2011.01.04 Defense Motion to Suppress Casey's Statements to LE

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Just when I thought I wasn't a bad looking 47 I find out people are gonna think I'm an old looking 35 year old.......:waitasec:
For anyone's information:

Ann Finnell's work along with another defense lawyer is memorialized in a documentary called "Murder on a Sunday Morning". It is an outstanding documentary and the lawyer for the defense (his name escapes me) is fantastic. So if you get a chance, it is mezmerizing and I was glued. Did not expect to be but it was one of those times where the Justice System works - and watching the lawyer question the detectives is worth it - just to see them confronted. Highly recommend it.

This film won the academy award for best documentary that year. And I am going to brag just a wee bit. I had the opportunity to meet and have dinner with both the director Jean de Lestrade and Denis (I can not remember his last name) who filmed the documentary about 10 years ago, shortly before they won their award. Very interesting conversations that night and I was impressed by both of them.
Hey, I resemble that remark. 67 is not that old. He looks like 67, trust me. People are taking better care of themselves today so 67 is the new 57. lol For those of you who are 40ish now, take care of yourselves and attend to your health problems and when you get here....67 will be the new 47. lol

I am stunned. 67 ! I thought he was mid 70's at least. He certainly acts much older than his age.
Hey, I resemble that remark. 67 is not that old. He looks like 67, trust me. People are taking better care of themselves today so 67 is the new 57. lol For those of you who are 40ish now, take care of yourselves and attend to your health problems and when you get here....67 will be the new 47. lol

I didn't mean to imply that 67 was "that old". I'm certainly glad to hear it's not. But I had guessed him at nearer my own age, (vastly younger) at 62.

What a difference 5 years makes! I can still remember my own name and what I had for breakfast...or was that yesterday...?
I am stunned. 67 ! I thought he was mid 70's at least. He certainly acts much older than his age.

Yeah, I think he thinks he has a clever "act". You know, like Columbo, who acts dumb and bumbling just to get the bad guys to let down their defenses so he can get under their guard and nail them. Mason portrays himself, at least in court, as this affable, elderly, impaired but endearing, and completely innocuous "old guy" who's doing the best he can under his aging circumstances. Shucks.

I guess we should cut him a break and not ask too much of him, after all he's so cutely self-effacing. How could anyone not let him get away with whatever he wants?

Get real, Mason. We've got your number.
Try and think back to the day you first heard the reports of a "2-year-old toddler missing for 31 days before mother reports her missing." Remember how horrified you were? Remember your first, knee-jerk, reaction? I do. My first reaction was that this mother killed her child.

I didn't need any forensic evidence. I didn't need to know all the finer details. All I know is that a mother doesn't wait 31 days to report her child missing unless something horrible happened and the mother was/is responsible.

This was before the "smell in the car." It was before learning that Casey wasn't really the one who reported Caylee missing. Before the lies. Before the partying. Before the computer searches. Before the computer images. Before the squirrels, etc.... I could go on and on.

The 31 days are in. The fact that Casey, in the 911 call, tells the dispatcher that she was actively searching for Caylee in those 31 days gives the SA an opportunity to prove that Casey was NOT actively search for Caylee. I can literally tell you, that according to Casey's written statement, that in her own writing, she admits to actively searching a maximum of 25 minutes for Caylee on the day she claims she was taken. 25 MINUTES before she is seen at Blockbuster with Tony renting movies about kidnapping/murder. I did this by using MapQuest and her accounts of what happened that day.

The fact that Casey names the person responsible for taking Caylee in the 911 call... the SA has the opportunity to prove to the jury that Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez never existed. They will also be able to prove that Casey did NOT receive a call from Caylee earlier that day!

I am 100% convinced that Casey will be convicted of Caylee's murder. There is just way too much evidence against her. Circumstancial or not... it's a lot of evidence that points to no one but Casey. Nothing that has come out in the past 2, almost 3 years since this case started has ever made me question anyone other than Casey. I do not believe she had help. I do not believe that Casey is covering for someone else. She is, alone, responsible for Caylee's death and will either be sentenced to death or LWOP for her actions.

I can't wait until May!
For anyone's information:

Ann Finnell's work along with another defense lawyer is memorialized in a documentary called "Murder on a Sunday Morning". It is an outstanding documentary and the lawyer for the defense (his name escapes me) is fantastic. So if you get a chance, it is mezmerizing and I was glued. Did not expect to be but it was one of those times where the Justice System works - and watching the lawyer question the detectives is worth it - just to see them confronted. Highly recommend it.

I dunno about that. All they did was release a criminal to commit more crimes. This guy was arrested close to where I live for some pretty serious stuff. I wasn't convinced by Finnell and her co counsel whatsoever.
I am stunned. 67 ! I thought he was mid 70's at least. He certainly acts much older than his age.

