2010.4.16 Pat Brown: The Daily Profiler-Topic of the Day: Ron the Mastermind

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Dodie, I also heard a similar story about TN with her run-in with LE at their office.

On a different note, rc did not get any kind of special deal with his charges either. He got what every other defendent would get when they don't go to trial.

Tommy is the one they nailed to a cross.
Try to imagine what type of person would behead a rodent...

.................I think rc pictures himself as a gangsta and the grand intimidator. In this entire saga, the only one who has stood up to him has been Charles Jones.

bolded by me....I am trying to imagine...EVEN MORE.....HOW HE ...WOULD CATCH..a rat.. YIKES!!!!
According to Tim Miller, Ron told him that he brought Misty along when he put the rat in the mailbox to see how well she could lie to police. It was a test to see if she could be lying to him.

That was about the same time Ron told Miller that he had to keep Misty close until Haleigh is found, and then he'd "blow her teeth out the back of her head", after which he put the gun to his own head as Jr. looked on. :furious: Miller was so moved by all of this that he told Donna Brock they (he and Brock) "might have to save Misty's life".

Those are not the words and actions of an individual who is in control of a situation. Rather it is indicative of paranoia, though perhaps not in the truly clinical sense of the word because his suspicions were not totally unfounded. He had good reason to suspect a double cross(lin). At any rate, it goes a little deeper than Ron merely wanting to ensure that Misty would lie for him. Misty lying to him was the greater concern.

According to Tim Miller, Ron told him that he brought Misty along when he put the rat in the mailbox to see how well she could lie to police. It was a test to see if she could be lying to him.

That was about the same time Ron told Miller that he had to keep Misty close until Haleigh is found, and then he'd "blow her teeth out the back of her head", after which he put the gun to his own head as Jr. looked on. :furious: Miller was so moved by all of this that he told Donna Brock they (he and Brock) "might have to save Misty's life".

Those are not the words and actions of an individual who is in control of a situation. Rather it is indicative of paranoia, though perhaps not in the truly clinical sense of the word because his suspicions were not totally unfounded. He had good reason to suspect a double cross(lin). At any rate, it goes a little deeper than Ron merely wanting to ensure that Misty would lie for him. Misty lying to him was the greater concern.

BBM - At any rate, it goes a little deeper than Ron merely wanting to ensure that Misty would lie for him. Misty not lying for him was the greater concern. IMO
Ron's family is not very likable. Teresa Neves is a scam artist always trying to make a quick buck and is always involved in some sort of litigation, while Ron has a long arrest record.

Whether or not LE thinks Ron is or is not involved, I don't know. But they can't stand him.

My sources tell me when Ron was arrested over that fight with Tommy, they had him chained to the table in the interrogation room and one of them came over to him and screamed at him that he never cared about his daughter and left the room.

Well I think a lot of the families in this entire saga aren't likable but I sure hope that doesn't make LE have tunnel vision or is their criteria for finding the real suspect who harmed Haleigh.

I am not surprised that LE yelled anything to anyone when they are interrogating them. LE is not there to hold hands but to ruffle the person's feathers, imo. If he was arrested on an arrest warrant.... then why wasnt he charged? Don't you have to charge someone with a crime when they are arrested?

Levi, I'm fully aware of that... however when he told TM and MN the story it was to imply he wanted to know how well she could lie so he could see IF she had been lying to him about what had happened to Haleigh.. Ronald Cummings has been playing this kind of underhanded, diabolical two faced game with LE and everyone he has come in contact with concerning Haleigh's disappearance since day one...I'm certain there are too too many on the list to even attempt to name them all...but Cobra, TM and MN come to mind for starters.. His momma has done the same..JMHO

RON IS RESPONSIBLE, ONE WAY OR ANOTHER. My opinion only:banghead:
Try to imagine what type of person would behead a rodent...

.................I think rc pictures himself as a gangsta and the grand intimidator. In this entire saga, the only one who has stood up to him has been Charles Jones.
No kidding! Before you can behead it, you have to find and catch one. Can you imagine? :sick:

ETA: I just noticed Justus4all posted the same comment downthread. I'll leave my post stand, though. Beside the gross factor, there is a big point to this scenario that bears repeating.
According to Tim Miller, Ron told him that he brought Misty along when he put the rat in the mailbox to see how well she could lie to police. It was a test to see if she could be lying to him.

