2011.02.24 Deviant images & *advertiser censored* found on a computer and memory stick

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From WS - Media Links -- Hailey Dunn - Post #132:

Investigators: 'Deviant images' found on computer of mother of suspect in Hailey Dunn case
By Celinda Emison
Posted February 24, 2011 at 2:52 p.m.

Investigators said deviant images and pornographic videos and pictures were found on a computer and memory stick confiscated in early January as part of the investigation into the disappearance of 13-year-old Hailey Dunn from Colorado City.

The Dell Inspirion 530 computer contained “approximately 108,498 pictures depicting deviant acts,” according to evidence returned from a search warrant issued from the 32nd District Court in Sweetwater.



The below quote is snipped from the above referenced link:

"Both the computer and the memory stick contain images depicting bestiality and child *advertiser censored*, said Mitchell County Sheriff Patrick Toombs."


BBM: This is what I remember reading when the story first broke about the child *advertiser censored* -- that it was on BOTH the computer and Memory Stick.

I am still looking for another article about the child *advertiser censored* on the memory stick but cannot find anything else and I cannot find anything about a "reversal" by LE.

Last night's show may have gotten it from the reporternews article as well.

I don't know if this will help ... but I hope it does help some.

That's the only official quote we have gotten from LE about the deviant images on both the computer and memory stick. I think I'm going to stay with the official quote and not worry about anything else.....

ETA: I also take Sheriff Toomb's word over anything that PK or BD might say about the issue because he is the SHERIFF, not the spokesman for the group....
Almost 109,000 images and videos depicting "deviant acts" and *advertiser censored* were found on a computer and memory stick confiscated in the investigating of the disappearance of Colorado City teenager Hailey Dunn, according to authorities investigating the case


I wouldn't think that any info on the *advertiser censored* would be available to the public thru court docs because we are dealing with child *advertiser censored* and minors.

ETA: Whoops....found this stating they did find their info from the results of the search warrants.


right... so what I am wondering is... when the media receives the results of what was found in the search warrants, what format is that in? Are the results documents? are they affidavits? or are they just investigative notes? or all of the above? lol I hope that's not confusing.
I may be mistaken, but it appears all of these posts were made after the article of the cp and b came out. Not taking away for BeanE, but I think she gleaned her surmise on the following from the original post on this thread:

The Dell Inspiron 530 computer contained "approximately 108,498 pictures depicting deviant acts," according to evidence seized after a search warrant issued in early January. The computer was confiscated from the home of Shawn Adkins' mother in the 2800 block of Apache Street in Big Spring.

A memory stick confiscated from a dresser in the master bedroom of the Dunn residence in Colorado City was found to contain "320 images and videos of a pornographic nature."

Yes. the above quotes are all that had been released at the time of the posts.. The only thing we knew{at the time of the posts} was that there was *advertiser censored* on computer and a memory stick and that it was labeled deviant *advertiser censored*..It wasn't until after-the -fact that we learned that it was indeed child *advertiser censored*/beastiality..In my post upthread under BeanE's 2 posts I listed posts where we were wondering if it could be child *advertiser censored* and Princess of Oz says No she thinks if there were child *advertiser censored* someone would be in jail..

And then as we know NOW it indeed did turn out to be child *advertiser censored* AS well as beastiality and sadly still no one jailed as of yet..

So yes the quotes above are correct in showing that all we knew AT THAT TIME was that deviant *advertiser censored* was found..BeanE posted her thoughts about what types it could possibly be before we had the news release the info of cp/bs..

I think that is alot of *advertiser censored* for one person to have downloaded all alone. I also think he would be pretty dumb not to think that PC would be gathered by LE if he was the last one to see a child he was responcible for murdering. I mean criminals are dumb but if he had that much *advertiser censored* then *advertiser censored* was something on his mind all the time so he wouldnt have forgot it was there and the risk of it being found was high in the case as it was happening. I think it shows that he wasnt planning anything when whatever happened. Not that he didnt plan it in his head but that for the 27 th, it was not planned. Or he didnt know all that was on that PC. He could have thought it was safe but I doubt he would have told LE he was on that PC as his alibi if that was the case. JMO.

A computer virus seems very likely for the amount of images on that PC. A virus he could have gotten while looking at his normal amount of 25 yr old *advertiser censored*.

