2010.08.16 Brad Conway Resigns

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State Atty office found out something was not adding up when Laura B. said in her first depo that Laura had a form that nobody else had, that had info on it that nobody knew anything about. The depo was halted, and the State waited for Laura's atty to FAX to the State the TES document that Laura said she had. When Laura's atty FAXed it to the Prosecutors, it still had the sticky note on it that said "From Laura - For Mort".
The Prosecutors began asking the TES searchers whose names were on the alleged fake document if they searched with Laura on Suburban and when they all were saying NO - the LE and SA knew there needed to be an investigation.

Oh, okay, got it now. Thanks I'm on information "overload".
When you receive a subpoena from SA you don't have much choice. lol

Of course. What I meant was: why wait UNTIL he was subpoenaed? Why not say something before it came to that? Professional courtesy aside, I would surely be protecting my own hide. But that's me. IDK.

ETA: Just read TT's post above responding to mine. That makes sense.
Didn't BC also say on National TV that there was no duct tape???

He said something like that...or that it wasn't over her nose and mouth. I really doubt he saw the photos though...perhaps he believed JB at that point? Or perhaps he just lied. Too.
Of course. What I meant was: why wait UNTIL he was subpoenaed? Why not say something before it came to that? Professional courtesy aside, I would surely be protecting my own hide. But that's me. IDK.

ETA: Just read TT's post above responding to mine. That makes sense.

Makes you wonder what other little gems BC knows about but has not revealed...
Aren't Conway and NeJame in the same office complex? I think I've heard they have more than a passing acquaintance. Although I feel NeJame is by far a better attorney and certainly has more integrity, still wonder if they speak (off the record) of the horror that is the Anthonys.

Sometimes it seems like there are only 3 or 4 attorneys in Orlando.

OK that was all definitely OT (lol).
And does anyone wonder how SA found out about this. If BC did not tell them, was it DC? Was it DC who spilled the beans in his "investigative" interview? Could this be why he dropped out of sight?????? Talk about Daisy Chain.

I thought SA found out during the first LB depo, when LB referenced a document different than the SA had in it's possession, that's why they had to suspend the depo. The investigation of the names provided on the "fake" TES document to the SA during the depo began within a week or so as seen on the altered LB TES search form.

I'm not sure where DC fits into all of this.
Makes you wonder what other little gems BC knows about but has not revealed...

Oh I bet he knows PLENTY. I wouldn't trust that so-and-so for a second. He was the Anthony consigliere, the "fixer", although IMO Cindy didn't tell him everything, just picked and chose what she wanted him to know and what she wanted him to DO for her. I doubt we'll ever find out half of what he knows about them.

He gave it up about Baez, when he had to, to save his sorry skin when pushed against the wall. Big whoop.

He's no hero. Just a coward with a law license trying to save his butt. I know it sounds harsh but I can't help remembering all the complete and total lies he spewed over the course of his representation of those horrible people. And he did it for FREE.

He should've just done the right thing by his PAYING client, the whistleblower, but nooo, he was too busy kissing Cindy's rear 24/7. FOR FREE.
Oh I bet he knows PLENTY. I wouldn't trust that so-and-so for a second. He was the Anthony consigliere, the "fixer", although IMO Cindy didn't tell him everything, just picked and chose what she wanted him to know and what she wanted him to DO for her. I doubt we'll ever find out half of what he knows about them.

He gave it up about Baez, when he had to, to save his sorry skin when pushed against the wall. Big whoop.

He's no hero. Just a coward with a law license trying to save his butt. I know it sounds harsh but I can't help remembering all the complete and total lies he spewed over the course of his representation of those horrible people. And he did it for FREE.

He should've just done the right thing by his PAYING client, the whistleblower, but nooo, he was too busy kissing Cindy's rear 24/7. FOR FREE.

Jennyb, please tell us what you really think. And this time, don't hold back, ok? lol. j/k. You just might be on to something. JMO.
I always thought BC had to be slimy to be affiliated with the A's......he stayed around waaaaay toooo long to not be guilty of a few mistruths and other unknown shenanigans. I am deeply disappointed to be correct about his character. His interview exposed him. He failed to speak up when the lies were uttered in court by JB - which makes him just as dirty to me. What a shame. It is looking like JB was setting BC up the entire time - BC should have told JB from the very beginning to do his own work, or at least challenge the bizarre requests JB was making. No, I think BC was in it for the same reason as every other bottom feeder in this case, publicity.....well, your going get plenty of that BC. None of it good. :loser:
BC did originally act as an extension of ICA's Defense team, especially where they wanted to distance themselves from something or have it come from another source. It was all orchestrated IIRC.

Obviously the Defense even crossed BC's ethical boundaries and went too far, into an area he did not want to be associated. With CA in collusion with JB and BC left out of the loop he wasn't left much choice than to move on or risk his credibility further.
BC did originally act as an extension of ICA's Defense team, especially where they wanted to distance themselves from something or have it come from another source. It was all orchestrated IIRC.

Obviously the Defense even crossed BC's ethical boundaries and went too far, into an area he did not want to be associated. With CA in collusion with JB and BC left out of the loop he wasn't left much choice than to move on or risk his credibility further.

I thought so too, remember BC's press conference unveiling "new" evidence?

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4232671&postcount=1"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Attorney Brad Conway Released More Evidence In Anthony Case On 09/30/09 #2[/ame]

I'm listening to the press conference right now: http://www.wftv.com/video/21160739/index.html
I thought SA found out during the first LB depo, when LB referenced a document different than the SA had in it's possession, that's why they had to suspend the depo. The investigation of the names provided on the "fake" TES document to the SA during the depo began within a week or so as seen on the altered LB TES search form.

I'm not sure where DC fits into all of this.

I thought it was JJ that sounded the alarm about that TES paper that MS showed him? Wasn't that interview before LB's depo?
Oh I bet he knows PLENTY. I wouldn't trust that so-and-so for a second. He was the Anthony consigliere, the "fixer", although IMO Cindy didn't tell him everything, just picked and chose what she wanted him to know and what she wanted him to DO for her. I doubt we'll ever find out half of what he knows about them.

He gave it up about Baez, when he had to, to save his sorry skin when pushed against the wall. Big whoop.

He's no hero. Just a coward with a law license trying to save his butt. I know it sounds harsh but I can't help remembering all the complete and total lies he spewed over the course of his representation of those horrible people. And he did it for FREE.

He should've just done the right thing by his PAYING client, the whistleblower, but nooo, he was too busy kissing Cindy's rear 24/7. FOR FREE.

Couldn't agree more. His character is dismal and I hope the Bar in FL takes a LONG look at the people involved in this case. The public needs to know what's going on in our legal system.
I thought it was JJ that sounded the alarm about that TES paper that MS showed him? Wasn't that interview before LB's depo?

Please allow me to clarify, I should have wrote the first time the SAO saw, looked at, the "fake" document.

Yes, it was most definitely JJ that sounded the alarm on 10/27/2009:


True or not I have to admit this exact scenario ran though my mind a couple of times too especially after seeing the of the pictures they were both in.

Also puzzling to me were the close tabs her husband kept on her along with her having no car, cell or internet. I could see maybe one but all three in this day and time just seems strange, like she was put in isolation.

Time and evidence hopefully will tell the truth.

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