That was about the same time Ron told Miller that he had to keep Misty close until Haleigh is found, and then he'd "blow her teeth out the back of her head", after which he put the gun to his own head as Jr. looked on. :furious: Miller was so moved by all of this that he told Donna Brock they (he and Brock) "might have to save Misty's life".

Those are not the words and actions of an individual who is in control of a situation. Rather it is indicative of paranoia, though perhaps not in the truly clinical sense of the word because his suspicions were not totally unfounded. He had good reason to suspect a double cross(lin). At any rate, it goes a little deeper than Ron merely wanting to ensure that Misty would lie for him. Misty lying to him was the greater concern.

I don't think this is "paranoia". I believe everything he does is "manipulative". He has the same thing that Charles Manson has:
I don't think this is "paranoia". I believe everything he does is "manipulative". He has the same thing that Charles Manson has:
Oh, he's mean, all right. Manipulative, too. But that doesn't preclue paranoia in certain situations. There is a possibility that in August of last year, the tables were turning on Ron.
this is what I think about Ron's actions...if an intelligent, semi civilized person got into a jam like this, he might think about playing these 2 faced lie games...but he wouldn't. #1.it's really childish & he'd fear getting caught. #2. being semi civilized, he wouldn't have the nerve, to go there, & cross that societal line. We're taught from a very early age, to not lie, to not hurt other people, etc..., so that's how we conduct ourselves, & that's how we expect others to behave. When they don't, it's hard to detect, because we're so programmed to not expect people to behave that way. But some people, like Ron & his mother, do have the nerve to go there, & have no problem, crossing that line.

I agree about Ron and his mother "going there." I think RC is a self-centered egotistical individual, therefore he would never think he could be caught. Looks like so far, he is right.:banghead::sick:
I don't think this is "paranoia". I believe everything he does is "manipulative". He has the same thing that Charles Manson has:

IMHO.. It's more than just him being mean.. I've looked at the expression in his eyes and I see something far more sinister than plain ole mean..JMHO..
Try to imagine what type of person would behead a rodent...

.................I think rc pictures himself as a gangsta and the grand intimidator. In this entire saga, the only one who has stood up to him has been Charles Jones.

This brings to mind: Larry, Darrell and Darrell on Newhart. Only they would eat it. UGHHH
BBM - At any rate, it goes a little deeper than Ron merely wanting to ensure that Misty would lie for him. Misty not lying for him was the greater concern. IMO
Ratgate and the incident with the gun to his head took place in August. By then, Misty had been lying to LE for six months. There was no reason for Ron to think she'd suddenly 'fess up and start telling the truth to the police.
Ronald Cummings told both Tim Miller and Mark Nejame he put the rat in the mailbox..
His reasoning was to see how good Misty could lie to LE... This guy is a piece of work..
IIRC John Merchant investigated the case... Wonder IF thats WHY nothing was done to Ronald Cummings....IMHO.. Ron C hasn't done anything but feed everyone alot of BS from the beginning...JMHOOTS.

Ron tells Tim Miller he did it to test Misty's lying ability right before TN called Tim Miller in to test Misty.......okay.
Ratgate and the incident with the gun to his head took place in August. By then, Misty had been lying to LE for six months. There was no reason for Ron to think she'd suddenly 'fess up and start telling the truth to the police.

August...right before TN called Tim Miller in because Misty was "ready to crack", refusing to be in the same room as Ron and going outside to talk on the phone.
Finally, Ronald's involvement in Haleigh Cummings death becomes clear and we have Misty, Tommy, and the cinder blocks in the river to thank for it.

Found out why she thinks Ron is the mastermind here


Pat believes HaLeigh died in the MH & Ron engineered the staged abduction.

I found AT LEAST one problem with this synopsis.
If Haleigh had died while Ron was at work and Misty called him to tell him, there is not a chance that he would take the blame or master mind a cover up. If she died on Mistys watch, he would have not done anything but what he did. why would he? don't make any sense whatsoever?
Wouldn't someone have reported it ........missing.....or better yet........stolen....

You're right...if they didn't like or know ron, they would have reported their pet missing.

Could have been his own or jr's..I can't see him out catching one though. This rat came from somebody's cage, I bet.

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