2011.05.04 Verdict Watch

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there's a cooper trial tweeter named Zosemary Rednick LOL hilarious
What do you call what happened to Laci Peterson? Those of you who do not believe DV can have a first time that ends in a murder. Well...what is it then? Her husband murdered her. No previous signs of abuse. No evidence found in the house. No physical evidence that tied him to the body. Lots of C.E. evidence elsewhere though.

But he killed her. He planned it. He executed it.

This does happen. Much too often.

So what name would you like to give it?

Murder happened to Laci Peterson. Scott was not an abusive husband prior to her murder. I'm not sure I understand your point. Would you call Scott Peterson an abuser prior to December 24th?
I truly believe that she did not fear for her life.

I've been thinking about this part of it. MOO, I think if Nancy had some prior experience with violence, some past history of abuse, she might have had a better *feel* for what was happening. Her instincts would have been more finely tuned IMO. I remember discussing this once in therapy. Probably more than once...:fence: anyway, I recall my therapist saying 'of course you are more observant of situations, you had to be well aware of your surroundings to survivie.' 'It hones your instincts.' Words to that effect. The way he explained it, made perfect sense to me once I understood. Wish I had the same ability to explain.... :( Nancy seemed to come from a basically happy, well-rounded, close, demonstrative family. She didn't have any frame of reference to go by IMO. Her instincts as to what *can* happen, weren't finely tuned enough. Some of us, like some of nancy's friends, saw and *felt* things nancy didn't understand until it was too late IMO. Perhaps part of that last frantic call to the realor, I need to get out ASAP. And the reluctance to go home that night, before the lights were out. :-( If only it hadn't all come to head on a week-end, a Friday night. The Lopez woman saw and felt it IMO.
BC did this mentally to NC with his narcissistic personality. The custody hearing revealed this very openly over and over. SG & I sat thru the entire hearing and it was an eye opener for us. This is all posted under "testimonies" in WS thread.
I feel this is the reason RKAB posted what she did...it was all done behind closed doors.
I have to reinterate the Pros missed the mark by not bringing his personality into the trial.

FWIW.... I feel the call to the realtor happened because KL testified NC had $700 during the custody hearing. In addition to JA paint $ it might have enabled NC to move out of Wallsburg Ct., but not in the manner she did.

A lot of what was said in the custody affidavits was proven to be outright untruths that documented proof was provided to contradict.

Regarding what I bolded, then it was a lie that she had no money on Friday. Tell us though, why didn't she call Alice Stubbs and inform her that she was moving out of the house?
I agree, Nancy had no clue who she had married.

I personally believe their relationship was shallow (neither knew each other on the inside very well), but I also believe each had their own motives to marry one another - and to them this was more important.

Again, if she was that dissatified in the marriage, NC had 5 years to bail (I think she'd have any clues she needed at that point to make the decision) before they had their first child - which would have been a 'clean' break as far as maintaining contact for the sake of children.
LOL, I've been reviewing the posts today while waiting for the verdict and have come to the conclusion that if the WS posters on this thread were on the jury there would definitely be a "hung" jury............
Does anyone know if Nancy actually wanted to work? The extreme financial numbers of the separation agreement seem to indicate that she still wanted to be a full time stay-at-home mother and was looking for enough money from the estranged ex-husband to support such a goal.

That's hard to say. She had rekindled contact with a very wealthy guy named Brett that she was seeing in 1999. She talked about living with her sister in Ottawa until she was on her feet. She had asked Brad to purchase an interview outfit for interviews she apparently had set up in Canada, but no information was ever provided about those interviews. My experience with interviews is that they are set up within 7-10 days of the first phone call, but I didn't get the impression that Nancy was attending interviews in that timeline, nor that she had a telephone interview. I did get the impression that Nancy told people what she wanted them to know. For example, she told complete strangers personal details about her marriage, possibly because she wanted them to validate that it was a bad marriage, and possibly because she wanted their sympathy. At the same time, she was probably having a very different type of conversation with her "new guy" Brett. Her parents heard of hardship and in that context they gave her a lot of money. I don't think we'll ever know what direction Nancy really wanted to go, and I'm not convinced that she knew where she wanted to go. We have everything from taking the children and leaving the country to working to staying to contacting a realtor (have to wonder why). We heard from her father that she had asked for a loan to buy Brad's interest in the house, so it may even be possible that her parents were prepared to help her buy a house.
Yes she wanted to work. Was doing what she could without a green card....painting for friends. Also, separation agreements are drafted with the present circumstances at hand, which was she was a stay at home mom. If she got a job in the future, the support arrangements could be amended to reflect any changes.

