2011.02.24 Deviant images & *advertiser censored* found on a computer and memory stick

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I feel so bad for the officer who had to go thru each image. UGH!
I agree right up until SHE called LE and said "I'm coming to get my computer now".

A lot of moms and grandmas only use "that dang machine" to check email - if that. And if that is all SHE would do on the computer she wouldn't know. BUT (and its a big one)

SHE called LE to get her computer back - which tells me that "someone" TOLD her what they had "stashed" on her hard drive. Why else would she have made that "unusual" request and for LE to immediately tag that computer and keep it as evidence.

But I wonder if she was told explicitly what it was, or was she told it was just garden variety *advertiser censored*? I can't imagine her just wanting the computer back if she knew it was bestiality and child *advertiser censored*. I would hate to think she would cover for her son for stuff like that. But I can see her being embarrassed that her son had regular *advertiser censored* on her computer, and she might not even think so badly of SA for that, but would realize what the police would think of it and would definitely want that computer back. I can't see the same reaction if she knew exactly what kind of *advertiser censored* it was.
I would be too paranoid to ask for my computer back if I thought there was something bad on there based on the assumption that LE searched it through and through. Her younger son probably used the computer too. They can get pretty expensive to replace. I think she honestly just wanted it back and knew nothing.
But I wonder if she was told explicitly what it was, or was she told it was just garden variety *advertiser censored*? I can't imagine her just wanting the computer back if she knew it was bestiality and child *advertiser censored*. I would hate to think she would cover for her son for stuff like that. But I can see her being embarrassed that her son had regular *advertiser censored* on her computer, and she might not even think so badly of SA for that, but would realize what the police would think of it and would definitely want that computer back. I can't see the same reaction if she knew exactly what kind of *advertiser censored* it was.
Oh you're right and I do agree. He prob told her "mom, I got pictures of *ahem* girls on there." That would be enough for any mother. He didn't have to go into specifics.

BUT (there's a lot of those today) I wonder how she feels this morning after this broke? Wanna bet ole SA doesn't have any contact with good ole mom for a while? And I also bet that ole SA's uncle had to change his underwear after reading that "NEWS FLASH" yesterday. Oh, and what about SA's lil half-bro? Just such a tangled web...............
OMG!!!!!..... Could this be the reason that they said they were going to beef up security around schools and parks ?????


"Colorado City is also planning to beef up security at schools, parks and other areas. City Manager Pete Kampfer will talk about their plans."

Wow, I hadn't even made that connection. I wonder if they are uncovering some kind of child *advertiser censored* ring or something? Maybe it's going to be more than SA and BD eventually arrested for it? This just got a whole lot scarier...
Wow, I hadn't even made that connection. I wonder if they are uncovering some kind of child *advertiser censored* ring or something? Maybe it's going to be more than SA and BD eventually arrested for it? This just got a whole lot scarier...

I was just thinking about him creeping Hailey out talking on his phone standing outside her door. What if that perv had a nanny cam in the bathroom or her room?
I was just thinking about him creeping Hailey out talking on his phone standing outside her door. What if that perv had a nanny cam in the bathroom or her room?

And even worse, distributed it to to some other perv who then took Hailey. Or took Hailey after watching it himself too many times. My thoughts just keep getting worse and worse about this...
Watching another interview of him speaking and him saying I would never hurt an animal. I love animals. WOW!
He had plenty of time to get a cam out of the house too before it was searched.
I seriously doubt DD will be coming home anytime soon after this latest development.
I wonder if this will send Clint over the edge. I don't think he had any idea about this or he never would have said that he thought SA was innocent. I really hope we don't hear about a shooting or beating of one or both of them by Clint anytime soon. I kind of wouldn't blame the poor man, though...

I'm of the opinion that Clints weekend in jail recently was spent by LE to update and inform Clint on any new evidence and the release of this info. I believe LE want to find Hailey and are turning the heat up methodically. Clint IMO is working with and cooperating with LE.
Thank you! And there you have it!

And I don't know how BD is going to explain this, since it was notably in HER dresser drawer which I presume held her clothing too - not Shawn's.


I assume her house was furnished before she met SA. Judging by how quickly he was able to move out, I am going to speculate that he moved his "things" but no furniture, and that the dresser holding his things would, technically, have been Billie's dresser.
No updates this morning?

I wonder if BD is frantically looking through the yellow pages trying to find a lawyer.
Poor DD. His whole life is shattered, especially with the news this morning. I feel so bad for him. I'm glad he's not living with his mom right now. He is going to need some serious counseling...
Oh, wait and see. She is going to try and throw some one under the bus. She didn't know what it was, and Clint asked her to hold it. Or she found it and out it away not even looking, or Shawns ex gf had it and left it in Shawns car....something like that.

I wonder if she is going to try out any of those excuses on Sunday?:loser:

Or DD found it while helping Clint and Naomi move...
I assume her house was furnished before she met SA. Judging by how quickly he was able to move out, I am going to speculate that he moved his "things" but no furniture, and that the dresser holding his things would, technically, have been Billie's dresser.

CD moved out of that house when he and BD split up. Maybe they are going to suggest it was CD's memory stick.

(Watch out for the bus CD!)
I'm of the opinion that Clints weekend in jail recently was spent by LE to update and inform Clint on any new evidence and the release of this info. I believe LE want to find Hailey and are turning the heat up methodically. Clint IMO is working with and cooperating with LE.

That's entirely possible, but he would have to have to some kind of self control to not lose it completely. I know I don't possess enough self control like that. God be with him. Maybe LE promised some arrests or something so he wouldn't go off on them or do anything he would regret? I don't know how he is sane right now.

It would explain no news of a shooting or beating last night or this morning, though...
Or DD found it while helping Clint and Naomi move...

I thought she may try to blame DD for this. One huge problem with that. Its also at SA mom house.Tons of it. This cant be explained away. Its between SA or SA and BD. No one else. I dont think it can be explained away.
CD moved out of that house when he and BD split up. Maybe they are going to suggest it was CD's memory stick.

(Watch out for the bus CD!)

Yikes. I have the feeling that if they blame CD, this is going to get extremely ugly...
I wonder if BD is behind, or on, the camera in any of those videos found on the memory stick... in her bedroom, home. Hard to deny you knew about them. She's sunk right along with him, imo.
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