2010.4.19 AH Reports yellow rope found

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Wasn't Ron to have been working for his Aunt Katrina's tree trimming biz right around the time Haleigh disappeared? They use rope too... jmo. Oh heck, let's face it, I don't do any of those things and I have some in the trunk of my car. It's commmmmmmmon.

As far as cinder blocks and rope go-- how easy would it be, even months later, to drop this kind of evidence into a selected section of water (read: near the Croslin's home turf) to underscore the Overstreet connection, and further implicate Joe?
A yellow rope at the bottom of a popularly fished/recreated waterway is pretty lousy circumstantial evidence, imo. Add to that the source of the "tip"... well, thanks for your effort, Art.

Yep....cause I just pulled a new pack of that stuff out of my cabinet the other day. My husband now has it in his car to mark some trees with at our farm for the tree spade guy to move for us. Just about everyone who ever owned a boat or needed 'waterproof' rope for any other reason probably has some of that kind of yellow rope around somewhere.

I have yellow rope around here. I never even bought it and can't tell you for sure why I have it.

I'm thinking that unless there is something quite unique about it, like the duct tape in Caylee's case, this would only be "back up" evidence. And because they are in a small town and they bought it locally, probably everyone around there has the same kind of rope.

In summary, the rope may not have a lot of value evidence-wise. I hope I'm wrong. I want swift justice for Haleigh.
Also, I think I had heard before that some family member had a four wheeler. Rope is always on hand in case they need pulled out of deep mud during four-wheeling!

Yes, there have been several dozen reports of RON using and riding and possibly owning, and also reportedly STEALING a four wheeler in the past year. I would have to put all of them in the rumor category, although there may have been a picture or two posted early on in the case. It's too hard to remember right now.

UGH! this case makes me wanna get sick to my stomach. I hope Haleigh was dead when they threw her in the lake. I can't imagine being eaten alive by something.

my heart bleeds for Crystal & Ron (I hope he had nothing to do with this)

Whoever did this to Haleigh is NOT human.
Was this JUST found? If it is linked to rope that killed her, I cannot understand why Tommy C would not have gotten rid of the rope before now. How many people are going to leave a murder weapon laying around for a year?

Many times criminals are caught due to their own stupidity.

I actually think that the rope isn't a murder weapon. I think Haleigh was dead before they tied the cinder blocks with the rope attached to her body and used the rope and blocks to weigh her body down so that she wouldnt rise.

Unless made consecutively by the same manufacturer, no 2 of anything are exactly the same. IE, rope, tape, bags, etc
I'm guessing it's not the exact piece of rope he is claiming may be the murder weapon? It's not unusual for people to have yellow nylon rope in/around their homes.

It may be like the duct tape in the Anthony case. Perhaps they can establish that the rope is from the same manufacturer or lot. This case won't turn on one piece of evidence; it will turn on the cinder blocks, the rope, any remains that have been found, and the testimony of whomever is doing the deal with LE. They no doubt also have the tapes of the various Croslins talking to grandma and who know who else. At this point, it's clear that one of these people is talking, telling enough of the truth to get LE into the river.
Unless made consecutively by the same manufacturer, no 2 of anything are exactly the same. IE, rope, tape, bags, etc

But wouldn't the probability of the same manufacturer selling all the rope in town hinder this evidence?

I'm in a small town and we have one place where we can buy rope. They could have gone to Jacksonville, of course.

ARGH! Just more to wonder about. I want a doc dump! :banghead:
I really think these types of rope are almost as uniquely identified as duct tape when it comes to manufacturer, thread counts, color/dye characteristics, composition, etc.
They said they found two cinder blocks in the river right? Could one of them have had a rope tied to it (?), then finding the rope at the home...much like matching duct tape, I would imagine the characteristics of rope could be compared and vary down to specifics much like duct tape can. Perhaps they had various lengths of the same type of rope and they will match something from the river.

Did any of this family work in construction...I guess "work" being key word here for this family...in anything that would necessitate the use of rope like that? You see it on many contractors trucks, electrical, roofers, tree trimmers, etc. (career doctor shoppers? heh.)

There are experts in this field that testify in court. It is unbelievable what they can do with a rope if they found another piece of rope to make a comparison test. Just think how many millions of plastic garbage bags are sold yearly in this country but these experts can analyze a bag from a crime scene and trace it back to the manufacture, when it was made and what batch it came from and where it was sold. The same can be done with rope or duct tape.

Also the two concrete blocks can be analyzed by experts in this field and if they have the one taken from the door of Haleigh's home that was propping the back door open they can match them also. No concrete blocks are made exactly the same way with the same exact same mixture unless it came from a particular precast batch made. The next batch made will be slightly different. They can even trace it back to which concrete company made the blocks and when. Since they lived in a MH it is very common for concrete blocks to be found on the property. Concrete blocks are used when the home is set up on its foundation and are also used when setting up out sheds in place.

