2010.08.16 Brad Conway Resigns

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I listened like you asked and this is what I got.

Baez says to Conway "We need to talk about that."

Conway says something to Baez that I can not hear.

Baez says "I'm sorry." As if he didn't hear Conway.

Conway repeats it, again I couldn't hear him.

Baez says "No. You know what, I'll ask her. I'll ask her."

Baez then turns to Casey whispers something in her ear. Casey shakes her head yes. Baez then says to Casey "Do you want to?"

Casey shakes her head yes and says "ok."

Baez then turns back to talk to Conway I suppose since I can't see the person and I can not hear what he is saying.

Casey leaves the courtroom.

Sorry that I couldn't be of more help but it sounds as if Baez was letting Conway know that later on they would talk about it and then maybe Conway had a request from George and/or Cindy and Casey agreed to it.

Thank you! It's way more than I knew before! :blowkiss:
I suspect we'll be reading about it, courtesy of Simon & Schuster or McGraw Hill or whatever. ya know?

It's ok with me if Brad doesn't trash talk now. I'm good with that. As much as I consider NeJame the classiest of class acts, I sometimes wish he'd just be quiet. I mean, Linda Drane Burdick and Jeff Ashton speak so loudly and strongly without EVER saying a word to the press. I kinda dig that.

As much as I agree with your sentiment, there is one important difference between any of the private attorneys such as MN, BC or even JB vs the SA's. The SA's are public employees. They were hired years ago and do not answer to anyone but their immediate superiors. Their public reputation or infamy is not really an element of their personal income or ability to make a living. Their performance reviews are mainly based on straight elements of case law. Wins, losses, apeals, errors, etc. Public perception plays little to no part in it.

Whereas each case is a separate marketing task/job interview/boss for a private attorney. So yeah they all love getting face time in front of the cameras. But understand that is an element of how they make their living. Someone in the general public has to know who they are and have a small degree of trust in them before they get paid. The general public will typically never know who Ms Drane Burdick and Mr. Ashton are unless they choose to run for a higher job that is directly elected by the public. Such as a State or District Attorney or a Judgeship. Or unless those specific members of the general public are in deep deep trouble. (At which point it isn't likely that they would form a favorable opinion of them anyway.)
Six minute mark in the defense press conference Baez uses the same terms as what are in Caylee's letter. Bouya! Just as we all suspected, the likely author was not mom and pop. MOO

The defense Press Conference.


Yep good catch! Cindy writes in her letter "your representation of Tim Miller in a substantially related matter has become an obvious conflict of interest for finding the truth about what happened to Caylee Marie." http://www.wftv.com/pdf/24581637/detail.html

When have we in the past two years during hundreds of interviews and many emails heard Cindy speak or write like this? Never, IMO Cindy is incapable of putting together a cohesive sentence.

Then as you point out Baez says something similar in the PC today stating "this is a substantially related matter and one lawyer can not represent another party in a substantially related matter where it conflicts with the interests of your previous clients."
Yep good catch! Cindy writes in her letter "your representation of Tim Miller in a substantially related matter has become an obvious conflict of interest for finding the truth about what happened to Caylee Marie." http://www.wftv.com/pdf/24581637/detail.html

When have we in the past two years during hundreds of interviews and many emails heard Cindy speak or write like this? Never, IMO Cindy is incapable of putting together a cohesive sentence.

Then as you point out Baez says something similar in the PC today stating "this is a substantially related matter and one lawyer can not represent another party in a substantially related matter where it conflicts with the interests of your previous clients."

Let's keep this in perspective. I mean it's not like we haven't seen JB simply cut n paste other peoples writings before? I'd give it a 50/50 chance between JB writing it for her, or JB simply being too lazy and stealing her writings for his motion. The fact that the statement seems almost relevant and has a faint whiff of actual grammar swings the scale slightly towards Cindy.
Let's keep this in perspective. I mean it's not like we haven't seen JB simply cut n paste other peoples writings before? I'd give it a 50/50 chance between JB writing it for her, or JB simply being too lazy and stealing her writings for his motion. The fact that the statement seems almost relevant and has a faint whiff of actual grammar swings the scale slightly towards Cindy.

I don't know if Baez used it in his written motion or not, I was referring to his press conference today when he spoke it. You're right that we have no way of knowing for sure whether Baez helped Cindy compose that email letter to Mr. NeJame or not, but I have never been impressed with Cindy's communication skills. I just can't see her coming up with "your representation of Tim Miller in a substantially related matter has become an obvious conflict of interest" on her own. 50/50 chance is probably right because I can't really see Baez coming up with it either, lol.
George and Cindy Anthonys’ second free attorney quit on national television Monday and slammed their daughter Casey’s defense team, as well as the Anthonys.

