2011.03.07 Motion Hearing - *Updated* Key Ruling In! See Motions Thread (sticky)

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DNA Solves
And don't they supposedly have a "cameo" coming up?

I may be sick if they do. When are they going to learn that enough is enough? They should be worried about the State going after them for obstruction of justice. I pray that will happen to at least show other people where lying and covering up lies and lies and lies will get you.
BBM- When this case first started, I too thought Casey was another Susan Smith, but it didn't take too long for me to figure out that these two women are nothing alike and their cases are nothing alike. Susan Smith is a pathetic, horrific human being. Casey Anthony is a monster!!

I don't think Tony had anything to do with Casey murdering Caylee. She was stringing along a few men (Mark and Ricardo to name two) and I believe she had every intention of making her way out to California by Caylee's third birthday. Casey was not in love with Tony... Casey does not even know what love is... she is incapable of it... he was simply convienient for Casey at the moment. Someone Casey could use for her own personal benefit. He was a place to stay and Casey knew she could mold herself into what she believes a perfect little housewife is. Cook for her man. Clean the house for her man. And lay with him every night. He'll be happy and she will get what she needs out of him for that moment.

I don't even know if I believe Casey murdered Caylee because she couldn't find anyone to watch her that day? It may have played a small role in it... but Casey had murder on her mind way before she even met Tony. Tony never said that he didn't want children, he said he only wanted boys. I do believe he was joking. I had a boyfriend in my early 20's who jokingly said if he had any girls that he would send them up the river. Tony was not ready to have children... and he was honest with Casey that his apartment was not the ideal place for Caylee to be. I don't think a lot of college kids apartments are ideal for children of any age. I commend Tony for thinking about Caylee's well being... which Casey was incapable of doing. If Casey was thinking of Caylee's well being, she would have left Tony and attempted to find a more suitable, mature man who would have no problem accepting Caylee in his life... but not our Casey! Casey loved the fact that Tony was more interested in HER and not Caylee. It was probably a feeling she hadn't felt since Caylee was born. Someone loved Casey more than Caylee. Caylee was not the center of attention. Casey was.

I think the differences between Tony and Susan Smiths boyfriend are huge. Tony was a young guy trying to go to school and work to better himself and simply wasn't ready to have children (a mature decision if you ask me). Susan Smiths boyfriend was a rich, established man who didn't want a woman who was carrying extra baggage. He broke up with Susan. Rejected Susan. Tony never did that with Casey.

Heck, even when Susan Smith was lying during that first press conference (I remember it well) and was accusing a black man of carjacking her car and taking those precious boys... she was crying. I believed her! She looked like a mother should look when her children are missing and she is worried about them... which it was her capability to have emotions that made her confess.

Casey on the other hand can not even muster up a tear for Caylee. In three years she has shown no emotion (other than the occasional poking of the eye and holding her breath to make her face get red) when it concerns Caylee. Only herself. Casey can not even fake emotion for Caylee because she completely lacks emotion when it comes to Caylee. She is one of the most scary people I have ever witnessed. I do put her up there with the more monsterous serial killers... simply because I believe Casey had every intention of killing her parents too and if she is capable of killing her own child, and her own parents, Casey is capable of killing anyone. She is truly evil!

Susan was sleeping with three men, not just the rich guy (Tom). She was also sleeping with his father.

LE was suspicious of her at first because she cried with no tears. She was good at fake crying but couldn't manage tears. I guess she didn't think to poke herself in the eye.

She took sedatives and slept a lot while the husband was frantic trying to find the boys.

When they pulled the car out of the water and flipped it right side up, the lights came on. They believe she intentionally left the lights on to make sure the car sank. The boys were most likely screaming as they were dangling upside down strapped in when the car flipped over. The cold water slowly crept up on them. The car bobbed up and down like a cork and took a long time to actually sink. She was able to tell them exactly where the car was so they believe she actually stood there and watched it go under. I think it took ~ 7-8 minutes to sink during the reenactment. That's a long time to stand there and hear/watch your kids screaming to their deaths. She never tried to save them. She set her fake kidnapping plan in action. There was no way for her to know where the car sank if she didn't watch, it had drifted that far.

Both children were alive when they hit the water. Cause of death-drowning. When the first diver went down he saw a little hand pressed to the glass. The casket had to be closed.

Guess whose sweatshirt she wore during one of her press conferences. Tom's college sweatshirt. Sending a little message to one of her flings. A big deal was made of the sweatshirt because she used it as an excuse to see him--to give it back to him. He told her to keep it. Similar to Casey wanting to talk to Tony.