My guess.....it's an act. Disneyitis, epidemic proportions I understand in that area.
Try and think back to the day you first heard the reports of a "2-year-old toddler missing for 31 days before mother reports her missing." Remember how horrified you were? Remember your first, knee-jerk, reaction? I do. My first reaction was that this mother killed her child.

I didn't need any forensic evidence. I didn't need to know all the finer details. All I know is that a mother doesn't wait 31 days to report her child missing unless something horrible happened and the mother was/is responsible.

This was before the "smell in the car." It was before learning that Casey wasn't really the one who reported Caylee missing. Before the lies. Before the partying. Before the computer searches. Before the computer images. Before the squirrels, etc.... I could go on and on.

The 31 days are in. The fact that Casey, in the 911 call, tells the dispatcher that she was actively searching for Caylee in those 31 days gives the SA an opportunity to prove that Casey was NOT actively search for Caylee. I can literally tell you, that according to Casey's written statement, that in her own writing, she admits to actively searching a maximum of 25 minutes for Caylee on the day she claims she was taken. 25 MINUTES before she is seen at Blockbuster with Tony renting movies about kidnapping/murder. I did this by using MapQuest and her accounts of what happened that day.

The fact that Casey names the person responsible for taking Caylee in the 911 call... the SA has the opportunity to prove to the jury that Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez never existed. They will also be able to prove that Casey did NOT receive a call from Caylee earlier that day!

I am 100% convinced that Casey will be convicted of Caylee's murder. There is just way too much evidence against her. Circumstancial or not... it's a lot of evidence that points to no one but Casey. Nothing that has come out in the past 2, almost 3 years since this case started has ever made me question anyone other than Casey. I do not believe she had help. I do not believe that Casey is covering for someone else. She is, alone, responsible for Caylee's death and will either be sentenced to death or LWOP for her actions.

I can't wait until May!

me either...lets not forget the hairs in the car/ the "death band" hairs that belongs to an "anthony" female... iirc scott peterson was convicted on mainly circumstancial evidence. ( maybe a hair in the pliers that was laci's, the missing anchors) but hello, we have the smelly car no one but ICA herself had, the 31 day wait, the reciepts of her amy-funding spree, NOT ONE PURCHASE FOR TODDLER, LOTS OF BEER, CLOTHES FOR HER,ECT. NOTHING THAT CAYLEE WOULD NEED! and yes the hairs w/ the decomp "death band" on it..imo, very telling indeed. come on may, you cant get here fast enough!
I am stunned. 67 ! I thought he was mid 70's at least. He certainly acts much older than his age.

Okay, wait a darn minute. CM is only two years older than my dad? That can't be right. My dad can hear, and talk, and has way more class and dignity. Wow, CM is a baby boomer and he's insulting the entire baby boomer generation. Geesh. He acts like a 90 year old and my husband's two grandmother's (one 89 and one 95 that wears hearing aids to boot) have more class and can hear and talk way better than he can!

CM, your old man act is totally exposed! No wonder HHJP looks at you in court the way he does! Dang, man, act your actual age!
Hey, I resemble that remark. 67 is not that old. He looks like 67, trust me. People are taking better care of themselves today so 67 is the new 57. lol For those of you who are 40ish now, take care of yourselves and attend to your health problems and when you get here....67 will be the new 47. lol

Thanks LambChop. I agree.

But I think he looks much older than 67.
I dunno about that. All they did was release a criminal to commit more crimes. This guy was arrested close to where I live for some pretty serious stuff. I wasn't convinced by Finnell and her co counsel whatsoever.
The other side of the coin is, imo, is: the prosecution failed miserably, which resulted in a criminal being released to commit more crimes.
Try and think back to the day you first heard the reports of a "2-year-old toddler missing for 31 days before mother reports her missing." Remember how horrified you were? Remember your first, knee-jerk, reaction? I do. My first reaction was that this mother killed her child.

I didn't need any forensic evidence. I didn't need to know all the finer details. All I know is that a mother doesn't wait 31 days to report her child missing unless something horrible happened and the mother was/is responsible.

This was before the "smell in the car." It was before learning that Casey wasn't really the one who reported Caylee missing. Before the lies. Before the partying. Before the computer searches. Before the computer images. Before the squirrels, etc.... I could go on and on.

The 31 days are in. The fact that Casey, in the 911 call, tells the dispatcher that she was actively searching for Caylee in those 31 days gives the SA an opportunity to prove that Casey was NOT actively search for Caylee. I can literally tell you, that according to Casey's written statement, that in her own writing, she admits to actively searching a maximum of 25 minutes for Caylee on the day she claims she was taken. 25 MINUTES before she is seen at Blockbuster with Tony renting movies about kidnapping/murder. I did this by using MapQuest and her accounts of what happened that day.

The fact that Casey names the person responsible for taking Caylee in the 911 call... the SA has the opportunity to prove to the jury that Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez never existed. They will also be able to prove that Casey did NOT receive a call from Caylee earlier that day!