Unless LE is counting every single frame of every *advertiser censored* video. I cannot see

how Shawn would have that much time on his hands everyday and work and live in a different home then the PC was located. This is the largest amount I have ever heard of and I read here.

1st Bolded Part in Red.. Several have discussed that most likely "whomever" the guilty party is for viewing/downloading the child *advertiser censored* to SA"s mom's computer MOST LIKELY HAD ATTEMPTED TO DELETE ALL/ANY/OR WHATEVER THEY HAD TIME TO of the child *advertiser censored*/beastiality..Alot of ppl are under the impression that they "know how" to properly delete what they don't want seen on their home or work computers..But what they don't understand that short of completely destroying the hard drive that Federal computer forensics can easily and will easily be able to see every tiny kilobyte that went in and out of that computer..

2nd part Above BBM.. I have thoroughly researched about this exact thing {i.e. the mysterious virus that puts child *advertiser censored* on an innocent mans computer}..and time and time again you find that especially with todays technology and the Federal Investigators that are highly trained on EVERYTHING RE:INTERNET RELATED..these Investigators that specifically deal with the child *advertiser censored* can/and do find the easily discerned differences between a human downloading/viewing child *advertiser censored* to their computer VS. a computer generated bot that opens/views/downloads literally hundreds and even thousands of sites and images per minute{easily seen that is not humanly possible to do}..Therefor if by chance Shawn was the 1 in a million who someone intentionally put a bot to download and store child *advertiser censored*/beastiality to his mom's computer THE FEDERAL INVESTIGATOR'S WOULD KNOW THIS RIGHT OFF THE BAT..

. A virus or Trojan horse is likely to download multiple images at a time, sometimes faster than might be humanly possible to do manually. A person who collects child *advertiser censored* typically acquires it over a period of time, and a forensic investigation of the computer should reveal that.
Above is snipped from a really great piece that CBS did on this virus=child *advertiser censored*..interesting and informative..http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2009/11/11/scitech/pcanswer/main5610506.shtml

**besides that fact that same bot I guess would have without Shawn's knowledge put some of that child *advertiser censored*/beastiality on that memory stick too..lol..just not even possible
I think that is alot of *advertiser censored* for one person to have downloaded all alone. I also think he would be pretty dumb not to think that PC would be gathered by LE if he was the last one to see a child he was responcible for murdering. I mean criminals are dumb but if he had that much *advertiser censored* then *advertiser censored* was something on his mind all the time so he wouldnt have forgot it was there and the risk of it being found was high in the case as it was happening. I think it shows that he wasnt planning anything when whatever happened. Not that he didnt plan it in his head but that for the 27 th, it was not planned. Or he didnt know all that was on that PC. He could have thought it was safe but I doubt he would have told LE he was on that PC as his alibi if that was the case. JMO.

A computer virus seems very likely for the amount of images on that PC. A virus he could have gotten while looking at his normal amount of 25 yr old *advertiser censored*.
Unless LE is counting every single frame of every *advertiser censored* video. I cannot see how Shawn would have that much time on his hands everyday and work and live in a different home then the PC was located. This is the largest amount I have ever heard of and I read here.

I agree with your statement about the high volume of pics. I also wonder how in the world someone sat and counted that many. I looked on my computer today in the files that contain my pictures and there was no place the number of pictures was counted. I am sure an expert did the analysis but it almost makes you wonder if they didn't report the megs and not individual pictures. Maybe they used a counter like is used when counting blood cells, etc. It seems an impossible feat to have downloaded all that.

I also did some research on viruses loading *advertiser censored* and the general consensus was that it was not possible. Someone may have more information on that. I just did a search on 'can a virus load *advertiser censored*'. Viruses normally attack your email and usually takes down your computer. Maybe files were loaded that contained the pictures and individual pictures were not downloaded. Just throwing out ideas and not saying SA didn't do it. Just addressing the high volume. It is baffling.jmo
Here is another link about a different method used the same way. Remember when looking at *advertiser censored* one is more likely to click on a link that looks questionable because the content they are looking for it always presented in a questionable fashion. Viruses can be writen to attach to any digital recording device, Mp3 players,flash drives ,CD's anything that can be used to store information.