She also asked the detectives if she looked alright when she was on TV. She was every bit as self absorbed as Casey. The viewing public simply didn't see it because they didn't have the Sunshine Law.

She was not very happy with the second pregnancy-mostly because she didn't want it to ruin her body.

When the husband visited her in jail she complained that no one cared about HER. She was locked up in a tiny cell 23 hours a day. She also told her husband they could have more kids if/when she got out. Me me me me me me me.

The only difference is we didn't hear those jail house phone conversations. No one was sitting in the house reporting that she was sleeping while everyone else was frantic trying to find the kids. Her demeanor was different at home.

They are a lot alike, I didn't realize it until I read the book. If she had lawyerd up quickly I don't she would have ever confessed.

And don't they supposedly have a "cameo" coming up?

From Amil's report from the courtroom, March 22nd, Insession will be making a stop at the Anthony' home. I must say, I think this is the first time I am actually interested in hearing what they have to say. Things are not looking good... they are going to be really desperate. They are going to be really mad and defensive too. Isn't the 22nd the day before the Frye Hearings as well? I am sure Cindy will give us her expert opinion on junk science and cadaver dogs.
Susan was sleeping with three men, not just the rich guy (Tom). She was also sleeping with his father.

LE was suspicious of her at first because she cried with no tears. She was good at fake crying but couldn't manage tears. I guess she didn't think to poke herself in the eye.

She took sedatives and slept a lot while the husband was frantic trying to find the boys.

When they pulled the car out of the water and flipped it right side up, the lights came on. They believe she intentionally left the lights on to make sure the car sank. The boys were most likely screaming as they were dangling upside down strapped in when the car flipped over. The cold water slowly crept up on them. The car bobbed up and down like a cork and took a long time to actually sink. She was able to tell them exactly where the car was so they believe she actually stood there and watched it go under. I think it took ~ 7-8 minutes to sink during the reenactment. That's a long time to stand there and hear/watch your kids screaming to their deaths. She never tried to save them. She set her fake kidnapping plan in action. There was no way for her to know where the car sank if she didn't watch, it had drifted that far.

Both children were alive when they hit the water. Cause of death-drowning. When the first diver went down he saw a little hand pressed to the glass. The casket had to be closed.

Guess whose sweatshirt she wore during one of her press conferences. Tom's college sweatshirt. Sending a little message to one of her flings. A big deal was made of the sweatshirt because she used it as an excuse to see him--to give it back to him. He told her to keep it. Similar to Casey wanting to talk to Tony.

She also asked the detectives if she looked alright when she was on TV. She was every bit as self absorbed as Casey. The viewing public simply didn't see it because they didn't have the Sunshine Law.

She was not very happy with the second pregnancy-mostly because she didn't want it to ruin her body.

When the husband visited her in jail she complained that no one cared about HER. She was locked up in a tiny cell 23 hours a day. She also told her husband they could have more kids if/when she got out. Me me me me me me me.

The only difference is we didn't hear those jail house phone conversations. No one was sitting in the house reporting that she was sleeping while everyone else was frantic trying to find the kids. Her demeanor was different at home.

They are a lot alike, I didn't realize it until I read the book. If she had lawyerd up quickly I don't she would have ever confessed.


Thank you. I haven't read the book and didn't know all of this. Very interesting and it does sound a lot like Casey. I see exactly why you see the similarities now.

I will say she fooled me during that press conference. I believed her. :banghead: Can I blame that on my age at the time? I was very naive.
I may be sick if they do. When are they going to learn that enough is enough? They should be worried about the State going after them for obstruction of justice. I pray that will happen to at least show other people where lying and covering up lies and lies and lies will get you.

I don't think it's ever going to be enough. They just keep pushing ahead.

They won't stop until someone shuts them down. And I hope it's LE in a big way. I hope they're arrested and even if they don't do time I hope all the dirt on them is exposed to the point they'll be anathema to every media outlet, every book publisher, every agent and especially every establishment that serves crab puffs.

They won't realize it, but they'll be lucky to slink away with the blood money they've already collected and their freedom. They won't be grateful but I think they should be.
And this answers our question: Is HHJP's incredible record on appeal due to bending over backward to avoid appeal issues? The answer is apparently "no," which means his record must be due to careful reasoning, convincing orders, and probably a great deal of respect from the appellate court judges.

I just read your siggy. She really stated that, huh? I'm not sure I know how to take that.... Does she mean that she'd rather have the baby dead than alive with somebody else? Is that somebody else really her mother that she would dread the baby being alive with? Or does she mean that she doesn't want to go through the daily torment of not knowing where the baby is or knowing that the baby is living with somebody?

