2010.08.16 Brad Conway Resigns

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DNA Solves
So BC has now become a proud member of "Under the Casey Anthony Bus Club". How many are there now? Let's see ZG, TL, JG, AH, RK, 4,000 TES searchers & TM, MN, BC, GA and all of LE, the jail and SA. Did I miss any???


Jesse's dad?
Ricardo M
Z's invisa-sister who(with kids in tow) held Casey down at Blanchard Park and took off with Caylee.
I have no respect whatsoever for BC .... he is still in the A camp ..... has not distanced himself from them, and their untruths, in any way. BC puts all the blame on his resignation on what Baez filed in his Motion, but in TRUTH the problem was created by what CINDY did. If Cindy had not given JB copies of private emails ... JB never would have had those documents to attach as Exhibits to his Motion. If Cindy had not written false statements in her letter to MN, JB never could have claimed that Cindy divulged these things to JB.
IMO, TM gives too much credit to BC ... and IMO BC has not washed his hands of these people, BC is not fed up with them at all.

Casey Anthony: Jose Baez complains about Brad Conway ’sideshow’
— posted by halboedeker
excerpt from Conway:
“Absolutely not,” Conway told Nail. “George and Cindy Anthony are good people. They deserve good counsel. And I would have stuck this out to the end if that was possible.”
WOFL added that Conway had offered the Anthonys to help find a new attorney if they want one."

It seems they (cindy) are taking direction from Baez et al
:waitasec: Cindy believes Casey is an extension of herself so therefore Baez is also her lawyer. :banghead: JOKING
I'm joining in after reading the first three pages so forgive me if this has been said.

I think the reason he's leaving is because he can. He took on the responsibility of "defending" the A's so to speak and probably realized he'd made a huge mistake. This gives him a plausible out and he's running to it like Geraldo to a gangster's empty vault.

His statement about the A's had to be said for professional reasons.


I agree.
NeJame defended the A's in his resignation letter..but that was many moons ago
Not a peep yet from Screamin' Banshee Cindy about Brad leaving. I was probably very wrong in my earlier post that she'd be mad at Baez and Co. over their motion that caused him to step down.

I wonder if/when she's gonna blow or say anything?

Maybe George is upset tragco..
I dont think BC has a choice he has to keep quite about his ex clients. Just like we would of probably never knew about what NM knew either if it wasnt for the emails being public and him defending himself. There has to be some kind of standards other wise every lawyer that stepped away from defending there client would be sharing with everyone the goods so to speak. As much as I would love for BC or any other professional in this case to tell us the reason they really leave I would think there has to be some kind of professionalism :waitasec: I dunno maybe Im wrong but I would think there was some professional liability but then again I have been wrong before:crazy:

The public would have never known about the private exchange between NeJame & Cindy(via her lawyer Conway) if Cindy herself did not forward the email to her daughters lawyer, who in turn forwarded it to a media outlet and included it in a legal motion.

NeJame defended George and Cindy in his resignation letter.
The following is a statement released by Mark NeJame on November 20, 2008

Unfortunately, I have made the decision that it is best not to continue my representation of George and Cindy Anthony.

George and Cindy have a belief that their beloved granddaughter, Caylee, is still alive. Tips and leads continue to come in. I believe strongly that they should have every right to maintain their hope and faith that one of these “sightings” will miraculously be the one that brings Caylee home to them. What parent or grandparent would surrender such hope? Who is one person to tell another parent or grandparent when it is time for them to abandon their faith? When does a stranger have the right to judge another who has endured such a loss? The attacks made against them by some are deplorable. Let them be to do what they feel they must to find their beloved granddaughter, Caylee. Knowing this case as well as probably anyone on earth, there is no doubt that they do not know where Caylee is. Allow them to walk their own path.

I only agreed to represent George and Cindy Anthony, so long as there were no restrictions placed on me whatsoever as to finding Caylee, regardless of where this might lead. Quite simply, this meant that I could do whatever I needed to find Caylee whether she was alive or not. It impressed me that George and Cindy, both believing that Caylee was still with us, had an overriding and primary concern in finding Caylee, even if the result was not as they would hope. The other condition I required was that I would have absolutely nothing to do with representing Casey or assisting in her legal defense.

Abundant efforts have been made towards finding Caylee. I have worked with so many involved in this matter towards the goal of finding this dear, missing child who has captured the hearts of so many. Some ignorant and judgmental members of the public though have made hateful and inaccurate accusations against me and others, when they had no idea whatsoever what was really going on. As my new, good friend, Tim Miller from Equusearch, tells me “everybody associated with this case gets body slammed.” However, like Tim, when you know in your heart that you’re doing the right thing, you just move forward knowing that right will ultimately win out. Some have falsely accused me and some others of being in this for the money. If they only knew how utterly wrong and misguided they are.

