time in the back of that car she replied "Well, I'm alive". Rather than trying to help the investigation what we she discussing with a former police officer, and a bounty hunter that track down folks for a living..... hmmm "I'd like to sign some pictures or something to make money for my defense fund, I'd like to go on Howard Stern, but he'd want to know my bra size, and if Jose was hittin' it".
No there is no way that Dominic saw an obvious abused child, especially sexually abused. If he witnessed any signs of abuse , IMO, it was the utter emasculation and disrespect that apparently had been going on for years towards George. Cindy told him when to jump and how high. Casey yelled things at him that I would be knocked across the room for yelling at a parent. Even now. Casey told him to get out, that he could not stay there , she wasn't having it, him questioning her, and indeed he did leave according Tracey and Rob. She certainly gave no indication that a mere observer with no special skill set could have interpreted and would lead them to draw that inference that pop sexually abused her. That was told to him, IMO.
Moreover, Cindy didn't mind dogging her husband. He is not someone I like, trust or respect, at all, but for the purpose of answering your question that surely Mom would not have allowed Dom to say these things about Pop would she? MY answer is yes. I just promised a friend that I would search my heart for some compassion for Cindy. Apparently I need to pray harder for help, but I will try. If you remember what Grandma and Uncle Rick shared with LE....Cindy wasn't with George out of any love or respect. She was going to have the divorce until she learned that she indeed would have to split her limited financial assets with him, so she decided begrudgingly to let him stay. To be fair, I could never let someone stay in my life that betrayed me so, she kinder than I could have been to him. In my opinion that is how she treated him, that he remained in the home at her pleasure, and she allowed Casey to treat him with disdain too. At least the impression her family had was, he was a liar, a thief, could not be trusted, he had gambled or lost in some dumb scheme all of the money they had and then some. He certainly never was the head of household provider, but worse than not being that, HE COSTS HER MONEY, every penny she had ever worked for. She hated him. She hates him still. She sure had no use for him when she told him to butt out when she wanted to get Jesse out of Casey's room, she told him she'd handle it. Can you imagine telling a father to butt out?
We saw in the police interviews that Cindy is very capable of brainstorming and ideas and suspects on the fly are her specialty.

For us to assume that this particular new PI concluded on his own the exact same story that Casey would float two years later would defy common sense. There are no coincidences in criminal law. It came from mom, no question, imo.

It is kind of the oldest trick in the book, right, when one is manipulating someone? A married man doesn't approach a pretty girl and say you know what , I am a liar and a cheater, I don't respect you or my wife but I sure will use you for one night, how bout it. No, he lies and starts in on his wife isn't good, she doesn't understand him, it is over, and possibly even details how egregious her behavior is, so see we'll only be cheating on someone who deserves it.
I do not find him to be particularly clever. What I do infer after reading these e mails is he is very, very easily led, shockingly so, and he does seem desperate for approval. Oh yes, someone could have had him hook, line and sinker. So much so that he swore to take it to his grave that he was sent out to the woods that day by mom, all so she could later announce, as she did, "Caylee wasn't there when Dominic was there in November".

I must find it for you, one picture that tells the story.
The fact that you see Dominic pictured holding , supporting Cindy's arm, and George tagging behind , well , let's just say the body language expert would eat that up with a spoon. The chance of a man holding you while your husband trails behind, is likely minus zero.

( All just my humble opinion )

I'm with you on a good part of this, except have a :waitasec: when you get to the line about the married man. Here's a question. How does a snake in the grass approach a woman crazed by grief, who hates her husband. By first sleeping with her, and holding her attention by what? Doing what she says? Mmmm - maybe the other way around? Feeding her reams and reams of bullturkey to allow her to feed her fantasies and do everything to dodge the blame and avoid the glaring truth? A guy who longs to be a player and hang with the big kids and maybe become THE mover and a shaker in a case getting national media attention. He gets from X to Y by following her directions? IMO - I respectively disagree. I think snake oil salesmen bring their snake oil with them.
Because maybe they all knew Caylee was under water and they thought it was funny watching the world look in every nook and cranny in Orlando? That would explain the "even if we can’t go till Nov." part. IE - if the waters don't go down until Nov. Interesting who goes in Nov. Now I will hush!