http://www.myfoxdc.com/dpp/news/hackers-target-pcs-to-store-child-*advertiser censored*-110909
I think that is alot of *advertiser censored* for one person to have downloaded all alone. I also think he would be pretty dumb not to think that PC would be gathered by LE if he was the last one to see a child he was responcible for murdering. I mean criminals are dumb but if he had that much *advertiser censored* then *advertiser censored* was something on his mind all the time so he wouldnt have forgot it was there and the risk of it being found was high in the case as it was happening. I think it shows that he wasnt planning anything when whatever happened. Not that he didnt plan it in his head but that for the 27 th, it was not planned. Or he didnt know all that was on that PC. He could have thought it was safe but I doubt he would have told LE he was on that PC as his alibi if that was the case. JMO.

A computer virus seems very likely for the amount of images on that PC. A virus he could have gotten while looking at his normal amount of 25 yr old *advertiser censored*.
Unless LE is counting every single frame of every *advertiser censored* video. I cannot see how Shawn would have that much time on his hands everyday and work and live in a different home then the PC was located. This is the largest amount I have ever heard of and I read here.

SA has become quite the quandary hasn't he? It's like he wants to be caught for some reason. It's my personal belief that children will act out when they know they have been naughty and want disciplined; but, could this actually be the case in a 25 yr old...and with the severity of the crimes he's dealing with? I do believe SA is a very dangerous person and we have not experienced what makes him upset, violent, etc. as he showed in the 2/10 fiasco with BD/LE and again over at CD's mom with the nailed club. We know he's been described as quiet....so what actually pushes those violent emotions? Jealousy? Abandonment? Deception?
He said he would be very upset if he learned that BD has made a plea deal. Seems he resentful, angry and very passive on the inside, and then we have the twisted element thrown in. IDK, but it has me wondering and saying wth is with him? :waitasec:

Curious if they were into S & M.

I agree with your statement about the high volume of pics. I also wonder how in the world someone sat and counted that many. I looked on my computer today in the files that contain my pictures and there was no place the number of pictures was counted. I am sure an expert did the analysis but it almost makes you wonder if they didn't report the megs and not individual pictures. Maybe they used a counter like is used when counting blood cells, etc. It seems an impossible feat to have downloaded all that.

I also did some research on viruses loading *advertiser censored* and the general consensus was that it was not possible. Someone may have more information on that. I just did a search on 'can a virus load *advertiser censored*'. Viruses normally attack your email and usually takes down your computer. Maybe files were loaded that contained the pictures and individual pictures were not downloaded. Just throwing out ideas and not saying SA didn't do it. Just addressing the high volume. It is baffling.jmo

ITA, except pictures take up a LOT of space, especially depending on how they are saved. if there was over 180,000 pictures, the amount of space that takes up would be a lot, and a lot more if there were any videos saved. I'm not sure how format savvy any of those people are either. Right now, I have 197 picture files, and it takes up 147 MB's (147,000,000 bytes) of space. We know there was a lot more than 197 *advertiser censored* pics on SA's mom's computer, so that would most likely go into the gigabyte numbers, way over 180 MB (or roughly 180,000,000 bytes) of space. I don't know if would get over 180,000 MB's of space for sure, but something tells me they would if we're talking high quality *advertiser censored* pictures. And most sites, you have to have a credit card and pay a fee to use them to get good *advertiser censored* pics (don't ask me how I know that, LOL). I highly doubt he took every picture with a digital camera either, and I believe when those pics are imported, they are imported automatically into JPEG format, which takes up a lot of space.

If someone is obssessed with something, they will download an amazing amount of it. I have a friend who filled up gig up on gig of space with music files, and even had, at one point, several external hard drives to hold her collection. How anyone else on that computer didn't notice so much space being taken up by *advertiser censored*, I will never know. SA must have hidden it well and must have been the most computer savvy of all of the computer users. I wonder if those pictures were encrypted so no one could see what they were or if he just stupidly tried to erase all of them.
Yes. the above quotes are all that had been released at the time of the posts.. The only thing we knew{at the time of the posts} was that there was *advertiser censored* on computer and a memory stick and that it was labeled deviant *advertiser censored*..It wasn't until after-the -fact that we learned that it was indeed child *advertiser censored*/beastiality..In my post upthread under BeanE's 2 posts I listed posts where we were wondering if it could be child *advertiser censored* and Princess of Oz says No she thinks if there were child *advertiser censored* someone would be in jail..