I had come to a personal opinion and theory for quite some time whether Caylee was still with us or not. However, my opinion was only one like any other…an opinion. The only person without an opinion though is Casey Anthony as only she knows the truth. I believe that the singular person out of the 6 billion people in the world who holds the key to finding Caylee is her mother, Casey Anthony. Although I was quite successful in resolving a multitude of matters, I am unable to go further to help George and Cindy find Caylee in my current role. I can only provide my best advice and must respect any client’s prerogative to do what they deem is best, whether they choose to follow my guidance or not. However, there is little value or use I can provide to any client if they choose to act and comment at will.

As someone who has learned and knows the inner workings and details of the case and its various characters intimately, the rampant sensationalism and unfounded accusations must stop. Allow Cindy and George Anthony the respect and decency of dealing with their hope and efforts to find their missing and beloved Caylee as they need to. Allow those with differing opinions on finding and searching for Caylee, whether she is with us or not, to do their jobs without interruption. Finally, the judicial system is in play and justice will be best served by mindless meddlers staying out of something they know little of. There are many wonderful people involved in efforts to find Caylee and there are, unfortunately, many who are exploiting this child. Sadly, most in the public are clueless about who is doing what and what is really going on. The negative actions of some are only counterproductive and hurtful to the cause of those many good people who are doing so much to do something positive with this most sad and tragic situation. There should only be one goal and that is to find Caylee Marie Anthony.

Mark E. NeJame
we'll known when someone in a red wig and big floppy shoes steps out in front of the cameras to hold a press conference. :clown:

OMG.........:laugh: totally the funny of my morning.

There is ALWAYS some lawyer just vying to get the "attention spot."
Someone will show up sooner or later. imo
I dont think BC has a choice he has to keep quite about his ex clients. Just like we would of probably never knew about what NM knew either if it wasnt for the emails being public and him defending himself. There has to be some kind of standards other wise every lawyer that stepped away from defending there client would be sharing with everyone the goods so to speak. As much as I would love for BC or any other professional in this case to tell us the reason they really leave I would think there has to be some kind of professionalism :waitasec: I dunno maybe Im wrong but I would think there was some professional liability but then again I have been wrong before:crazy:

I like your point cuppy, the atty/client privilege vs. atty ethics............vs. public disclosure............those are some fine lines to walk. This case has attacked those lines. The attys charged with keeping their client's confidence, have been faced with ethical dilemmas from the onset of this case. If these attys want to be "judged" by this case, be famous or "infamous" forever because of it, etc., they best pray for guidance because their decisions about doing the right thing will affect their entire life both personally and professionally. I see tests of ethical conduct in biblical proportions laid out here. So far MN rose to the occasion - and has been duly sainted. BC, well, I think he has the right stuff, the best of intentions, and has thankfully rolled away from the A's......the final battle will be won by the atty who does not sell his story. Who quietly goes on to his next case.....Think it's possible?

I feel better now, that was building up!
After reading Intermezzo's post #446, MN's resignation letter with respect to the A's:

"....knowing this case as well as anyone on earth, there is no doubt they do not know where Caylee is."

In TM's interview 8/16/10..(I'll insert link in a second)..he states that within minutes he believes that both GA and CA knew Caylee was dead and that KC was responsible.

I wonder how MN feels now, since he has been representing TES/TM all this time? Surely they have discussed this in detail.
After reading Intermezzo's post #446, MN's resignation letter with respect to the A's:

"....knowing this case as well as anyone on earth, there is no doubt they do not know where Caylee is."

In TM's interview 8/16/10..(I'll insert link in a second)..he states that within minutes he believes that both GA and CA knew Caylee was dead and that KC was responsible.

I wonder how MN feels now, since he has been representing TES/TM all this time? Surely they have discussed this in detail.

Not knowing where she is can still be true while knowing that she was dead and whodunnit.

Plus, I assume that MN learned more after his resignation, which may have changed his assessment now.
msnbc.com Video Player
msnbc.com video: New details in Caylee Anthony autopsy
June 22, 2009 : The Anthony family is reacting to the release of the medical examiner's report on 2-year-old Caylee Anthony's death. NBC's Kerry Sanders reports.

Dr. Spitz, who did Caylee's 2nd autopsy, said:

1:39 - there is nothing that I know that puts the lid on this that tells you that there was a murder here - everything as far as I know, is in question

2:22 - when I saw the body there was no duct tape - there was no evidence of duct tape - there was no evidence of residual glue or whatever you, or adhesive on the bone - there was no evidence to support that conclusion

Kerry Sanders says the FORENSICS will be the key evidence ...
Brad Conway said on LKL that it is the "FORENSICS" - no duct tape

This graphic of what Dr. Jan G. Medical Examiner, found in Caylee's autopsy was posted on MSNBC, TODAY Show, June 22, 2009


If it (duct tape) was placed prior to death, there would have been NO tape residue on the bone correct?
If it (duct tape) was placed prior to death, there would have been NO tape residue on the bone correct?

I sure hope you are secretly a SA for the State of ORlando in this case. You always have such a way of saying things that make me laugh and "get it"!
If it (duct tape) was placed prior to death, there would have been NO tape residue on the bone correct?