TES was here in Nov for the 2nd search.
The reason I believe it originated with Cindy is there is zero chance Dom was a particularly insightful person and could have seen through the happy go lucky, celebratory Casey and seen inside her wounded, abused history seeping through. Casey was on top of the world. Some described her as acting as if she were a hero of the family returning home from a tour in Iraq, and others describe as laughing and happy like she was in a cheerleader meet. All described as never ONCE mentioning Caylee, playing games with her bodyguard, cooking for them, flirting with them, no crying, very flippant, even when learning that the tests revealed that one of the Anthony gals was dead at one time in the back of that car she replied "Well, I'm alive". Rather than trying to help the investigation what we she discussing with a former police officer, and a bounty hunter that track down folks for a living..... hmmm "I'd like to sign some pictures or something to make money for my defense fund, I'd like to go on Howard Stern, but he'd want to know my bra size, and if Jose was hittin' it".
No there is no way that Dominic saw an obvious abused child, especially sexually abused. If he witnessed any signs of abuse , IMO, it was the utter emasculation and disrespect that apparently had been going on for years towards George. Cindy told him when to jump and how high. Casey yelled things at him that I would be knocked across the room for yelling at a parent. Even now. Casey told him to get out, that he could not stay there , she wasn't having it, him questioning her, and indeed he did leave according Tracey and Rob. She certainly gave no indication that a mere observer with no special skill set could have interpreted and would lead them to draw that inference that pop sexually abused her. That was told to him, IMO.
Moreover, Cindy didn't mind dogging her husband. He is not someone I like, trust or respect, at all, but for the purpose of answering your question that surely Mom would not have allowed Dom to say these things about Pop would she? MY answer is yes. I just promised a friend that I would search my heart for some compassion for Cindy. Apparently I need to pray harder for help, but I will try. If you remember what Grandma and Uncle Rick shared with LE....Cindy wasn't with George out of any love or respect. She was going to have the divorce until she learned that she indeed would have to split her limited financial assets with him, so she decided begrudgingly to let him stay. To be fair, I could never let someone stay in my life that betrayed me so, she kinder than I could have been to him. In my opinion that is how she treated him, that he remained in the home at her pleasure, and she allowed Casey to treat him with disdain too. At least the impression her family had was, he was a liar, a thief, could not be trusted, he had gambled or lost in some dumb scheme all of the money they had and then some. He certainly never was the head of household provider, but worse than not being that, HE COSTS HER MONEY, every penny she had ever worked for. She hated him. She hates him still. She sure had no use for him when she told him to butt out when she wanted to get Jesse out of Casey's room, she told him she'd handle it. Can you imagine telling a father to butt out?
We saw in the police interviews that Cindy is very capable of brainstorming and ideas and suspects on the fly are her specialty.

For us to assume that this particular new PI concluded on his own the exact same story that Casey would float two years later would defy common sense. There are no coincidences in criminal law. It came from mom, no question, imo.

It is kind of the oldest trick in the book, right, when one is manipulating someone? A married man doesn't approach a pretty girl and say you know what , I am a liar and a cheater, I don't respect you or my wife but I sure will use you for one night, how bout it. No, he lies and starts in on his wife isn't good, she doesn't understand him, it is over, and possibly even details how egregious her behavior is, so see we'll only be cheating on someone who deserves it.
I do not find him to be particularly clever. What I do infer after reading these e mails is he is very, very easily led, shockingly so, and he does seem desperate for approval. Oh yes, someone could have had him hook, line and sinker. So much so that he swore to take it to his grave that he was sent out to the woods that day by mom, all so she could later announce, as she did, "Caylee wasn't there when Dominic was there in November".