“I have no choice. I've become a witness now to pleadings that have been misstated. As an officer of the court, I can't stand by and knowingly participate in something that is false,” Conway said.

Conway got caught up in Casey’s fight for greater access to Texas EquuSearch records. He said the defense and the Anthonys made false statements about how he got to see those records and the defense claimed he had greater access than it did to the records.

CA did this to herself, WHY?

How could BC still represent them when they make these false claims. Good for BC for getting out, he should have done this 18 months ago..Justice for Caylee will happen, without the grandparents help...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
Maybe this is around the time that she claimed her computer was hacked? Everytime sh&* hit the fan regarding her email account or internet searches....she runs outside and does a press release about her computer hacker that causes her so much confusion and difficulty. Darn that computer hacker...darn him to heck!! :pcguru:
<<<snipped from BC's statement of resignation>>>>

I will continue to support the Anthonys, will continue to attend hearings and the eventual trial, and most importantly, I will continue to search for the full truth regarding the killing of Caylee Marie Anthony."

This is such a powerful statement coming from the A's former attorney. I'm guessing, after he looked over those documents along with the evidence, he now sees Caylee was killed and has possibly came to a conclusion of WHO killed Caylee. In Cindy's ususal self, if you go against her way of thinking, she has no more use for you. If you go against the grain, she will become hostile, angry and start spouting out of her mouth. She has no more use for you...I don't see anyone from either family supporting George or Cindy. Seems she's got more adversaries than allies...poor misunderstood Anthony family :furious:...JMHO

I'm wondering too, how ICA feels now about her parents being without counsel. I would imagine she's on cloud nine...Good for them, they tried to replace YOU, Jose...they're still trying to control me and I am the head of my company, I'm the CEO...how can you get them next! I want her to hurt as she's made me hurt...my dream, only, specualtion on my part..but this is how I believe it to be.

I wonder when Baez will get disbarred. He's lied enough, I wonder if BC will file a complaint against him...I truly hope someone does, he shouldn't be practicing law, IMO...he is not an officer of the court when he can't be truthful and obfuscate from the truth.

I don't want to have justice denied for Caylee and hope we won't see a mistrial for all these shenannigans...I hope HHBP is on top of this and nips it all in the bud...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
Whoaaaaaa, this is good! If you haven't listened to it, I highly recommend it!
Thanks Num24 for all the great links today!

Wonder if it might be possible to see TES sue the Anthony's for fraud and damages. Maybe recoup some of his money?

This drives me nuts! That family abused this man and now the defense wants all of the searcher's names, rendering future searches to risk of lower participation, yet they get up and speak about THEY want to help missing children everywhere?? :banghead:

TM: "They (A's) didn't choose this. But they are choosing their grief now."
The mere fact that TM was right about the searchers probably doing damage if Caylee's remains were out there was never properly addressed by the A's. None of them has come forward to say thank you for making that decision because LE was able to recover most of Caylee's remains. Nothing, absolutely nothing for this man making such an insightful decision. So what does that tell us. A's are not grateful to TM because he made this decision which helped find Caylee, not TM going ahead at that time, searching and destroy what was left of Caylee's remains and burying her forever. Obviously if they think someone else is responsible they would have been thanking TM from now until doomsday. It tells us what we already know TM is CA's worst enemy because he helped facilitate the finding of Caylee's remains therefore removing all reasonable doubt that she was alive. But, wait, CA has now taken the position that Caylee is no longer dead because by being deceased it means Caylee's mother is guilty of this crime. Caylee in her death now does not deserve the support of her grandmother. Tim Miller is right the A's are the worst of the worst......

And if CA believes Caylee is alive why is it necessary for CA to insist that TES records be searched, all of them. I really do not think this will go well for the A's and they will be pointed out for years. Let's hope Costa Rica is a future home for them because once the trial is over and all the facts are out they will have no peace from anyone of the searchers who were victimized by defense. When you accuse an innocent person of wrong doing, in this case it would be front page news, you don't just affect them, they have family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, etc. who all know they are innocent and that you (the A's) were instrumental in trying to accuse them. This is all in a small community where you are bound to run into someone they know. Bad, bad judgement on the A's part. For JB, it's business as usual. jmo
Here is the most recent info I found from BC:

WOFL-Ch. 35’s Derrol Nail talked to Conway after the attorney arrived at Orlando International Airport this afternoon.

Nail quickly summed up the issue: Baez “says he didn’t get the same access to Texas EquuSearch records that Brad Conway did. Now Conway told me that’s b.s., and that’s a quote.”

Did Conway use the issue as a way out of case?

“Absolutely not,” Conway told Nail. “George and Cindy Anthony are good people. They deserve good counsel. And I would have stuck this out to the end if that was possible.”

WOFL added that Conway had offered the Anthonys to help find a new attorney if they want one.


