2010.12.10 - Hearing

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Praying for Justice!
Jan 25, 2009
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From Myorangeclerk.com:

12/09/2010 Notice of Hearing 12/10/10 @ 5:00 pm

I wonder what this is about? I wonder if it's related to the request for more investigative hours? What else could it be?
From Myorangeclerk.com:

12/09/2010 Notice of Hearing 12/10/10 @ 5:00 pm

I wonder what this is about? I wonder if it's related to the request for more investigative hours? What else could it be?

I guess evenings and weekends are coming into play just like HHJP promised!:woohoo:
Now we just need to find out which motions will be argued. Friday 5 p.m. works for me!
ooooh I really want this to be aired! Do you think casey is required to be there?
News media?
Hope this hearing is about the childish behavior the defense team has been exhibiting !

I'm due to see HHJP lose his cool over the way they have been conducting themselves.
What motions have been recently submitted that need to be heard ASAP?

1. Jeff Ashton's motion regarding the clarification of Defense Expert Witness Subject matter. Hmm Could be.
2. Baez's motion regarding the granting of a Taphonomy Expert..could be since the Deadline listing Defense Experts passed.
3. Baez's motion asking for additional investigative hours. Hmmm.. I don't think so.
4. Baez's notice regarding In Camera Inspection? Though I do not believe it to be about this.

Any more?
That's what it sounds like to me. I think Judge Perry is going to smack JB upside the head about wasting the courts time... so he scheduled for after court hours... hours JB can waste because they are his hours, and not the courts... so to speak. If I read that right and the motion will be heard @ 5:00pm?
I guess evenings and weekends are coming into play just like HHJP promised!:woohoo:

Hmm, so is this motivation for Baez to post another motion at 4:59pm? Then it can be heard one minute later. Talk about fast and convenient for him, LOL.

I have to say, it TOTALLY cracks me up that there's a hearing at 5pm ON A FRIDAY!!!! I just LOVE HHJP's genius on this one! Ah, nothing like MAKING Baez work afterhours! How's them apples, Baez? Mwahahahaha!

The only thing that sucks is that I'll be in car going home until about 5:25 or so. Oh well, I can catch up later on Websleuths! Y'all are the BEST with hearings, hands down!
Lol! Love it if the e-mails to JA are part of the topic! I just wonder how "out-of-the-ordinary" a 5pm Friday hearing is? AZ? Is it just us or does this seem odd? TIA!
Lol! Love it if the e-mails to JA are part of the topic! I just wonder how "out-of-the-ordinary" a 5pm Friday hearing is? AZ? Is it just us or does this seem odd? TIA!

It seems pretty odd, but there are a couple of explanations other than HHJP being ticked off. For example, maybe the lawyers in this case are up to their eyeballs in depositions right now, and requested this hearing time.
Could this be a time where Baez actually gets in trouble for his dishonest, unethical and horrible behavior?
It seems pretty odd, but there are a couple of explanations other than HHJP being ticked off. For example, maybe the lawyers in this case are up to their eyeballs in depositions right now, and requested this hearing time.

Thanks, AZ! :blowkiss: You are a HUGE asset to us here! I guess we will just have to wait until tomorrow and see what's up. Hopefully, it will be recorded.
Yes, I don't think we should jump to any conclusions. After all JP gave him a couple extensions that I didn't expect him to do so this may be just due to timing on both their parts. Although I wouldn't be disappointed if he put
Biaz in his place as I feel he deserves.
Oh GOODIE!! 5PM on a Friday, HHJP has definitely had a gutfull and is timing this to send a message, I hope we get to see the live smackdown!
Casey Anthony scheduled for Friday court hearing


The motion filed by the state contains an email exchange between Anthony's lead attorney, Jose Baez, and Assistant State Attorney Jeffrey Ashton. It is that exchange which is the apparent source of the controversy.

The hearing is scheduled for 5:00 p.m. Friday. Casey Anthony is expected at the hearing, according to the courthouse.

Motion to be Heard: http://www.cfnews13.com/static/articles/images/documents/Casey-Anthony-Motion-to-compel-1202.pdf
Isn't tomorrow the last working day before 'the anniversary'?
I bet after BP stated he needed to be in trial and he had only 40 minutes for the last hearing and then ended up swearing in interns, he has chosen this time specifically to discourage more of the same abuse of his time and authority. MC must be beside himself working late on a Friday night a few weeks before Christmas. Hahaha!! or should I say HoHoHo!!
Baez better have some ice on standby, he is going to be in a world of pain after this one :)
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