I must find it for you, one picture that tells the story.
The fact that you see Dominic pictured holding , supporting Cindy's arm, and George tagging behind , well , let's just say the body language expert would eat that up with a spoon. The chance of a man holding you while your husband trails behind, is likely minus zero.

( All just my humble opinion ) Mr. Miller describes the gleeful Casey View attachment 10428

And in Hoover's interview he said he thought there was something going on with Cindy and Dominic in that she held on to his arm while they were all waiting at the police station and said "he is my rock". Hoover said he felt it was totally inappropriate the way they were acting and that when they left, he left for the hotel with George and Cindy and Dominic went in their car and it took them well into an hour to get to a hotel that they had been to before. George also said to Jim I don't know if Cindy and I will make it through this.
Someone with a better memory than me please remind me or point me in the right direction........what search was going on with D Casey on August 18, 2008? In one of those emails Luke told D Casey good luck on the search tomorrow (email sent Au. 17, 2008). Do we know of any search at that time?
The reason I believe it originated with Cindy is there is zero chance Dom was a particularly insightful person and could have seen through the happy go lucky, celebratory Casey and seen inside her wounded, abused history seeping through. Casey was on top of the world. Some described her as acting as if she were a hero of the family returning home from a tour in Iraq, and others describe as laughing and happy like she was in a cheerleader meet. All described as never ONCE mentioning Caylee, playing games with her bodyguard, cooking for them, flirting with them, no crying, very flippant, even when learning that the tests revealed that one of the Anthony gals was dead at one time in the back of that car she replied "Well, I'm alive". Rather than trying to help the investigation what we she discussing with a former police officer, and a bounty hunter that track down folks for a living..... hmmm "I'd like to sign some pictures or something to make money for my defense fund, I'd like to go on Howard Stern, but he'd want to know my bra size, and if Jose was hittin' it".
No there is no way that Dominic saw an obvious abused child, especially sexually abused. If he witnessed any signs of abuse , IMO, it was the utter emasculation and disrespect that apparently had been going on for years towards George. Cindy told him when to jump and how high. Casey yelled things at him that I would be knocked across the room for yelling at a parent. Even now. Casey told him to get out, that he could not stay there , she wasn't having it, him questioning her, and indeed he did leave according Tracey and Rob. She certainly gave no indication that a mere observer with no special skill set could have interpreted and would lead them to draw that inference that pop sexually abused her. That was told to him, IMO.
Moreover, Cindy didn't mind dogging her husband. He is not someone I like, trust or respect, at all, but for the purpose of answering your question that surely Mom would not have allowed Dom to say these things about Pop would she? MY answer is yes. I just promised a friend that I would search my heart for some compassion for Cindy. Apparently I need to pray harder for help, but I will try. If you remember what Grandma and Uncle Rick shared with LE....Cindy wasn't with George out of any love or respect. She was going to have the divorce until she learned that she indeed would have to split her limited financial assets with him, so she decided begrudgingly to let him stay. To be fair, I could never let someone stay in my life that betrayed me so, she kinder than I could have been to him. In my opinion that is how she treated him, that he remained in the home at her pleasure, and she allowed Casey to treat him with disdain too. At least the impression her family had was, he was a liar, a thief, could not be trusted, he had gambled or lost in some dumb scheme all of the money they had and then some. He certainly never was the head of household provider, but worse than not being that, HE COSTS HER MONEY, every penny she had ever worked for. She hated him. She hates him still. She sure had no use for him when she told him to butt out when she wanted to get Jesse out of Casey's room, she told him she'd handle it. Can you imagine telling a father to butt out?
We saw in the police interviews that Cindy is very capable of brainstorming and ideas and suspects on the fly are her specialty.

For us to assume that this particular new PI concluded on his own the exact same story that Casey would float two years later would defy common sense. There are no coincidences in criminal law. It came from mom, no question, imo.

