2011.01.04 Defense Motion to Suppress Casey's Statements to LE

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After going back through some material from day 31 onward, I'll be surprised if the defense gets this motion granted. But then again, I still don't understand how the defense didn't get the tape JJ made, with everyone on the tape waiving their objection to being taped. I wish they would hurry up and rule on it, the suspense is killing me on this one, lol.

I thought J Perry did rule on the JJ tape. I think it is forever sealed. Even though none of the involved parties complained about being secretly recorded. it would still be a felony for the State to disseminate the tape. IIRC Judge Perry agreed with the prosecution that Mort Smith could testify as to his conversations with J Jordan and his lawyer.
So I just read through this entire thread and I just have one question. Is JB's motion based entirely on what KC texted TL on her phone Her words?
So I just read through this entire thread and I just have one question. Is JB's motion based entirely on what KC texted TL on her phone Her words?

That's the funny part, we have no idea what this motion is based on. All I could conclude is yes, nothing but ICA's words. :banghead:
Thanks BeanE:)
[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4589485&postcount=24"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Events Post-911 Calls 7/15 to Arrest 7/16[/ame]

This post is Lee's account of June 15/16.

I agree as far as I can tell, the motion is based on Casey's text and/or what she told her lawyer/s:juggle:.
thanks to Flitterfuzz @ IS for the memory jolt. This bit Baez gives at the begining of this clip. He pretty much refutes the recent motion to exclude Casey's statements. He never eludes to anything having to do with her being held and not free to leave.

thanks to Flitterfuzz @ IS for the memory jolt. This bit Baez gives at the begining of this clip. He pretty much refutes the recent motion to exclude Casey's statements. He never eludes to anything having to do with her being held and not free to leave.


How insulting she is, she prefaces a statement to Greta with 'before you ask me any stupid questions' and then diverts away from any substantive questions such as "Did you look your daughter in the eye and ask her Where is Caylee?' by saying "If you want me to collapse on the studio floor so you can have some sensationalism I'll do that" then continues to insult Greta at every opportunity, in case she should be confronted with a difficult question..
thanks to Flitterfuzz @ IS for the memory jolt. This bit Baez gives at the begining of this clip. He pretty much refutes the recent motion to exclude Casey's statements. He never eludes to anything having to do with her being held and not free to leave.


OMG. WOW. Cindy is really something else...

I agree, Marshmallow, Baez states at the beginning of this clip Casey was co-operating with police and he clearly states she didn't 'lawyer up' until after she was arrested, just like 'anyone else in America would do.'

It may be petty, but it does my heart good to know Baez's statements to the press can possibly be used against him. :great:
thanks to Flitterfuzz @ IS for the memory jolt. This bit Baez gives at the begining of this clip. He pretty much refutes the recent motion to exclude Casey's statements. He never eludes to anything having to do with her being held and not free to leave.


What struck me most about this video was what Cindy said. ME,ME,ME ! I've had no sleep.Be gentle with ME .I'm losing strength, What about what Caylee might have been going through if she had ,indeed,been kidnapped? :furious:
Never,ever do I recall family members of a missing child whine so much about what they are going through ,unless the interviewer specifically asked.Even then it's usually "I'm holding up"or "I'm hanging in there".
Sorry if this is OT,but between the defense team and the family the people,themselves are so odd.:waitasec:
OMG. WOW. Cindy is really something else...

I agree, Marshmallow, Baez states at the beginning of this clip Casey was co-operating with police and he clearly states she didn't 'lawyer up' until after she was arrested, just like 'anyone else in America would do.'

It may be petty, but it does my heart good to know Baez's statements to the press can possibly be used against him. :great:

Re the motions to suppress, at the Bond Hearing Baez does an excellent job of showing that Casey NEVER invoked her right to an attorney, piece by piece and Yuri says she WAS NOT a suspect.

In CM's motion, I understand she was handcuffed and taken on a tour. I am assuming he means the Universal Tour. She was never handcuffed here and why he absolutely lies about this is beyond me.

I can see the interview where KC gets emotional and on August 14th being kept out. She had invoked her right and says I shouldn't even be taking this call.

I cannot see the July 16th (early in the morning and the Universal Tour) being kept out. As Baez says she went willingly and never invoked her right to an attorney.

Agreed?? Or no?