I was up all night long unable to sleep, and just reading around....when something suddenly came to my mind. Not sure if it was drug-induced on my part, or just plain being overly tired.
Still not sure if I can get it out right to make it all make sense even, but here goes.

All this muckity-muck over the TES Records ~
They have had access to them for a long time now, we all know that.
We all have scratched our heads every time it rears it's ugly head, wondering WTF. Last month, after we heard Judge Perry give the rules, tell in open court if there were any problems, he would always be available, etc.
So, what happens, once again, the records are at the center of attention, and, Tim Miller has yet to be deposed.

Baez wants to get into a room WITHOUT ANYONE ELSE in there.
Not so that they can go through the records privatly, but, IMO, so that they CAN PLANT THEIR OWN "fall-guy searcher".

It's easy enough to get your hands on one or two of those volunteer sign in sheets, where you itemize what and where you did.
I've seen them, long ago, but, can't remember where now.

So, I *think*, they wanted to have a chance to get in there, and plant a couple "volunteer sheets", that they would then "flag & tag", and low and behold, these searchers would NEVER be found.

The speculation could run rampant, they could "accuse" these searchers of all kinds of things and not have to worry about any repurcutions coming back on them.
There would be the doubt out there, and in the juries mind of who were these people, where did they come from, and, where have they disappeared to?

Now, how this info may have gotton back to Brad Conway, or, if it did, of course, I don't know. {still tired and muggy minded}.
But, if Conway suspects something like this, since he had complete private access, he could possibly testify that he does not remember seeing "these volunteer's paperwork" when he looked over the thousands of pages.

I hope that TES and NeJames have those names numbered and alphabetically in order, and have had such done from day one and notorized to that fact.

We know there is no way that the JAC would approve Baez running background checks on an unlimited amount of searchers.{ would they???}
And, it's time consuming.
So, make your own "name", make sure that it is a name is odd and unrunable.

I had thought maybe they would go with a Julliet Lewis, or, Jeffrey Hawkins, but, those names would have stuck out with everyone.

But, if they came across a name, that was later untraceable, but a name that Casey recognized??? Hmm.......

Conway KNEW about those e-mails as soon as NeJames hit "send" on his reply to Cindy ~
That would have been the time to nip whatever is really going on in the bud, IMO, right??
Just because Baez made a motion and submitted it, doesn't change the fact that the lies and allegations were already out there~!

I don't know - it's just smells to me, from every direction.
{and lack of sleep}

Conway has been tardy or missing lately, goes to NYC with the Anthony's, but for the first time, does NOT sit side by side with them in their interview.
The Anthony's leave, and Conway stays put and makes a Monday morning appearance on the news that the previous interviews with his ex clients had been taped!

Well, maybe I'm not making any sense, or, maybe someone can clear my muddled mind up on this, and tell me I am nutzz and over-medicated and that what I "think" wouldn't fly??

Do I need to step back?
Look for a 12 step program?

Send em all guns, lock em in a room and let em have it and let God sort it out???
This is some serious crazzzzy sheet-rockin going on down there.
Lord, don't make me go down there ~!!!! LOL ~!!
Oh, and since I am on a rant of sorts, for those of you that have said that someday the entire Anthony Family will have to face Caylee - no, they won't.

"That little girl" will never have to worry about the family that has betrayed her.

She is miles above where they all are going to end up.

{sorry - but they won't be sitting at her side ever, again}
I just tried to post a link on Conway's statement, that was analyzied by someone that has a blog, and, it came up all "x'd" out.

It was very informative and interesting.

Does anyone know what I did wrong, or, can we not post links to blogs??
Sorry again for my morning confusion.
{There really should be some sort of law against mornings in my world}
I just tried to post a link on Conway's statement, that was analyzied by someone that has a blog, and, it came up all "x'd" out.

It was very informative and interesting.

Does anyone know what I did wrong, or, can we not post links to blogs??
Sorry again for my morning confusion.
{There really should be some sort of law against mornings in my world}

We're not allowed to link to that site.
2010.08.16 - Tim Miller Discusses Caylee Anthony Case: http://www.39online.com/videobeta/5...News/Extended-Interview-Casey-Anthony-8-16-10

He has not even been deposed by the defense yet!!!

WOW! WOW! Just WOW!!!!!

If anyone ever had any doubt whatsoever about the A's, Tim Miller sets it all straight in this interview!!!! TM even says he thinks that BC has had enough and just wants to "wash his hands of the whole thing".

Tim Miller is a hero!!!! Makes me want to empty my bank account to support him & TES!!!!
:crazy: Were is my sign :hand:..No way Jose'.

:waitasec: Turn the channel...flip the switch.
Come on guys...cant we just vote him off the island?

:Justice: Enough aleady. Enough.
Tim Miller has known the truth since day one! This interview is a must see.

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