It is kind of the oldest trick in the book, right, when one is manipulating someone? A married man doesn't approach a pretty girl and say you know what , I am a liar and a cheater, I don't respect you or my wife but I sure will use you for one night, how bout it. No, he lies and starts in on his wife isn't good, she doesn't understand him, it is over, and possibly even details how egregious her behavior is, so see we'll only be cheating on someone who deserves it.
I do not find him to be particularly clever. What I do infer after reading these e mails is he is very, very easily led, shockingly so, and he does seem desperate for approval. Oh yes, someone could have had him hook, line and sinker. So much so that he swore to take it to his grave that he was sent out to the woods that day by mom, all so she could later announce, as she did, "Caylee wasn't there when Dominic was there in November".

I must find it for you, one picture that tells the story.
The fact that you see Dominic pictured holding , supporting Cindy's arm, and George tagging behind , well , let's just say the body language expert would eat that up with a spoon. The chance of a man holding you while your husband trails behind, is likely minus zero.

( All just my humble opinion )

You have out done yourself this time, The World According! :blowkiss: ITA with every single word you wrote. Especially, the part that DC could not have come to the conclusion on his own that Casey had been sexually abused. Sorry to ask you and others to think for me but...so what are we saying? Cindy was and is willing to say George did this? Not just molestation but murder? Every single thing you said about Cindy and George's relationship was right on for me and until I read your post my ideas were missing pieces. I think you got it to a T but my mind is still blown!

I am utterly, utterly...there are not words, I am just happy to have others to share these feelings with...what to say about all the people in this case. Barring AH, JG, etc. I must really believe in the innate goodness of people because it is hard to believe these (unusual) people exist, even though the evidence is right in front of my face.

Valhall(I hope I have that spelled correct) still said it best: I shall kerfunkle all your facts with the cunning use of crazy. I think they are dark magicians who's energy time has run out(that's why their game worked before but not now), that's what Casey promised not to tell and why George asked her "why ruin us all?" (paraphrased) ...now I sound crazy and I give me a time out... :crazy: My statement is crazy yes, but who acts like this? Truly, people who are not sane. Simply, not sane. It's not the same as being able to claim "insanity", it's not clinical it's something else...

The reason I believe it originated with Cindy is there is zero chance Dom was a particularly insightful person and could have seen through the happy go lucky, celebratory Casey and discern her wounded, abused history seeping through. Mr. Miller describes the gleeful Casey View attachment 10428


Forgive me, but I am running out and I just don't have the time to read all these posts - WHAT ARE YOU REFERRING TO in that it originated with Cindy. If I don't see it tonight, I will see it on Monday and I am very curious as to what this is. Thanks so much. Solace
pg 853....

Email from Dominic to Luke November 18, 2008 at 11:28 PM

Sorry it took so long to get back with you, I took Cindy and George to dinner so they could have a break and spend quality time, it was special..