Maybe the good doctor thinks that would be too technical for the jury to grasp....
I sure hope you are secretly a SA for the State of ORlando in this case. You always have such a way of saying things that make me laugh and "get it"!

Trust me. I couldn't even be a juror. I have already made a noose for ICA!:innocent:
Maybe the good doctor thinks that would be too technical for the jury to grasp....

And LC, so much of this case is just pure common sense. Something the A's are sorely lacking.
It seems they (cindy) are taking direction from Baez et al
:waitasec: Cindy believes Casey is an extension of herself so therefore Baez is also her lawyer. :banghead: JOKING

You know, I honestly think CA wants to be sitting at the defense table and argue this case herself.
Originally Posted by ThinkTank
msnbc.com Video Player
msnbc.com video: New details in Caylee Anthony autopsy
June 22, 2009 : The Anthony family is reacting to the release of the medical examiner's report on 2-year-old Caylee Anthony's death. NBC's Kerry Sanders reports.

Dr. Spitz, who did Caylee's 2nd autopsy, said:

1:39 - there is nothing that I know that puts the lid on this that tells you that there was a murder here - everything as far as I know, is in question

2:22 - when I saw the body there was no duct tape - there was no evidence of duct tape - there was no evidence of residual glue or whatever you, or adhesive on the bone - there was no evidence to support that conclusion

Kerry Sanders says the FORENSICS will be the key evidence ...
Brad Conway said on LKL that it is the "FORENSICS" - no duct tape

This graphic of what Dr. Jan G. Medical Examiner, found in Caylee's autopsy was posted on MSNBC, TODAY Show, June 22, 2009


First off, Caylee's remains were skeletal, hence, no body!
Second, by the time he viewed Caylee's remains, Dr. G had already removed the duct tape to check for evidence. Dr. Spitz is working for the defense. He too has to report what he saw but he didn't get to see Caylee's remains the way Dr. G did...JMHO

He can't simply dismiss Dr. G's autopsy report. I believe she took photos every step of the way. I believe she took photos of Caylee's skull when the duct tape was on her. I also believe, this will be shown in the courtroom for all the jurors to see. That they will not be able to just push those images to the back of their minds. JMHO

Justice for Caylee

First off, Caylee's remains were skeletal, hence, no body!
Second, by the time he viewed Caylee's remains, Dr. G had already removed the duct tape to check for evidence. Dr. Spitz is working for the defense. He too has to report what he saw but he didn't get to see Caylee's remains the way Dr. G did...JMHO

He can't simply dismiss Dr. G's autopsy report. I believe she took photos every step of the way. I believe she took photos of Caylee's skull when the duct tape was on her. I also believe, this will be shown in the courtroom for all the jurors to see. That they will not be able to just push those images to the back of their minds. JMHO

Justice for Caylee

Poor LDB. She'll have to sit there and listen to these people testify and then run 'em ragged on cross and then bring in somebody who knows what they are doing.

Defense Witness: There was no duct tape on the bones, This means the duct tape was never around any bones and is therefore irrelevant and couldn't have killed Caylee.

The prosecutor rises slowly and sighs. Pops a couple of Tylenol and approaches the witness. "Sir I have a piece of duct tape here and I'd like you assist me here."

DW: Ok

Prosecutor: Take this duct tape and place it over your mouth and nose for me.

HHJBP: Prosecutor? What will this prove?

Prosecutor: Probably nothing. I'm just hoping it shuts him up. :crazy:

First off, Caylee's remains were skeletal, hence, no body!
Second, by the time he viewed Caylee's remains, Dr. G had already removed the duct tape to check for evidence. Dr. Spitz is working for the defense. He too has to report what he saw but he didn't get to see Caylee's remains the way Dr. G did...JMHO

He can't simply dismiss Dr. G's autopsy report. I believe she took photos every step of the way. I believe she took photos of Caylee's skull when the duct tape was on her. I also believe, this will be shown in the courtroom for all the jurors to see. That they will not be able to just push those images to the back of their minds. JMHO

Justice for Caylee

I agree! the duct tape was still entangled in her HAIR, and the duct tape was holding her mandible in place, and thence, how DARE BC get on national tv and say there was NO DUCT TAPE on precious Caylee's skull ! how DARE he say that people were just jumping to that conclusion, when he KNEW what Dr. G's autopsy report said??!! Dr. Werner Spitz did the second autopsy and KNEW what Dr. G's findings were! He intentionally tried to slant it in favor of a defense for the Inmate, and BC backed this lie up on national TV!!!!.
I agree! the duct tape was still entangled in her HAIR, and the duct tape was holding her mandible in place, and thence, how DARE BC get on national tv and say there was NO DUCT TAPE on precious Caylee's skull ! how DARE he say that people were just jumping to that conclusion, when he KNEW what Dr. G's autopsy report said??!!

Hi Think,I wish all these so called know it all's would study up on what they are saying. THe dact tape WAS on Her just as you said!! I'm also sure she has pictures. Dr. G. takes photos all the time.I dont see her missing this one!
DR.G.CUT it from her hair.Specialists,BAH:croc:

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