2011.01.04 Defense Motion to Suppress Casey's Statements to LE

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I believe Yuri was at home when he received the call. So he was up all night and worked a regular shift the next day. Does not sound as if he was shirking his duty to me. jmo
If I live to be 100 I will never stop laughing at this quote;
"It is the Courts most fervent hope that this promise was truthful, given the nature of our current budget. On the other hand, the Court fears that this statement may have been merely the product of an active imagination and tight boots"Judge Strickland to Cheney Mason


Danadunes there is another part of the bail bond hearing that folks are asking for , Mrs Drane Burdick questioning Cindy Anthony about the source she would use for bail money. If anyone has that can you post it please. I have tried to no avail to get a comprehensive recording of the entire bail hearing and am not able to find it. TIA


Yes, if anyone can find it please post
i have been, unsuccessfully, trying to find it as well...
All the ones I come up with do not include LDB questioning Cindy, only Baez.
Snipped and BBM
I too just listened to the Universal interview last night, and although AZLawyer points out that the bulk of this interview is a recap of her previous statements, I feel there are important points in the interview that a jury should hear, that weren't in her other statements. I hope this is the one time AZLawyer is wrong (cause she's always right on the money!) and these statements come in. No offense, friend!

I want a jury to hear that she admits she 'purposely mislead them', and other things like John Allen asking her how lying will help them find Caylee and she says, "It doesn't help". She said this numerous times. I want them to hear her laugh about an uncomfortable chair. I want them to hear her repeatedly speak of Caylee in past tense.
In the words of cindy, "this is key".

I think they could have read her Miranda rights, left her uncuffed, and she still would've yapped away. Unfortunately they didn't, so I can see why it wouldn't be allowed in. I heart AZLawyer and her professional input, but just want her to be wrong. Just this once, please lol.

I know, I know. Wishful thinking.

P.S Sorry if my thoughts are disheveled and all over the place. It's too cold at the moment to walk to the store and get my coffee :thud:

Here ya go, friend!

I know, right? It's not like he was sitting at his office playing farmville and face booking like some people we know *coughbaezcough*.

After learning that a child had been "missing" for 31 days without being reported (and not even by casey), Yuri obviously had to do some research on who and what he was dealing with before he went to interview this odious creature.

It's like when cindy and casey had the audacity to ask why an amber alert wasn't issued, then had the nerve to complain to the media that LE wasn't doing their job. :maddening:

And so what if Yuri took a short vacation. There was an entire task force from multiple agencies within OCSO working on this case. I highly doubt he was sitting on the beach drinking a corona. As lead detective, he was probably updated constantly. Not really a vacation if you ask me.

Yes, let's do an Ambert Alert some 30+ days later.
That's the ticket! Yup.imo
Especially since Caylees own family couldn't be bothered to look for her.
Which brings to my mind......why look for something when you already know where "it" is."imo
Why beg kidnappers to bring Caylee back when they already know where she is at.imo
Why be on tv crying, begging and pleading for your grandbaby when you just have to look down the street?
Why not just say she's alive and creamate someone elses child/grandchild?
So many why nots. JMO
Here's Cindy's testimony at the bond hearing on July 22, 2008:


ETA: This is just the first part of her testimony.... still looking for the rest, especially the part when LDB is questioning her.
OK, I came across this statement from quite some time ago by Sierra1947 when she was asked if she had the complete video of when Cindy was on the stand:

What I have is all that is out there. I haven't been able to get the full version of Cindy's testimony. That day there was some issues with the live stream to the TV channels covering it.
Sierra1947 1 year ago

However, I will say that I have seen the full version (in several parts) on video, so I know it was available at one time. I looked to see if I saved it, but I have SO much saved, if I do have it, it would be a miracle if I found it. I will keep looking, though, unless someone has it saved and posts it before then.
Hey all, the full hearing is not available - think wftv dropped the ball on this one :) There are bits and pieces available on youtube - Muzikman and Veilanna both have some of it uploaded. I think Patty put everything together on her channel that she could find. If someone has not already done it by the time I get back I'll put up all the links later today.

I do think wftv or some other news organization does have the full hearing as on some of the 48hours/dateline? shows they show footage on there which is different to what is on youtube. Maybe one of us could make a request to the news stations to put the full hearing online?

I know that if Baez was dealing with an "arrested Anthony who was refused counsel" he would have made an issue of it at the time at that bond hearing., Baez can't have it both ways.

My guess is that one of Mason's apprentice-lawyer-monkeys saw that text msg from Anthony to Tony L about being in handcuffs and went bingo! Not realizing the past history of the bond hearing. All this shows to me is that while Mason might be clueless, Baez and Anthony are lying.
I like to look back at Casey's 1st and 2nd bond hearings and listen to what 2 separate Judges had to say...

Casey Anthony First Appearance 7/18/08

First Judge, at the 1:10 mark
"It appears to the court you care so little for your child you did not even report her missing until 5 weeks later and only because the childs grandmother insisted"

"Your 2 yr old child is still missing and it appears you've shown no regret or concern in all your actions"

This Judge DENIES bond and asks for a Psych evaluation in accordance to the Baker Act.