Hmmmmmmmmm what made dinner "special"????????????????? :waitasec:
The reason I believe it originated with Cindy is there is zero chance Dom was a particularly insightful person and could have seen through the happy go lucky, celebratory Casey and discern her wounded, abused history seeping through. Casey was on top of the world. Some described her as acting as if she were a hero of the family returning home from a tour in Iraq. Others describe Casey as laughing and happy like she was in a cheerleader meet. All described as never ONCE mentioning Caylee. Rather, she was playing games with her bodyguard, cooking for them, flirting with them, no crying, and very flippant. Even when learning that the tests revealed that one of the Anthony gals was dead (at one time) in the back of that car she replied "Well, I'm alive". Rather than trying to help the investigation what was she discussing with a former police officer, and a bounty hunter that track down folks for a living? Casey told Rob and Tracey, "I'd like to sign some pictures or something to make money for my defense fund. I'd like to go on Howard Stern, but he'd want to know my bra size, and if Jose was hittin' it".
No there is no way that Dominic saw an obvious abused child, especially sexually abused. If he witnessed any signs of abuse , IMO, it was the utter emasculation and disrespect that apparently had been going on for years towards George. Cindy told him when to jump and how high. Casey yelled things at him that I would be knocked across the room for yelling at a parent. Even now. Casey told pop to get out, that he could not stay there , she wasn't having it, him questioning her, and indeed he did leave according Tracey and Rob. She certainly gave no indication that a mere observer with no special skill set could have interpreted and would lead them to draw that inference that pop sexually abused her. That was told to him, IMO.
Moreover, Cindy didn't mind dogging her husband. He is not someone I like, trust or respect, at all, but for the purpose of answering your question that surely Mom would not have allowed Dom to say these things about Pop would she? MY answer is yes. IMO. damn straight she would. Without hesitation. I just promised a friend that I would search my heart for some compassion for Cindy. Apparently I need to pray harder for help, but I will try. If you remember what Grandma and Uncle Rick shared with LE....Cindy wasn't with George out of any love or respect. She was going to have the divorce until she learned that she indeed would have to split her limited financial assets with him, so she decided begrudgingly to let him stay. To be fair, I could never let someone stay in my life that betrayed me so, she kinder than I could have been to him. In my opinion that is how she treated him, that he remained in the home at her pleasure, and she allowed Casey to treat him with disdain too. At least the impression her family had was, he was a liar, a thief, could not be trusted, he had gambled or lost in some dumb scheme all of the money they had and then some. He certainly never was the head of household provider, but worse than not being that, HE COSTS HER MONEY, every penny she had ever worked for. She hated him. She hates him still. She sure had no use for him when she told him to butt out when she wanted to get Jesse out of Casey's room, she told him she'd handle it. Can you imagine telling a father to butt out?
We saw in the police interviews that Cindy is very capable of brainstorming and ideas and suspects on the fly are her specialty. We saw in their most recent interview how she brushed it off like a joke when the reporter asked about Casey's molestation claims. She said, yeah, and that hurt George. That is it!!

For us to assume that this particular new PI concluded on his own the exact same story that Casey would float two years later would defy common sense. There are no coincidences in criminal law. It came from mom, no question, imo.

It is kind of the oldest trick in the book, right, when one is manipulating someone? A married man doesn't approach a pretty girl and say you know what , I am a liar and a cheater, I don't respect you or my wife but I sure will use you for one night, how bout it. No, he lies and starts in on his wife isn't good, she doesn't understand him, it is over, and possibly even details how egregious her behavior is, so see we'll only be cheating on someone who deserves it.
I do not find him to be particularly clever. What I do infer after reading these e mails is he is very, very easily led, shockingly so, and he does seem desperate for approval. Oh yes, someone could have had him hook, line and sinker. So much so that he swore to take it to his grave that he was sent out to the woods that day by mom, all so she could later announce, as she did, "Caylee wasn't there when Dominic was there in November".

I must find it for you, one picture that tells the story.
The fact that you see Dominic pictured holding , supporting Cindy's arm, and George tagging behind , well , let's just say the body language expert would eat that up with a spoon. The chance of a man holding you while your husband trails behind, is likely minus zero.

( All just my humble opinion ) Mr. Miller describes the gleeful Casey View attachment 10428

Your humble opinion is exactly the same as mine. I agree.
I'm with you on a good part of this, except have a :waitasec: when you get to the line about the married man. Here's a question. How does a snake in the grass approach a woman crazed by grief, who hates her husband. By first sleeping with her, and holding her attention by what? Doing what she says? Mmmm - maybe the other way around? Feeding her reams and reams of bullturkey to allow her to feed her fantasies and do everything to dodge the blame and avoid the glaring truth? A guy who longs to be a player and hang with the big kids and maybe become THE mover and a shaker in a case getting national media attention. He gets from X to Y by following her directions? IMO - I respectively disagree. I think snake oil salesmen bring their snake oil with them.

Respectfully Quoted logicalgirl :cool2:

I think you both are right. I am sure it was a dynamic of both Cindy and DC. I can't help but see in George and Cindy all that TWA had to say, while what you have said regarding DC and his motivations...whether it be those or others I agree he had to have had his also.

