Can someone please explain the counties to me? Which county do they live in and which county was the SW coming from? TIA!!
I feel like I should make some popcorn...
What would be the false report?
Would it be the missing report of Hailey?
It wouldn't have time to pop before it was over! Anybody else disappointed that was it?
Obstruction, posession, and falsifying a statement to a law official ! According to KTXS
Class A B misdemeanors
KTXS - BD waiting for bond to be set - tomorrow. SA not in custody. BD lied about him being at her home. Open records request must be filed for media to obtain details of what has been removed from SA's grandma's house.
Yes, my guess is still that they are probably looking for a distinguishing mark to match him with a child *advertiser censored* pic or pics. Just horrible.
I'd rather have them be brief and accurate than make up stuff just to fill more time.
It wouldn't have time to pop before it was over! Anybody else disappointed that was it?
Well it just said ont he news they are at his mom's... sooo how can they be leaving his grandmas??