2011.04.15 Hearing Thread

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It's not the sites/server fault, I just think it is the sheer number of people trying to get on. Luckily some have left now.
Don't ya love that snarky little comment HHJP made about 48 hours??

He's a sneaky little snark.
But you have us, dg.

ETA: wouldn't ya know it...got server busy message...sorry...maybe you don't have us.

lol lol

yes i have ya'all....oops there ya'all go:seeya:ha ha ha

ah i'm back...ya'all are still here :blowkiss:

Should be able to handle the 386 peeps here at the moment, if that figure is correct. Hope is beavering away in the background working on a fix... :)
I'm going to guess that HHJP already has some kind of room block arranged for the appropriate dates, possibly at several different locations just in case. Possibly under a false convention-type name. You can make those arrangements with national hotel chain's Sales Departments and get penalties waived for dropping rooms at the false locations at the last minute.

As HHJP set up a block of rooms in Orlando for the jury, I'm guessing he has done the same thing at possible off site locations also.

Thank you, Tia.

It's my understanding that yes, the court is making accomodations for the Jury, but NOT the State or the DT. The State and Defense obviously have to make arrangements in another hotel away from the jury. Your Honour did say that 1 person should be assigned from each side to make hotel arrangements for their teams (@ approximately $50.00 per head). This 1 person is going to know in advance, so the State and DT can set up office and hotel locations because they won't be able to keep driving back n' forth. Makes me wonder just how far away this trial is gonna be.

Can I see JB selling this little tid-bit to People magazine for a hefty sum? Oh, without a doubt.

Of course that's my opinion only.

Will she testify now? maybe this is what is being addressed? or perhaps a deal? i think she confessed something to that doctor.
I'm thinking if it was a plea deal, they would have done it earlier or possibly before this hearing without it being public. Still in camera.
:crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

omg ... the SERVER here at WS was BUSY ... I was having the "DT's" not being able to read here to see what was going on since the attorneys along with ICA went into Chambers a little while ago ...

Any advice for when the "Server" is too "Busy" ?


I was locked out on "too busy" for ten minute - first thing I tried was getting to the Caylee thread to find out WTH was going on in the hearing... LOL
Now granted I came here late (paying bills, grocery list, looking for online clothes coupons for the teen queen, talked to the mater) but I gotta tell ya they've been gone for a heck of a long time. I'd pay good money to hear what's going on. Unfortunately I have to leave to pick up the teen queen at the bus stop shortly but I do thank you all for your posts that are keeping me up to date, you guys are the best.
I am not a happy camper - first time ever got booted off -:maddening: - took me 20 - count 'em - 20 minutes to get back on! :banghead::banghead:
We set a new record...1274 on WS....323 on hearing thread ugh...I haven't been able to get on...server busy!
Wow, if this is a plea deal (and I don't want to start a rumor that it is) but that would be huge. Something big is going down.
SHE probably thinks she's going in as a paralegal!

:great: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:

I needed this good laugh ... I am "Jones'n" (sp) right now because this is about my third time trying to get back on because of the busy server ... WS is the best place for the news on this case and not being able to find out what is going on "behind closed doors" is making me crazy !!!!
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