2011.03.07 Motion Hearing - *Updated* Key Ruling In! See Motions Thread (sticky)

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What a wonderful day for justice. I wonder if those Defense Atty's are reconsidering a plea deal right now ? IF they were smart, they would be.
Not to go terribly OT, but ICA's 25th birthday is tomorrow (what a nice pressie, eh). And it looks like she'll be able to choke down these motions with some cake too!

Her day will start with the jail's breakfast menu for the day -- one cup of grits, some breakfast gravy, bread, jelly and margarine.

For lunch, the jail will serve a bologna sandwich with cheese and pudding for desert.

Dinner consists of meatloaf with gravy, mashed potatoes, carrots and bread. Anthony will get a piece of cake with dinner, but that's only because it was already on the menu this week.

I wonder if JB will deliver this grand news on her birthday!

Well, I gotta say, between the SA's brilliant argument and HHJP's well-written order, they have maximized the chances of the appellate court upholding the order allowing the Universal statement in.

I'll still be biting my nails on appeal, but at least we'll get to see the jury's reaction to the amazing audio recording of KC at Universal!

Well, there's also the "harmless error" business, isn't there? She said the same lies as before. Only here, she admitted she lied.

Too bad she didn't have a back-up story that was a bit more believable. It could have given her a few more days while LE checked THAT story ou!
Well, I gotta say, between the SA's brilliant argument and HHJP's well-written order, they have maximized the chances of the appellate court upholding the order allowing the Universal statement in.

I'll still be biting my nails on appeal, but at least we'll get to see the jury's reaction to the amazing audio recording of KC at Universal!

I think the jury will be shocked at her attitude..her lack of any concern for her child, no tears, no plea to help me find her.. her cockiness and complete lack of contrition say so much.
This is doubly encouraging - because it shows that Judge Perry is NOT fooled by the nonsensical and blatantly exaggerated/dishonest arguments from Baez and Mason. Thank God he sees through the nonsense and is ruling responsibly.

I'm sure, too, this will be something the Anthonys will be screaming about after casey is found guilty. I fear the Anthonys have not yet begun to fight, but that is in the future. This is better than I imagined. She better pray she can get some sort of a deal, though that's probably not an option at this point.
I doubt ICA is going to enjoy what I have just inhaled and digested - a gorgeous meal of Denied Motions, which I have lovingly grazed on to my heart's content.

I am so full and downright blissful right now - I can barely move.

O Happy Day!

By the way Mr. Baez, may I present you with your dinner because this is such a special day !

You may have wanted manna from heaven, but here you go - This is called....

.......A THWART CAKE.........:cupcake:

Oh sorry - it's just a picture!!

It is actually for us - each and every one of us here at Websleuths - we are celebrating because you have been thwarted.

Here a thwart :cupcake: there a thwart :cupcake: there a thwart :cupcake: everywhere a thwart :cupcake: thwart :cupcake:

Justice for Caylee Folks are having themselves a little Par-Tay!!
For the LE motion, if you don't read anything else,read the conclusion:

"the weight of the evidence overwhelmingly indicates that the statements made by the Defendant were the result of consensual encounters with the police"

"furthermore, the statements are highly relevant (hint hint), specifically regarding demonstrating consciousness of guilt." "

You really got to hope that the defense is reading that and little red warning bells are going off in their minds. That at this stage taking this to a Death Penalty trial might not be in their clients best long term interests.
I LOVE this comment regarding the case law submitted by the defense.

click to enlarge
You really got to hope that the defense is reading that and little red warning bells are going off in their minds. That at this stage taking this to a Death Penalty trial might not be in their clients best long term interests.

While I called 'plea deal' upthread I do agree that the last thing the Defense has in mind is ICA's best long term interests.

They are using ICA like a lamb to the slaughter because they know she is not salvageable ... they are using her defiance, stubbornness and spite to fuel their own future careers and income.

Everyone on the Defense and the A's has a selfish motive and agenda. They will let ICA fall and then cry foul for her.
We're all this happy about one ruling, imagine how this place is going to look when the guilty verdict is read at the end of it all!

I say we all split up by location and meet for drinks on the night of the ultimate ruling Lol :) I am seriously going to be screaming my lungs out!!
This was my favorite sentence in 3 years of waiting for Justice for Caylee!!
Consciousness of Guilt. I love Judge Perry so much!!! He was able to back everything he decided with case records. ICA will be so angry, she might do herself in, she might call it quits and admit guilt. Her attorneys have got to have a word with her today...... any sign of visitors today???
OMG!! I've got to go lie down and rest!!!!!!

I love "consensual encounters with the police" too! Wasn't the first time she had a "consensual encounter"
We're all this happy about one ruling, imagine how this place is going to look when the guilty verdict is read at the end of it all!

I say we all split up by location and meet for drinks on the night of the ultimate ruling Lol :) I am seriously going to be screaming my lungs out!!

And then we can sit back and look forward to a lifetime subscription of Motions for Appeal, interviews with the A's on the vast conspiracy against ICA and, the odd prison interview with ICA to protest her innocence.

Ideally we want to remember and honor Caylee each year ... not these perps.
I for one will not give the A's one second of viewing time on any show or network they may appear on after she is found guilty and sentenced. That goes for any member of her "dream-team" too.
And then we can sit back and look forward to a lifetime subscription of Motions for Appeal, interviews with the A's on the vast conspiracy against ICA and, the odd prison interview with ICA to protest her innocence.

Ideally we want to remember and honor Caylee each year ... not these perps.

I try not to think about how the A's are going to behave when this is all over. I know it will infuriate me.
I LOVE this comment regarding the case law submitted by the defense.

click to enlarge
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This one was a favorite of mine SOTS - which is HHJP commenting on the interview at Universal Studios, when the door was closed but not locked.

" A reasonable person would also certainly prefer this discussion with the police, which included the embarrassing details of the Defendant's lies, to take place away from the prying eyes of the public."

Be still my beating heart! HHJP - you have such an elegant way with words!
And then we can sit back and look forward to a lifetime subscription of Motions for Appeal, interviews with the A's on the vast conspiracy against ICA and, the odd prison interview with ICA to protest her innocence.

Ideally we want to remember and honor Caylee each year ... not these perps.

Once they slam the door on ICA and throw away the key, I plan on never hearing another word from the Anthony's - ever! Go ahead and let her appeal ad nauseum - I won't care.

Caylee on the other hand will always have a place in my heart.
You really got to hope that the defense is reading that and little red warning bells are going off in their minds. That at this stage taking this to a Death Penalty trial might not be in their clients best long term interests.

Faefrost, with respect, in my neighborhood, those "little red warning bells" would be the police driving by with full sirens and bullhorns, the firetrucks with full sirens and leaning on their horn, the armed gang squad in their RV's who make the worst noise ever, the Ambulance crew, heck even the MediVac helicopter buzzing the building and even the coast guard would be squalling - Hey Baez - Mayday!!!

ICA's goose is cooked - stick a fork in her - she's done.....
I wonder how Casey Anthony took the news today.

Why can't I stop smiling?
Defense Team ... Here is your sign ...


Best Regards,


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