Bond Hearing Judge Announces $500,000 Bond 7/22/08

Aaaah Judge Strickland...
Sets bond at $500,000 and also asks for a Psych evaluation.
O/T: Does anyone know if it is possible in Firefox to search our bookmarks? I KNOW I saw a video afterward (not live) of LDB questioning Cindy at the bond hearing. I just have too many bookmarks to find it quickly without a search feature.

O/T: Does anyone know if it is possible in Firefox to search our bookmarks? I KNOW I saw a video afterward (not live) of LDB questioning Cindy at the bond hearing. I just have too many bookmarks to find it quickly without a search feature.


Snaz I have looked for the past hour for Cindy's bond hearing questioning by LDB...just can not find it...the only part of the bond hearing I can find is the questioning done by Baez.
I did come across the media releases after the bond hearing and only one mentioned a "heated" moment between Cindy and LDB about finances...
Perhaps Patty still has it saved and archived somewhere...I have also search WS archive threads...
Snaz I have looked for the past hour for the rest of Cindy's bond hearing questioning by LDB...just can not find it...I did come across the media releases after the bond hearing and only one mentioned a "heated" moment between Cindy and LDB about finances...

Thank you, Intermezzo. I have been searching, as well, and scouring my bookmarks from the beginning of this case. I am not finding it either, which is frushstrating me to the point that I almost can't schwallow!!! :)

I remember Cindy got very angry and told LDB when she asked about the value of their home and other personal financial questions that it wasn't relevant, or something to that effect. And Baez was objecting.....

All in all, it was a good watch... but I remember being a bit embarrassed for Cindy having their finances paraded in open court like that.

Oh well, if no one saved it to their computer, I suppose it will be like the "Is this like the last time?" video. I hate when that happens!!! :maddening:
Thank you, Intermezzo. I have been searching, as well, and scouring my bookmarks from the beginning of this case. I am not finding it either, which is frushstrating me to the point that I almost can't schwallow!!! :)

I remember Cindy got very angry and told LDB when she asked about the value of their home and other personal financial questions that it wasn't relevant, or something to that effect. And Baez was objecting.....

All in all, it was a good watch... but I remember being a bit embarrassed for Cindy having their finances paraded in open court like that.

Oh well, if no one saved it to their computer, I suppose it will be like the "Is this like the last time?" video. I hate when that happens!!! :maddening:

I am beginning to think that that part of the hearing, when LDB is questioning about the A's personal finances, got edited and removed from the tapings...
As the trial approaches, I've been reading back through the threads. Today I started with thread 1 and I am on the thread with the bond hearing. From the comments, it sounds like, and I seem to remember this, JB made a point when questioning YM that ICA never asked for a lawyer, that she wasn't a suspect...well I'm thinking that is going to work against him for this motion. I hope the State gets a copy of the court minutes. Reading the early threads brings it all back...the growing disbelief with CA, the shock at the change of missing date, and all of the (true) bombshells at the bond hearing. A lot of people pegged things very early on..."that lawyer is a piece of work" "I think the grandmother is covering" "why is the grandmother defending her daughter?"

I am beginning to think that that part of the hearing, when LDB is questioning about the A's personal finances, got edited and removed from the tapings...

I am thinking you might be right.... got any idea why they would edit that out? I mean, after all, it isn't like we didn't see all their bank statements in discovery.

I am thinking you might be right.... got any idea why they would edit that out? I mean, after all, it isn't like we didn't see all their bank statements in discovery.


I don't know why but in the link I posted above members are posting during the bond hearing and talk about how rude "grandma" is being to the "lady attorney" and that CA didn't know how much equity she had in the house. She apparently said "I'm not a real estate agent". So there was that line of questioning.
Thank you, Intermezzo. I have been searching, as well, and scouring my bookmarks from the beginning of this case. I am not finding it either, which is frushstrating me to the point that I almost can't schwallow!!! :)

I remember Cindy got very angry and told LDB when she asked about the value of their home and other personal financial questions that it wasn't relevant, or something to that effect. And Baez was objecting.....

All in all, it was a good watch... but I remember being a bit embarrassed for Cindy having their finances paraded in open court like that.

Oh well, if no one saved it to their computer, I suppose it will be like the "Is this like the last time?" video. I hate when that happens!!! :maddening:

Yup. Someone commented that CA said she didn't see the relevence. I thought are you kidding? She started spewing that line that early? I am disappointed that a lot of the video links are no longer valid.

ETA see post 256 and 261

As the trial approaches, I've been reading back through the threads. Today I started with thread 1 and I am on the thread with the bond hearing. From the comments, it sounds like, and I seem to remember this, JB made a point when questioning YM that ICA never asked for a lawyer, that she wasn't a suspect...well I'm thinking that is going to work against him for this motion. I hope the State gets a copy of the court minutes. Reading the early threads brings it all back...the growing disbelief with CA, the shock at the change of missing date, and all of the (true) bombshells at the bond hearing. A lot of people pegged things very early on..."that lawyer is a piece of work" "I think the grandmother is covering" "why is the grandmother defending her daughter?"


Thanks Strawberry!!!
I was looking in those threads yesterday to find the one where the Bond Hearing was being discussed..

Page 11 is where we begin to read the exchange between Cindy and Linda Drane Burdick...

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