2010.12.15 Dr Jane Bock Report & CV

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Baez did mention an affidavit that would be attached. Perhaps he thinks this is the affidavit?
Dr. Furton was retained 11/21/2008 by Baez.
Baez did mention an affidavit that would be attached. Perhaps he thinks this is the affidavit?

I also noticed in the Response to the Clarification Motion that there is to be a Frye hearing between experts Dr. Boch and Dr. Hall. I guess that Baez is not requesting a Frye hearing for the Oakridge National Laboratory versus Dr. Logan. It would also include Dr. Rodriquez but he is the third Forensic Anthropologist and has not been approved by the court for Taphonomy. jmo
first line of Bock's report, she says she first visited the crime scene on February 1, 1009. She should add "Time Traveller" to her CV.
Dr. Bock's research and writings focus on the plants and ecology of the western U.S. The defense team couldn't find ANYONE whose area of expertise is Florida trees and plants?
Dr. Bock's research and writings focus on the plants and ecology of the western U.S. The defense team couldn't find ANYONE whose area of expertise is Florida trees and plants?

I noticed the exact same thing.
Please Judge, stop the insanity! I sure hope JB finally gets a contempt charge! After watching his last interview after the hearing, I do believe he is upset he has to actually work!
CV = Curriculum Vitae It is kind of a fancy resume, used mainly by folks in a professional position.

It doesn't surprise me that Henry Lee's is 85 pages. He figures he'll drown people. But I do remember that the prosecutor in the Phil Spector case went through it with a fine tooth comb. And, as I recall, never did obtain verificationfrom the school of Lee's classwork leading to his doctorate degree.

Jose Baez and Cheney Mason: If they were the most brilliant lawyers on the face of the earth, they'd have a most difficult time thinking up a defense for this case. And they are NOT the most brilliant layers on the face of the earth.
Did Baez flat out lie to the court when he said that none of his experts had authored reports? :waitasec:

Agree.....he cannot honestly be this stupid :waitasec:

JB definitely feels entitled. It seems he feels he can do and get away with anything, even purjury in open court that no reports had been filed, when clearly one of his "experts", Dr. Bock states her report was filed in Sept. (Pg. 5 of WFTV posted doc's) Any legal eagles who could weigh in on this one-Would a bar complaint actually get him off this case?
I noticed the exact same thing.

Well you know, no one in Florida is to be trusted expert wise, according to Baez. I think he believes the entire state is against him. Wait, it actually is. For once, he's not being paranoid...so does this mean he thinks the entire South is against him? The entire eastern seaboard? I'm thunderstruck he didn't look to his good ol' boy Mason for someone to specialize in the proper ecology for this trial!
CV = Curriculum Vitae It is kind of a fancy resume, used mainly by folks in a professional position.

It doesn't surprise me that Henry Lee's is 85 pages. He figures he'll drown people. But I do remember that the prosecutor in the Phil Spector case went through it with a fine tooth comb. And, as I recall, never did obtain verificationfrom the school of Lee's classwork leading to his doctorate degree.

Jose Baez and Cheney Mason: If they were the most brilliant lawyers on the face of the earth, they'd have a most difficult time thinking up a defense for this case. And they are NOT the most brilliant layers on the face of the earth.

Uh yeah, LDB is ALL OVER THAT and then some. I don't care if Henry Lee's was 8500 pages, LDB would go over every inch and STILL tear him apart at trial! Baez seriously has no idea who he's messing with.
JB's "My experts haven't written any reports" sure seems like a lie to me, given the Sept. date on Bock's report. If I were the Florida Bar, I would take notice. But it seems that my standards are higher than those of the Florida Bar, so I wouldn't suggest holding your breath.
Florida Rules of Criminal Procedure 3.220 (I) (n.)

Page 103: http://www.floridabar.org/TFB/TFBResources.nsf/Attachments/BDFE1551AD291A3F85256B29004BF892/$FILE/Criminal.pdf?OpenElement
(n) Sanctions.
(1) If, at any time during the course of the proceedings, it is brought to the attention of the court that a party has failed to comply with an applicable discovery rule or with an order issued pursuant to an applicable discov-ery rule, the court may order the party to comply with the discovery or inspection of materials not previously disclosed or produced, grant a continuance, grant a mistrial, prohibit the party from calling a witness not dis-closed or introducing in evidence the material not disclosed, or enter such other order as it deems just under the circumstances.

(2) Willful violation by counsel or a party not represented by counsel of an applicable discovery rule, or an order issued pursuant thereto, shall subject counsel or the unrepresented party to appropriate sanctions by the court. The sanctions may include, but are not limited to, contempt proceedings against the attorney or unrepre-sented party, as well as the assessment of costs incurred by the opposing party, when appropriate.

(3) Every request for discovery or response or objection, including a notice of deposition made by a party represented by an attorney, shall be signed by at least 1 attorney of record in the attorney’s individual name, whose address shall be stated. A party who is not represented by an attorney shall sign the request, response, or objection and list his or her address. The signature of the attorney or party constitutes a certification that the signer has read the request, response, or objection and that to the best of the signer’s knowledge, information, or belief formed after a reasonable inquiry it is:

(A) consistent with these rules and warranted by existing law or a good faith argument for the extension, modification, or reversal of existing law;

(B) not interposed for any improper purpose, such as to harass or to cause unnecessary delay or needless increase in the cost of litigation; and

(C) not unreasonable or unduly burdensome or expensive, given the needs of the case and the importance of the issues at stake in the litigation.
If a request, response, or objection is not signed, it shall be stricken unless it is signed promptly after the omission is called to the attention of the party making the request, response, or objection, and a party shall not be obligated to take any action with respect to it until it is signed.
If a certification is made in violation of this rule, the court, on motion or on its own initiative, shall impose on the person who made the certification, the firm or agency with which the person is affiliated, the party on whose behalf the request, response, or objection is made, or any or all of the above an appropriate sanction, which may include an order to pay the amount of the reasonable expenses incurred because of the violation, including a reasonable attorney’s fee.​

ETA: I can see violations in these Bar Rules as well:




JB's "My experts haven't written any reports" sure seems like a lie to me, given the Sept. date on Bock's report. If I were the Florida Bar, I would take notice. But it seems that my standards are higher than those of the Florida Bar, so I wouldn't suggest holding your breath.

I keep wondering when they'll decide something is worthy of investigating or questioning.

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