I am 100% convinced that Casey will be convicted of Caylee's murder. There is just way too much evidence against her. Circumstancial or not... it's a lot of evidence that points to no one but Casey. Nothing that has come out in the past 2, almost 3 years since this case started has ever made me question anyone other than Casey. I do not believe she had help. I do not believe that Casey is covering for someone else. She is, alone, responsible for Caylee's death and will either be sentenced to death or LWOP for her actions.

I can't wait until May!

ITA, with every word...I just hope a jury has that same common sense for the most incriminating evidence is those 31 days...followed closely by the hair with the death band and the human decomp event in the trunk of the Pontiac...and the very little concern this prisoner had...I too am convinced ICA will be found guilty of the murder of Caylee. I'm also convinced she will get LWOP and not the DP...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
page 1
Incident report:
Acevedo 07/15/2008
On 07/15/08 I arrived at 4937 Hopespnng Drive In reference to a stolen vehicle (which was later changed Into a kidnapping). Upon my arrival, Cpl R, Fletcher (EID 2179) was already on scene. Cpl Fletcher advised that a child, by the name of Caylee Anthony, was missing for approximately 30 days.

DIS R. Eberlin (EID 5908) arrived on scene shortly thereafter. I assisted with taking statements from the family members at the residence listed above. During the investigation, Casey Anthony (parent) advised she left Caylee with a babysitter named Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez. Ms. Anthony verbally stated she did not call the police (and had not planned to), since she was attempting to conduct her own investigation. Ms. Anthony advised she left her daughter at an apartment complex with Ms. Fernandez-Gonzalez, but did not know the exact numerical of the apartment. Ms. Anthony stated she could physically show us the complex.

Ms. Anthony entered (voluntarily) my marked patrol vehicle to show us the apartment complex where Caylee was last seen. She provided me exact directions on how to get to the address. Ms. Anthony directed me to enter into an apartment complex located off Conway Road (on the eastside of the roadway). The name of the complex is Sawgrass Apartments. The physical address is 2863 S. Conway Road. Upon entering the complex, Ms. Anthony indicated (by pointing) to apartment #210. She verbally stated she is 100% certain that is Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez's apartment (where she last saw her daughter). Ms. Anthony did not speak much while in my patrol vehicle. After showing the apartment, I immediately transported Ms. Anthony to her residence. Cpl. Fletcher stayed behind at the apartment complex to contact management.
See original report for further details.

(TY BeanE for the link)
Another point I wanted to make yesterday about the either purposeful or inadvertent inaccuracies in both JB's and Mason's motions and pleadings.

In my job I have a lot of responsibilities. Not a single motion or pleading leaves my hands and into a Court's docket without being fully accurate.

When I get a motion that's ready for filing I ensure that not only all the law cited is still good law but that it's also cited correctly according to blue book standard. If any case law is exactly quoted I go line by line to ensure the quote is exactly the same as the case law (including commas and periods). I also source check EVERY single fact in the brief or pleading. If someone has referenced a docket number of a previously filed document I ensure that it's the correct document and docket number. Or if a date is indicated I ensure that the date is accurate. I also ensure that all exhibits are correct and appropriately cited.

I also make sure the proof of service indicates all parties and their correct information. I make sure all margins are correct and the document falls in line with the appropriate local and federal rules.

I do this all on EVERY filing I have. Every single one. Because my job is to make my firm look good. My firm ensures that our clients are getting the best possible work product possible. And that's exactly what they get.

Typically, a judge's law clerk is one to do the background work for a judge when they receive a filing. And nothing pisses a Judge off more than being given wrong pinpoints, wrong exhibits, and inaccurate factual information. And why JB and company continue to do all of the above is BEYOND me.

So, the blame on JB and CM's filings does not entirely rest on their heads (although most of the blame goes to them since it's their name and bar number on the filed document) So one of two things is going on-

1- Either JB and CM are well aware that their facts are not accurate and they are intentionally misleading the Court, or

2- The rest of their team who work with them aren't doing their jobs.

And in my opinion, either one is a unacceptable excuse to mislead a Court.

But that's just my opinion. :)
After going back through some material from day 31 onward, I'll be surprised if the defense gets this motion granted. But then again, I still don't understand how the defense didn't get the tape JJ made, with everyone on the tape waiving their objection to being taped. I wish they would hurry up and rule on it, the suspense is killing me on this one, lol.
So, the blame on JB and CM's filings does not entirely rest on their heads (although most of the blame goes to them since it's their name and bar number on the filed document) So one of two things is going on-

1- Either JB and CM are well aware that their facts are not accurate and they are intentionally misleading the Court, or

2- The rest of their team who work with them aren't doing their jobs.

And in my opinion, either one is a unacceptable excuse to mislead a Court.

But that's just my opinion. :)

I completely agree, JSR, but I would say it's most likely a combination of both 1 and 2.

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