And then as we know NOW it indeed did turn out to be child *advertiser censored* AS well as beastiality and sadly still no one jailed as of yet..

So yes the quotes above are correct in showing that all we knew AT THAT TIME was that deviant *advertiser censored* was found..BeanE posted her thoughts about what types it could possibly be before we had the news release the info of cp/bs..


Thanks, yes, I realize now the article was updated hours later after the posts mentioned. My bad.
That = 149 Images of deviant/child *advertiser censored*/beastiality PER DAY FOR 2 FULL YEARS!!!!!!!!!
That clearly is an "obsession" of exorbitant proportions..and to just give you an idea of just what a GREAT/TREMENDOUS amount that it is below I will post a link that states that one of the LARGEST child *advertiser censored* rings busted there ENTIRE amt collected from the entire sting/bust was 75;000 images..and Shawn Adkin's computer has 108;498 images.. That to me speaks VOLUMES..

The computer contained 108498 pornographic images, however not all of them involved bestiality or children. According to this link,
"Investigators found more than 100,000 pictures and videos depicting *advertiser censored* and deviant acts, including child *advertiser censored* and bestiality, on electronics seized Jan. 7 during the investigation into Hailey Dunn's disappearance, according to Mitchell County Sheriff Patrick Toombs."

In other words, SOME of the images depicted those things, not all of them.

Also, the computer belonged to his mother, not SA. That model dates back to around 2008 and probably had a hard drive in the 250-320 GB range. Perhaps 500 GB, but likely not larger than that.

I don't know if you are aware of this (probably not), but the picture variety of *advertiser censored* usually comes in photo sets comprising anything from 50 to 200 pictures. Depending on where they come from, they are allmost allways available in and downloaded as zip files. People who download large numbers of files, or large files, also tend to use download managers of some sort. In fact, the latest version of Explorer has a basic download manager built into it. While a 100k pictures might seem a lot to you, it is probably more like 1-1.5k of actual downloads. Depending on the file sizes you could easily do that in a few days allthough they were likely downloaded over a much longer period.

Just as a matter of curiosity, run your virus scanner and look at the final report, see how many files it reports as being on your computer. You will be surprised. Then think about how long it took for you to actually put those files on your computer.

*advertiser censored* from public sources usually comes in fairly small file sizes, while that from commercial sites (which DO NOT carry bestiality or child *advertiser censored* if they are sited in the US btw) tends to have higher resolution and consequently much larger file sizes. I doubt that the stuff on the mother's computer was downloaded from a commercial site however, more likely it came from a free public source, such as usenet or one of the torrent servers.

Now, is 100k images a lot? Probably not for someone who looks at *advertiser censored* and doesnt delete what they have downloaded.XXXXXis an example of a commercial site (it is soft core, similar to what you might find in Playboy or Penthouse - do NOT follow the link if that sort material offends you). As you can see on their primary web page, they claim to have 1,060,383 photographs and 891 movies on their site as of today. Those files come in multiple resolutions as well, so they literally have millions of images/videos on the website, and that is just one provider. Granted, it is one of the larger sites out there, but it gives you some idea of just how much material there is on the internet. And most of what is on the commercial sites is also stolen and pirated on the free sources.
We know that the computer belongs to Shawn's mother and she is married. It is possible that some or all of that *advertiser censored* belonged to someone besides Shawn. Maybe.

BD stated that some of the *advertiser censored* on the *advertiser censored*/Memory/Flash Stick was of her and SA in their Bedroom,

Now :waitasec: Were these Videos or Pictures?

and if so.....

What did they use to take these pictures, Videos???

And how did they get them on the memory / *advertiser censored* stick???

Some people use their web Camera on their laptop for this.....? :waitasec:
He could have used anything. His blackberry, even. A nano, Even some kids toys record video and take pictures.
That's the only official quote we have gotten from LE about the deviant images on both the computer and memory stick. I think I'm going to stay with the official quote and not worry about anything else.....

ETA: I also take Sheriff Toomb's word over anything that PK or BD might say about the issue because he is the SHERIFF, not the spokesman for the group....

:rocker: I agree ... I would take the Sheriff's word over anyone else in this case.