In the trial of Don Morengello who murdered his wife the experts match up the concrete blocks found weighing her body down in the bay to the concrete blocks he had on his own property. The mixture/size of both blocks were exactly the same in everyway. He got LWOP.

Hoping if it's the same piece of rope, they can and will match it.

I'm hoping this was a long rope where these [unusual people] cut it to use on HaLeigh...and hopefully they can match up the ends..

No one is the brightest bulb in that family or circle of friends. Hoping it does incriminate ToC and he opens up more...JMHO
But wouldn't the probability of the same manufacturer selling all the rope in town hinder this evidence?

I'm in a small town and we have one place where we can buy rope. They could have gone to Jacksonville, of course.

ARGH! Just more to wonder about. I want a doc dump! :banghead:

you may be right and the commonality of the rope in the area combined with likelyhood that one or two small vendors sell the rope to areas occupants may mean it would not be very useful evidentiarily. I for one, am hopeful that perhaps it has some sort of distinguishing traits that may make any rope that was found more identifiable as belonging to someone specific.

Another thought: Rope is very fibrous, even nylon, and is often a good place to find errant DNA hair and other fibers caught within the fiber of the rope. Even after being in water it could be possible that it harbours hidden trace evidence. If such a yellow rope even exists and LE indeed found it.

(I take everything from AH with even more liberal serving of salt than I do from NG)
Did any of this family work in construction...I guess "work" being key word here for this family...in anything that would necessitate the use of rope like that? You see it on many contractors trucks, electrical, roofers, tree trimmers, etc. (career doctor shoppers? heh.)

We don't fit into any of the above categories, we have that kind of yellow rope that we use for our fishing boat.
Come on Tommy, lets take this girl and kill her.

Well Joe let's throw her in the river.

Ok Tommy I will grab a cinder block out behind the trailer in the dark, you know those blocks even Ron and Misty don't know about.

Ok Joe, let's swing by my house on the way to the river and I will get some of that yellow rope I tied the door shut with.
you may be right and the commonality of the rope in the area combined with likelyhood that one or two small vendors sell the rope to areas occupants may mean it would not be very useful evidentiarily. I for one, am hopeful that perhaps it has some sort of distinguishing traits that may make any rope that was found more identifiable as belonging to someone specific.

Another thought: Rope is very fibrous, even nylon, and is often a good place to find errant DNA hair and other fibers caught within the fiber of the rope. Even after being in water it could be possible that it harbours hidden trace evidence. If such a yellow rope even exists and LE indeed found it.

(I take everything from AH with even more liberal serving of salt than I do from NG)

I actually think if they found two cinder blocks that will be more revealing evidence than the rope found. If the composite mixture is the same as the one used to prop the door open where Haleigh went missing from then that will be powerful evidence.

If rope that matches this rope was also found in Tommy's home then that is just more powerful circumstantial evidence that will be hard for the defense attorney to rationalize away as just a mere coincidence. Jurors tend to scowl on things being mere coincidences in a murder case imo.

Pardon me, I get so confused - isnt "Hank Jr" TIMMY? IF they (ToC and/or JO) did take his van, and Timmy helped Sr. in the drywall business, it could have simply been in the van - or in there for any reason, since it does seem to be such a common thing we ALL have lying around the house/car/boat. Matching it would just be key.
So if the yellow rope matches rope found at Tommy's house, so what? If it's tied to cinder blocks, so what? I don't see how this proves that Haleigh was thrown off that dock. It's not that I don't believe it, I just don't know how it PROVES it in a court of law. They've got to find something that ties Haleigh into this site IMO.

In the Caylee Anthony case, they found the same duct tape on Caylee's mouth. They tied the duct tape from the home to the crime scene.

I'm just beyond frustrated in this case. :banghead:
If, a yellow rope and cinder blocks were used I just don't see how they could possibly link anyone to the crime using this evidence.
I understand each rope and each cinderblock are different, but since its been one family member pointing at the next this whole time im sure this will continue.. example, Misty says the rope is tommys, Tommy says this rope was Rons, Timmy says Joe bought the rope to go crabbing while he was here and he believes the rope is Joes..
Its not uncommon for anyone living around water to have yellow rope imo. My husband has some in the back of our van from going to Galveston to go crabbin. Shoot my father in law has some in the back of his truck from pulling a 4 wheeler.
Im willing to bet that most of the players do have yellow rope in thier homes, they have mentioned they fish and hang out at the lake etc.

As far as the cinder block, I live in a mobile home community and there are cinder blocks here there and everywhere. The other day I went around and looked at quite a few and to my surprise they were all different in some way. But when I looked under a mobile home they just moved in about 2 weeks ago I noticed a lot of the cinder blocks under the trailer didn't match either, and underneath our central air outside there are 6 cinder blocks and only 2 of them look alike.
So I really feel like the cinder blocks would be a dead end unless maybe if the one holding the door open had the same break pattern as one they found in the lake.
i dunno, just rambling.

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