Also anyone have this motion, I cannot find it. Thanks again.
What struck me most about this video was what Cindy said. ME,ME,ME ! I've had no sleep.Be gentle with ME .I'm losing strength, What about what Caylee might have been going through if she had ,indeed,been kidnapped? :furious:
Never,ever do I recall family members of a missing child whine so much about what they are going through ,unless the interviewer specifically asked.Even then it's usually "I'm holding up"or "I'm hanging in there".
Sorry if this is OT,but between the defense team and the family the people,themselves are so odd.:waitasec:

After 5 minutes of watching CA I can understand why ICA feels such contempt for her.... St Cindy, patron saint of Martyrs.
What struck me most about this video was what Cindy said. ME,ME,ME ! I've had no sleep.Be gentle with ME .I'm losing strength, What about what Caylee might have been going through if she had ,indeed,been kidnapped? :furious:
Never,ever do I recall family members of a missing child whine so much about what they are going through ,unless the interviewer specifically asked.Even then it's usually "I'm holding up"or "I'm hanging in there".
Sorry if this is OT,but between the defense team and the family the people,themselves are so odd.:waitasec:

Cindy's FBI interview was a prime example of her ME ME ME syndrome. "Well, for me..." , "I'm a person who...", "If it was me..." or "I did/said/thought..." She spent more time answering for herself she did for Casey. It was the most narcissistic display I've ever seen!! I'm sure that agent left the interview thinking, "WTF did I just witness??"
Cindy's FBI interview was a prime example of her ME ME ME syndrome. "Well, for me..." , "I'm a person who...", "If it was me..." or "I did/said/thought..." She spent more time answering for herself she did for Casey. It was the most narcissistic display I've ever seen!! I'm sure that agent left the interview thinking, "WTF did I just witness??"

She really did. And I think that was ALSO a ploy to not go near her daughter because she knew everything she was telling them about KC was a virtual lie.

If anyone could post a link to the Motion to Suppress Statements re Universal, please.
Wowza, I know this is OT for this thread but it is revealed by watching that video how early in this case Cindy knew Casey was lying and how she was in cover-up mode by stating that "this person, whether her name was Zanny or whatever, was part of our normal conversation for the last three years, since before Caylee was born" and that although she never saw Zanny, that she's never seen God either but knows he exists and makes the same statement that Lee subsequently made at the deposition..."I have to believe her" iow, because she's my daughter and I have to have faith...translate to, I will cover up for my daughter even if she killed my grandaughter. Weirdos.
Oh and by the way, excellent job of finding Baez trying to spin Casey's fake lie infested cooperating as her being innocently cooperating with LE and his comment about her not retaining counsel until after she was formally arrested. Hey, that spin worked for him at the time, but now he wants to tell a different story; how she was not cooperating but being unlawfully interrogated while "in custody". Interesting.

Will this video be admissible to impeach Baez at the pre-trial hearing?
Wowza, I know this is OT for this thread but it is revealed by watching that video how early in this case Cindy knew Casey was lying and how she was in cover-up mode by stating that "this person, whether her name was Zanny or whatever, was part of our normal conversation for the last three years, since before Caylee was born" and that although she never saw Zanny, that she's never seen God either but knows he exists and makes the same statement that Lee subsequently made at the deposition..."I have to believe her" iow, because she's my daughter and I have to have faith...translate to, I will cover up for my daughter even if she killed my grandaughter. Weirdos.

She later admits at the Morgan deposition that saying she had known Zanny for three years was a "misstatement".
thanks to Flitterfuzz @ IS for the memory jolt. This bit Baez gives at the begining of this clip. He pretty much refutes the recent motion to exclude Casey's statements. He never eludes to anything having to do with her being held and not free to leave.


CA: "Casey's never been a mentally unstable person. She's never been diagnosed with anything..."

Okay. At the time of that interview, I'll buy that she hadn't been diagnosed with anything. Of course not. That would require visiting a professional psychologist or psychiatrist. Instead, CA choose to exacerbate the problem by continuing to lie and cover for her. It continues to this very day.

What struck me most about this video was what Cindy said. ME,ME,ME ! I've had no sleep.Be gentle with ME .I'm losing strength, What about what Caylee might have been going through if she had ,indeed,been kidnapped? :furious:
Never,ever do I recall family members of a missing child whine so much about what they are going through ,unless the interviewer specifically asked.Even then it's usually "I'm holding up"or "I'm hanging in there".
Sorry if this is OT,but between the defense team and the family the people,themselves are so odd.:waitasec:

"Odd" is such a nice way of describing them. :)

Fascinating to revisit all these old interviews. Crazy as they seemed back then, they take on a whole new life 2 1/2 yrs. later, knowing all we know now. The degree of narcissism is just mind-boggling.
CA: "Casey's never been a mentally unstable person. She's never been diagnosed with anything..."

Okay. At the time of that interview, I'll buy that she hadn't been diagnosed with anything. Of course not. That would require visiting a professional psychologist or psychiatrist. Instead, CA choose to exacerbate the problem by continuing to lie and cover for her. It continues to this very day.

ITA. I love how she threw out there KNOWING Casey never stepped foot in a psychiatrist's or psychologist's office. So who was supposed to diagnose her, Cindy, you? Unbelievable.

Her logic is just unfathomable. It's like when she compared Zanny to God, saying she believe in God even though she can't see God, so the same goes for Zanny. Lord. If anyone is diagnosable, it's you, Cindy.

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