I remember reading on Big Country HomePage where Billie stated that "one of the investigators" told her that there was no child *advertiser censored* on the Memory Stick found in her home in the dresser drawer.

see below snipped from: "Hailey's Mom: Child *advertiser censored* Not Found in Home"

Dunn said she was relieved to hear that the memory stick retrieved from her home did not contain any child *advertiser censored*.

“One of the investigators told me that there was no child *advertiser censored* on it. That made me feel a little bit better,” she added.

She did say that there was adult *advertiser censored* on it.

“The only thing that came out of my house during the search was the memory stick. They (law enforcement officials) asked me whose it was and I told them I didn’t know. I didn’t recognize it,” said Dunn.

“They told me that it came out of Shawn’s dresser and I told them I guess it was his then.” ...

I read this entire article on Big Country -- "Hailey's Mom: Child *advertiser censored* Not Found in Home" ...

All we have here is Billie's WORD that there was no cp on the memory stick -- there is NO STATEMENT FROM LE to BACK-UP what Billie says ...

So I do not believe what Billie says about the cp on the memory stick, until we hear from LE !

This is my interpretation and my opinion ... anyone else ?

I was thinking that the higher then high number of images could come from Cached images that were on the same page as some of the other things that were downloaded or accessed. Like for example, I go to google images and do a search. From that search I may have went through 10 google image pages before finding what I'm looking for. On my computer now though my cache would save all the thumbnail images from those 10 pages I looked through while trying to find the 1 image I downloaded.

I'm thinking this could account for a good amount of that 109,000.
I was thinking that the higher then high number of images could come from Cached images that were on the same page as some of the other things that were downloaded or accessed. Like for example, I go to google images and do a search. From that search I may have went through 10 google image pages before finding what I'm looking for. On my computer now though my cache would save all the thumbnail images from those 10 pages I looked through while trying to find the 1 image I downloaded.

I'm thinking this could account for a good amount of that 109,000.

I'm not giving anyone the benefit of doubt in this case, not SA or BD... Sorry but it's not deserved in my opinion.
:rocker: I agree ... I would take the Sheriff's word over anyone else in this case.

I remember reading on Big Country HomePage where Billie stated that "one of the investigators" told her that there was no child *advertiser censored* on the Memory Stick found in her home in the dresser drawer.

see below snipped from: "Hailey's Mom: Child *advertiser censored* Not Found in Home"

Dunn said she was relieved to hear that the memory stick retrieved from her home did not contain any child *advertiser censored*.

“One of the investigators told me that there was no child *advertiser censored* on it. That made me feel a little bit better,” she added.

She did say that there was adult *advertiser censored* on it.

“The only thing that came out of my house during the search was the memory stick. They (law enforcement officials) asked me whose it was and I told them I didn’t know. I didn’t recognize it,” said Dunn.

“They told me that it came out of Shawn’s dresser and I told them I guess it was his then.” ...

I read this entire article on Big Country -- "Hailey's Mom: Child *advertiser censored* Not Found in Home" ...

All we have here is Billie's WORD that there was no cp on the memory stick -- there is NO STATEMENT FROM LE to BACK-UP what Billie says ...

So I do not believe what Billie says about the cp on the memory stick, until we hear from LE !

This is my interpretation and my opinion ... anyone else ?


If the memory stick didnt have child *advertiser censored* it had the animal stuff on it. I thought and thought about that statement and he is possible with toombs using the phase he did that he did not mean both of each example were on each device and that one example of one or the other was on each of the devices. IMO I doubt it but it MAY be possible.

This dept is not forcoming and the city manager does double talk and retract statements. All the confusion with the case could be cleared up with a presser where they are open about the direction of the case. IMO I dont think they have much on anyone except conflicting statement from EVERYONE about times ,days ,personalities etc.
I doubt we will hear anything more from LE until after the GR meets and adjourns and maybe not even then, if they don't hand down indictments...

The part about Hailey...seems to be lost in all of this filth...:(
I'm not giving anyone the benefit of doubt in this case, not SA or BD... Sorry but it's not deserved in my opinion.

Not trying to give anyone the benefit of the doubt. Child *advertiser censored* is child *advertiser censored* whether it's 1, 10 or 100,000 images. I'm just trying to come up with a logical explanation of how that many images were found and I do know your computer caches all the images from pages you visit so I thought I'd throw that out there.
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