2010.11.03 Bone Recovered

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Does anyone think LE might refer to a skull as a bone? Just thinking that there's got to be strong evidence that this is her to call it a crime scene especially since they know deer carcasses are dumped there. Either that or maybe a pelvis, something that would be quickly ruled out as animal remains.

No, usually a skull is referred to as a skull, while a bone comes from another part of the body.

They could probably quickly tell the difference between a human bone and a deer bone (thinking of the search for Kyron Horman where they recently found piles of deer bones but none that were human).

And usually LE will not rope off an area and begin a search if they are in doubt about whether a bone is human or not. They seem to be in the right area and they have good reason to keep searching.
Hello to everyone who have already been posting so diligently. I have been lurking in all things Haleigh, Caylee and Kyron for over a year. I don't know that I will have much to add since it seems that everyone here is so intuitive; I just want to be ready if a thought I would like to share comes to me. I am going to take some time to learn the rules lest I break one right off the bat...please be patient

The sheriff’s office blocked off Christie Road while it was conducting its search. After the bone was discovered, that changed the nature of the investigation along the roadway, said B.J. Fore, public information officer for the sheriff’s office.

“It’s a crime scene now,” he said.

If LE is declaring this a crime scene, they must have some firm indication that this is Zahra.:waitasec:

I tend to think there is only one bone relating to Zahra (outside of the skull) that would led LE to :

1. Admit they found a bone and it may be related to Zahra - makes little sense to me LE would do this without a very good reason. Recall they were very quick to eliminate the rumor of Zahra being found in a mattress.

2. To declare Christie Road a crime scene. I would think finding the prosthetic would have done that. The bone find changing the status, as noted above there has to be something very distinctive about the bone found.

That bone IMO would be the left thigh bone demonstrating signs of amputation above the knee. This bone tends to make sense since we do know the prosthetic was recovered in the same general area.
Does anyone think LE might refer to a skull as a bone? Just thinking that there's got to be strong evidence that this is her to call it a crime scene especially since they know deer carcasses are dumped there. Either that or maybe a pelvis, something that would be quickly ruled out as animal remains.

Heather, I was actually wondering the same thing. I kind of ruled it out in my head, because I thought that they might have identified it as a skull, but they have been so hush hush, that maybe it was?
WELCOME to WS Kthieln! Great group of people here and chime right in!
Another thing: A skull would have teeth and make identification easy. They would have announced something by now if they had found a skull. Hopefully the eventually will.

But it seems as if they are close to finding the rest of the body and that's a good thing.

Welcome, kthieln! :Welcome-12-june:
If it was a skull I don't think they would question whether it was human or not. I could be wrong but I don't know of any animal that has a human looking skull. Is there one?
If it was a skull I don't think they would question whether it was human or not. I could be wrong but I don't know of any animal that has a human looking skull. Is there one?

Not in North Carolina, I should think.

However, I suppose a skull bone might be described as just a "bone" if it were in shards or plates alone. (Not saying that is what I think the case is here - just for the sake of semantics.)
I think it would also be the size of the bone that would lead them to believe it's connected to this case.
Just tweeted

Police have found what appears to be a humAn bone near where prosthetic leg was found.
half a minute ago via Twitter for BlackBerry® .Police in Caldwell County have found something important in search for Zahra. Statement coming from police in an hour.
22 minutes ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®

Just tweeted

Police have found what appears to be a humAn bone near where prosthetic leg was found.
half a minute ago via Twitter for BlackBerry® .Police in Caldwell County have found something important in search for Zahra. Statement coming from police in an hour.
22 minutes ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®


Did you update your Twitter recently? Those were yesterday's tweets.
I tend to think there is only one bone relating to Zahra (outside of the skull) that would led LE to :

1. Admit they found a bone and it may be related to Zahra - makes little sense to me LE would do this without a very good reason. Recall they were very quick to eliminate the rumor of Zahra being found in a mattress.

2. To declare Christie Road a crime scene. I would think finding the prosthetic would have done that. The bone find changing the status, as noted above there has to be something very distinctive about the bone found.

That bone IMO would be the left thigh bone demonstrating signs of amputation above the knee. This bone tends to make sense since we do know the prosthetic was recovered in the same general area.

I agree with you!
I think most human bones would be easily distinguishable from a deer. Deer have a totally different bone structure. Their legs are different lengths/thickness, their joints are different, etc. Also, if they are pretty certain it is human, then the SIZE of many bones would indicated if it was an adult or a child.
What did they do to that poor sweet child?????!!!!!
And more importantly....HOW LONG has Zahra REALLY been missing if they are finding a bone...
I think with the temperature, rain and the amount of insects and animals we have, that it would not be that unusual to find mostly bone -- if the remains were in the open or in leaf litter and stuff.

In the woods, decomposition is darned quick in NC unless it's winter. Add animals to that, and I can believe a few weeks.


I saw a terrible situation where a bobcat had killed a cat, and large bones of the cat were found in the open, looking like it'd been months! It had been no longer than 3 days :(
I just recalled an earlier thread where we were discussing whether or not Zahra was eligible for SSI (disability income). I believe Ada is an expert on this so she (or others) might can add some more info.

It appears that she was not because (1) her hearing aids remedied her hearing loss, and (2) she had one leg amputated around the knee. In order to be eligible as an amputee, it seems that she would have to have had one leg amputated at the hip or two limbs amputated.

I really hope these pitiful adults who were supposed to be loving her and taking care of her did not succumb to greed and try to find a way to get money through Zahra, only to have their plan fail miserably when she didn't live through the torturous event. :furious:

Following are some of the disability categories in which we can presume your child is disabled and make immediate SSI payments:

HIV infection
Total Blindness
Total Deafness (in some cases)
Cerebral palsy ( in some cases)
Down syndrome
Muscular dystrophy (in some cases)
Mental retardation
Diabetes (with amputation of one foot)
Amputation of two limbs
Amputation of leg at the hip
I think most human bones would be easily distinguishable from a deer. Deer have a totally different bone structure. Their legs are different lengths/thickness, their joints are different, etc. Also, if they are pretty certain it is human, then the SIZE of many bones would indicated if it was an adult or a child.

I've seen my share of skeletal remains, and there is no way that I would feel comfortable making statements about what bone I was looking at and whether it was human or not. Sure, there are a few that are obvious, but there are a whole lot that could be animal or human. That's what the experts are for!
I've seen my share of skeletal remains, and there is no way that I would feel comfortable making statements about what bone I was looking at and whether it was human or not. Sure, there are a few that are obvious, but there are a whole lot that could be animal or human. That's what the experts are for!

Guess I've watched too many crime shows! LOL! Guess they make everything look easy on TV, huh? Oh to live in a world where crimes like this were solved in an hour!
I think with the temperature, rain and the amount of insects and animals we have, that it would not be that unusual to find mostly bone -- if the remains were in the open or in leaf litter and stuff.

In the woods, decomposition is darned quick in NC unless it's winter. Add animals to that, and I can believe a few weeks.


I saw a terrible situation where a bobcat had killed a cat, and large bones of the cat were found in the open, looking like it'd been months! It had been no longer than 3 days :(

I can believe that. I used to live in New York State and saw that a dead baby bird on the ground that had been washed from its nest during the rainstorm the night before. When I got home from work, it was just a skeleton! Ants had cleaned out the whole thing. So with the weather you describe in NC, I can see that happening to a human much faster than we'd think. Dang it, because I so want to know a cause of death.
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