2011.04.04 Motion Defendant's: For Withdrawal of Appointed Counsel

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Now IN Session is milking the false story for more time. Bleck.

BTW..Christi Paul may be pretty BUT not real bright. She gets info wrong ALL the time.
Tomorrow is my Birthday & an inmate from prison gave me the best gift EVA!! :floorlaugh: Wait until I tell my DH!!
I believe most indigent clients don't get as good a defense as paying clients. However, Casey seems to be doing quite well for herself. Can you imagine a black man getting the same experts and lawyers?

I don't know for sure but, I will speculate, MOST indigent clients don't get the defense complete with high profile Lawyers and Experts that Casey is getting.
Tomorrow is my Birthday & an inmate from prison gave me the best gift EVA!! :floorlaugh: Wait until I tell my DH!!

not to brag.....but HHJP gave me one ---- his ruling that everything would come in (3-18-11 ruling)......

And what change would that be.?? hmmm

I really think he MEANT they have been pretty quiet lately. As least that is how I took it. He implied that Mark has reigned them in a bit. IMO
It's really frightening to me that I agree with JB on the resources thing!! :eek: Should I commit myself now?

:chillout: You are okay! JB is only saying that because the majority of Americans believe this is a flaw in our justice system and he is using that fact to garner sympathy...that's all. No commital necessary!
InSession defense atty (Mr. Blatt) is somehow making this the media's fault? I am thinking the court could have caught this one before it hit the media, but that's just me.

Tell ya what, we sure aren't talking about KC and Jose behaving like 7th graders this morning, are we? Nope, the clips they're using on IS are from that hearing but somehow we are NOT seeing bird-flipping or tongue-sticking-out.
Interesting that an inmate from Michigan also filed a letter in the Nelson Serrano case which CM served as counsel.

In Session stopped short of saying it was the same person but noted to similarity to KC's case.

Now IN Session is milking the false story for more time. Bleck.

BTW..Christi Paul may be pretty BUT not real bright. She gets info wrong ALL the time.

:lol: I had to laugh at the begining of the interview they were saying how they ALWAYS want to be sure they are reporting the facts correctly! :lol: :lol:
He says he gets personally attacked on a daily basis, and that as a human being it does bother him. He tries to ignore it.

And we certainly know why...

If you watch part 1 of the 4/1/11 Frye hearing somewhere around 14:00, where LDB asks JB to quit clicking his pen? and he pulls a CM (what i didnt hear you?) but we know he did because he picked up his pen before he approached her to ask for clarification? and she repeats her request please stop with the pen clicking and he proceeds to click it as annoyingly as possible?

I think this all brings home the fact that he has been working this MO since a very very young age. Hes been an antagonist since the day he was born...he obviously loves the drama. Thrives on it. Daily bread. :loser:

Lest we forget:

I doubt either JA or LDB got paid the 250,000 up front that Baez got and pizzed away, now he wants the good people of Florida to fork over their hard earned money and now tries to play like he's got the passion of Clarence Darrow. I can't imagine how the people must feel about this, or Baez.

I think we have seen about enough of his passion in the high school antics on Friday while they were waiting for the judge. KC directing JB to move over towards the camera to block her. Him bouncing and swaying, sticking his tongue out. He acts very unprofessional. Somehow I see the jury missing JB's version of the passion part and seeing it in an entirely different way. He looks as if he has a 7th grade crush on a girl. jmo

ETA: Perfect, see picture above my post!!!
Did he happen to mention the money he has already gone through without benefit of doing any actual work????If the evidence is there, it's there. You could be a millionaire and if the evidence is against you the money does you no good whatsoever.

And if KC truly wanted equal resources she should have gone with a public defender. Somehow I would think the experts would have been of a higher caliber. If the money left over from KC's picture deal went into paying for her experts (as JB stated), she was robbed. jmo

Nope! Didn't mention anything, except how it is not fair!
:rolleyes: Baez is saying on In Sessions, that Casey is mis-understood. It is her tragedy. It's more than just a case, his heart is in it.

He is being asked why she waited 31 days. In the first minute of opening statements he will answer that question. :rolleyes:

He is being asked about the sparring last week in court. He thinks it is a shame that the science wasn't front and center. The focus became the sparring.

He has never been involved in a case with so much passion, on both sides.

Interviewer asks if KC cries over Caylee, Jose says he won't go into private stuff but in general "this is KC's tragedy, what she's going through". What he isn't saying...is that KC sees the tragedy in terms of what has happened to HER since she murdered Caylee! :furious:


They need to let go of that "mis-understood"---bit---It isn't HER tragedy...IT WAS CAYLEE---CAYLEE IS THE ONLY VICTIM--it won't go over well----if it is her "tragedy":sick::maddening: she sure didn't show it upset her....

He really needs to get back to his "homework"----

ICA's tragedy that she caused...

Caylee Marie should be in kindergarten, not lying on a shelf somewhere cremated...

It appalls me but Baez has a job to do, not that it will go over well, he's just doing his job...I do hope he continues when jurors are present and listening intently...Once they hear the facts as the State presents it, a jury will come to their conclusion and that 31 days will be very hard to explain away...Is he still promising that AHA moment? I still feel Baez made this the case it's become...he was more into media appearances/interviews than finding out facts...his $275,000 was money well kept for it appears he did nothing of substance until after ICA was deemed indigent...How's that working for him???

Justice for Caylee is the golden ring in this circus and I have faith in our judicial system and those fine SA's who are fighting for Caylee's justice...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
Did he happen to mention the money he has already gone through without benefit of doing any actual work????

If the evidence is there, it's there. You could be a millionaire and if the evidence is against you the money does you no good whatsoever.

And if KC truly wanted equal resources she should have gone with a public defender. Somehow I would think the experts would have been of a higher caliber. If the money left over from KC's picture deal went into paying for her experts (as JB stated), she was robbed. jmo

This is true, it's the middle and lower classes who don't have millions to defend themselves. Guilt is guilt and money won't erase it but lack of money can leave you without protection and make an innocent person appear guilty.

And with so many prisons in this country privatized....it's a problem. The almighty dollar rules so many people, people who don't see lives ruined when an innocent person goes into prison....they see dollar signs.

In Session talking heads remind me of QVC.....they will talk the cardboard off of a box.

Total CARP.
I think Mr. CJ is just mad because JB did not call him as a witness. jmo
:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :silly:

OMG this talking head crim def lawyer just said JB is very experienced and he thinks he will come across very well to a jury!!!

I am horribly fascinated. I want to walk away... but I can't.... help...

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