Wouldn't any mother rather experience some level of comfort intuitively knowing their baby is alive with someone as opposed to being dead?

Clearly, that statement has my head spinning. That is a classic demonstration of the narcissitic trait of "odd thinking."
Susan was sleeping with three men, not just the rich guy (Tom). She was also sleeping with his father.

LE was suspicious of her at first because she cried with no tears. She was good at fake crying but couldn't manage tears. I guess she didn't think to poke herself in the eye.

She took sedatives and slept a lot while the husband was frantic trying to find the boys.

When they pulled the car out of the water and flipped it right side up, the lights came on. They believe she intentionally left the lights on to make sure the car sank. The boys were most likely screaming as they were dangling upside down strapped in when the car flipped over. The cold water slowly crept up on them. The car bobbed up and down like a cork and took a long time to actually sink. She was able to tell them exactly where the car was so they believe she actually stood there and watched it go under. I think it took ~ 7-8 minutes to sink during the reenactment. That's a long time to stand there and hear/watch your kids screaming to their deaths. She never tried to save them. She set her fake kidnapping plan in action. There was no way for her to know where the car sank if she didn't watch, it had drifted that far.

Both children were alive when they hit the water. Cause of death-drowning. When the first diver went down he saw a little hand pressed to the glass. The casket had to be closed.

Guess whose sweatshirt she wore during one of her press conferences. Tom's college sweatshirt. Sending a little message to one of her flings. A big deal was made of the sweatshirt because she used it as an excuse to see him--to give it back to him. He told her to keep it. Similar to Casey wanting to talk to Tony.

She also asked the detectives if she looked alright when she was on TV. She was every bit as self absorbed as Casey. The viewing public simply didn't see it because they didn't have the Sunshine Law.

She was not very happy with the second pregnancy-mostly because she didn't want it to ruin her body.

When the husband visited her in jail she complained that no one cared about HER. She was locked up in a tiny cell 23 hours a day. She also told her husband they could have more kids if/when she got out. Me me me me me me me.

The only difference is we didn't hear those jail house phone conversations. No one was sitting in the house reporting that she was sleeping while everyone else was frantic trying to find the kids. Her demeanor was different at home.

They are a lot alike, I didn't realize it until I read the book. If she had lawyerd up quickly I don't she would have ever confessed.


Do you see this kind of behavior in Casey's future also? I do.

Me too, for Susan Smith.

I watched her initial press conference and thought, wow, she's lying!

It was the strangest feeling.
OK, now where are all those deposition transcripts WFTV was "working on obtaining"??
Susan was sleeping with three men, not just the rich guy (Tom). She was also sleeping with his father.

LE was suspicious of her at first because she cried with no tears. She was good at fake crying but couldn't manage tears. I guess she didn't think to poke herself in the eye.

She took sedatives and slept a lot while the husband was frantic trying to find the boys.

When they pulled the car out of the water and flipped it right side up, the lights came on. They believe she intentionally left the lights on to make sure the car sank. The boys were most likely screaming as they were dangling upside down strapped in when the car flipped over. The cold water slowly crept up on them. The car bobbed up and down like a cork and took a long time to actually sink. She was able to tell them exactly where the car was so they believe she actually stood there and watched it go under. I think it took ~ 7-8 minutes to sink during the reenactment. That's a long time to stand there and hear/watch your kids screaming to their deaths. She never tried to save them. She set her fake kidnapping plan in action. There was no way for her to know where the car sank if she didn't watch, it had drifted that far.

Both children were alive when they hit the water. Cause of death-drowning. When the first diver went down he saw a little hand pressed to the glass. The casket had to be closed.

Guess whose sweatshirt she wore during one of her press conferences. Tom's college sweatshirt. Sending a little message to one of her flings. A big deal was made of the sweatshirt because she used it as an excuse to see him--to give it back to him. He told her to keep it. Similar to Casey wanting to talk to Tony.

She also asked the detectives if she looked alright when she was on TV. She was every bit as self absorbed as Casey. The viewing public simply didn't see it because they didn't have the Sunshine Law.

She was not very happy with the second pregnancy-mostly because she didn't want it to ruin her body.

When the husband visited her in jail she complained that no one cared about HER. She was locked up in a tiny cell 23 hours a day. She also told her husband they could have more kids if/when she got out. Me me me me me me me.