I do believe a bit of "flirting" on both parts was used and or wanted by both Cindy and DC. At this point, the only true motivation to anything Cindy, Casey, George, DC and JB seems to be to think of themselves at all times. Get what they can get out of each and every situation and person. IMHO, both Cindy and DC are guilty of whatever it is they are guilty of...(insert outrage here).

Perhaps "some" of those tips they were "investigating" were posted on forums BY THEM!!!!

Now, I would like to name them....
kidding, I am kidding.

We know that mom reads here. We know that Dominic takes Muzikman's documents from here, so it would not be outside the realm of possibility to believe they post on sites. Indeed iirc that is something that started the barrage of go off e mails from Cindy to brother Rick, she had been reading different blogs on sites , plural.

It is clear her letters are a poor attempt at press release by design. So I am with you Sleuther. I think you are spot on, as usual.
Someone with a better memory than me please remind me or point me in the right direction........what search was going on with D Casey on August 18, 2008? In one of those emails Luke told D Casey good luck on the search tomorrow (email sent Au. 17, 2008). Do we know of any search at that time?
News to me. Allow me to muddy the waters, k? On 8/18
Keith Williams finds bag – takes to and shows CA contents and she handles. Returns and calls LE.
The hurricane hits the next day.

Forgive me, but I am running out and I just don't have the time to read all these posts - WHAT ARE YOU REFERRING TO in that it originated with Cindy. If I don't see it tonight, I will see it on Monday and I am very curious as to what this is. Thanks so much. Solace

Hi there, someone asked, surely to God , even Mrs. Anthony would have some limits, some level of decency. She wouldn't have endorsed this bs, she may not have known that Dom was disparaging her husband.

It took me a long time to answer, but I was just saying she wouldn't blink an eye over it.
Hi there, someone asked, surely to God , even Mrs. Anthony would have some limits, some level of decency. She wouldn't have endorsed this bs, she may not have known that Dom was disparaging her husband.

It took me a long time to answer, but I was just saying she wouldn't blink an eye over it.

Okay are we saying that Cindy originated the sexual abuse theory? Because if that is what we are saying, Casey said this years before to Jesse Grund. Are you saying that Cindy picked it up and went with it to Dominic?
pg 853....

Email from Dominic to Luke November 18, 2008 at 11:28 PM

Sorry it took so long to get back with you, I took Cindy and George to dinner so they could have a break and spend quality time, it was special..

Hmmmmmmmmm what made dinner "special"????????????????? :waitasec:

Quote Respect sleutherontheside :cool2:

Thank you for all the reading and sleuthing you are doing on this thread and at Websleuths. (I am trying to keep up with everyone's posts, this thread is going fast for me. )

Here is a link to a closed thread: Cindy-inappropriate with her P.I. ?


News to me. Allow me to muddy the waters, k? On 8/18
Keith Williams finds bag – takes to and shows CA contents and she handles. Returns and calls LE.
The hurricane hits the next day.

I can't find anything for that day on our calendar so I have no idea. It was before Casey was bailed out though by LP. Just one more thing that is not making any sense at all. Unfortunately I did not see anything in the emails to explain it either. Then again I haven't read all of them as I prefer to not have a massive headache.

The bag was found where?
Now, I would like to name them....
kidding, I am kidding.

We know that mom reads here. We know that Dominic takes Muzikman's documents from here, so it would not be outside the realm of possibility to believe they post on sites. Indeed iirc that is something that started the barrage of go off e mails from Cindy to brother Rick, she had been reading different blogs on sites , plural.

It is clear her letters are a poor attempt at press release by design. So I am with you Sleuther. I think you are spot on, as usual.

Reading the emails..........a number of specific phrases and "words" gave them away .....errrrr just confirmed what many suspected from day 31. I especially noted the continual references "they" made about how LE didn't focus on the others etc......

IIRC.....there was quite a bit of "KIO" bashing.....by some before they were stopped in their tracks.........

Wonder what "they" are thinking about their "plan" now?????
Am I invisible here. CAn I get an answer to the question? Are you saying that the sexual abuse theory originate d with Cindy?
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