The only difference is we didn't hear those jail house phone conversations. No one was sitting in the house reporting that she was sleeping while everyone else was frantic trying to find the kids. Her demeanor was different at home.

They are a lot alike, I didn't realize it until I read the book. If she had lawyerd up quickly I don't she would have ever confessed.


What was the name of the book? I'd like to read it.
Do ya think George and Cindy think The Most Honorable Judge got it all wrong?

"Absolutely!" - said whilst chewing gum like a pig.....
Did you notice how many times they were shaking their heads in disagreement in the video? The camera was hardly on them and I saw George doing it alot.

I've been unsuccessful at my own searching so.....would anyone have a quick link to the video where Yuri is questioned by Baez and it really backfires on Baez and proves what a dufus he is? I would appreciate this very much! After today's ruling this little clip would be my "night cap"

Gotta fly - making Chili :seeya:
Thank you. I haven't read the book and didn't know all of this. Very interesting and it does sound a lot like Casey. I see exactly why you see the similarities now.

I will say she fooled me during that press conference. I believed her. :banghead: Can I blame that on my age at the time? I was very naive.

She didn't fool me one bit during that press conference. I've had experience with someone with the likes of Susan Smith. Picture this: It's Christmas Eve in 1972. This lady is in Alexander's Department Store in the toy department crying her eyes out that she left her 5 and 6 year old daughter and son in the toy department while she shopped for gifts elsewhere in the store. She came back to the toy section and her babies are gone! The sobbing and the crying that went on was to be believed.

Come to find out, this lady and her boyfriend beat the kids and set them on fire in a card board box in some lot in Harlem. I was six years old at the time and used to play with those kids. From then on, anytime I see somebody crying about their kids, they definitely get the immediate side-eye from me.

I knew Susan Smith was lying because NUMBER ONE: A lot of black men don't take care of their OWN kids so I knew darn well a black man didn't take her kids. And TWO: That woman cried without tears.
Okay, time to go to work!! Making drinks for others... I may just slide myself in a celebratory shot or two. Party on!
Thank you. I haven't read the book and didn't know all of this. Very interesting and it does sound a lot like Casey. I see exactly why you see the similarities now.

I will say she fooled me during that press conference. I believed her. :banghead: Can I blame that on my age at the time? I was very naive.

She fooled a lot of people. The smiling beautiful family pictures helped too. I got fooled at first but then as I watched her more, I didn't see any tears and felt something wasn't quite right. The estranged husband was also right by her side, believing everything she said.

She worked with a sketch artist, blaming a minority. She knew they were dragging African Americans off the streets and interrogating them for her crime. Thankfully the African American church leaders begged the public to cooperate. There could have been an all out riot while Susan did pressers then went home and slept. Thankfully non of them did any time for her crime but I bet they were terrified.

Susan was molested by her step dad. Then she willingly had sex with him when she got older. The mother didn't leave the father, he didn't go to jail, they just went to counseling. She also tried to commit suicide. She was damaged for sure and at times I felt sorry for her but there's no excuse for murder.

Sorry for the off topic---back to Casey

I think the code has finally been cracked....

Today is...

TIMER 55!!!

Let the countdown to trial begin!
I think the code has finally been cracked....

Today is...

TIMER 55!!!

Let the countdown to trial begin!

Hahaha yes we must always weave in some mysterious codes and clues and interpretations and symbols...it just wouldn't be the same without them!
I doubt ICA is going to enjoy what I have just inhaled and digested - a gorgeous meal of Denied Motions, which I have lovingly grazed on to my heart's content.

I am so full and downright blissful right now - I can barely move.

O Happy Day!

By the way Mr. Baez, may I present you with your dinner because this is such a special day !

You may have wanted manna from heaven, but here you go - This is called....

.......A THWART CAKE.........:cupcake:

Oh sorry - it's just a picture!!

It is actually for us - each and every one of us here at Websleuths - we are celebrating because you have been thwarted.

Here a thwart :cupcake: there a thwart :cupcake: there a thwart :cupcake: everywhere a thwart :cupcake: thwart :cupcake:

Justice for Caylee Folks are having themselves a little Par-Tay!!

LOL every time I think my BP is back to normal and I get settled in to read...someone rips one!!! :rocker:
How long before JB files an appeal? Monday?

Bet he's gonna be doing some overtime this weekend.


He can't file an appeal on an interlocutory order that is not an order that finally disposes of the case at the trial level. He can appeal this after the trial court's case is final and that means after the jury decides if she is guilty or not and after sentencing. Then the appeals begin. Very few things can be appealed during a trial before that time.

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