She had also told several people that she was tired of painting.
I never said anything close to calling her an indentured servant. And, yes her spending was limited once Brad knew she was getting out of the marriage for good. Control. Late 2007, sadly she was still trying to sustain her awful marriage.

This discussion came up a few weeks ago but I'll ask it again. If you are in a relationship and there is only one primary earner, lets say you start looking at finances and realize that the lifestyle that you were living was not sustainable based on the income coming in. At that point there needs to be some hard choices on what can and cannot be done. Would you agree that both parties need to be fully on board for that to work out properly? What happens if one is not?

I never agreed to him removing her from accounts/cc's/etc. He went about it extremely wrong. But I don't think it's unreasonable to put everyone on a budget or at least make some serious sacrafices in order to get bills paid/groceries bought/etc. Could that not had been the situation here with the 300 bucks a week?
I can see that everyone is restless waiting on the verdict. Hopefully, it will come soon or this group will be fighting another war. I have to be away from the computer for a while, but carry on. Wouldn't it be interesting to have all of us in a room together, or would that be an absolute disaster?
Wasn't it NC's sister that testified BC was a real jerk about his own daughters birthday party and why didn't the other children bring their own food or something to that affect. I find that totally understandable coming from a father that dotes on his daughters so much. BC that is what REAL parents do for their children's birthdays. If you don't have the money, then don't plan the party.

I don't think he planned the party, and if he had of said they couldn't afford it then he would be trashed for that. The man could not win.
... I can't envision a senario where "anybody" would use Google Maps to search ...

Possible Scenario: BC did scope out possible locations in person while the family was on vacation the week prior. On Friday he was just reviewing his plans for the big night.

He managed to delete the cookies, but missed a few cache files. Perhaps a bug in the "Clear history..." function of Internet Explorer?
I believe BC was emotionally abusive to RKAB.

That type of personality doesn't appear and disappear. It's a personality disorder. The most difficult type of mental illness to treat. In fact, IMO, people with major personality disorders are really not treatable in the traditional sense of the word 'treatment'. Much like pedophiles, it's impossible to instill 'empathy' into an adult. There is disagreement I think in the world of psychiatry, as to whether those with personality disorders can be treated, much like the disagreement as to whether pedophiles can be cured. MOO

Nature vs. nurture

Is one *born* that way, devoid of empathy?
Laci Peterson wasn't in a domestic violence situation until she was. As she was being strangled or asphyxiated or something by Scott Peterson, her supposedly loving hubby who now sits on death row in CA.

Not every situation starts with the classic signs of pushing/shoving/hitting, etc. We know Brad called Nancy names. He said he NEVER yelled at her in front of the girls, NEVER used profanity in front of the girls. Two witnesses sat on that stand and told us something very different. Two witnesses who were not friends of Nancy, not part of any alleged "clique." Brad lied about that in his affidavit and in his deposition. There is no reason to lie. And yet he did. And he got caught lying.

Brad was a bully. He was subversive. He was passive/aggressive. He was sneaky. He was controlling. Doesn't matter if he was that way for 5 yrs, 1 year or 8 months. That was his behavior.

And in the end, on July 11, Brad, like Scott Peterson, committed his final act of abuse...the physical violence on his wife. He didn't mess around with a few punches and shoves. He killed her.

Sometimes the first time is the last time. Just like Scott Peterson and many others.

Wow Madeline!!! I just read along here without commenting, but You hit the nail right on the head lady! I understand this sudden escalation because I lived it. MOO

I believe that was a preschool, not a daycare.

Yes, a few hours a couple times a week - and the youngest was just for a summer day camp program of a couple weeks. Not like they were in full-time daycare. It was more a preschool to get them ready for school in a year or so.
And....placing Nancy in a bad light....little insinuations.....so obvious and cruel....continue

The woman was killed and dumped like trash. Nude, for the final humiliation. Isn't that enough?? I guess not....how disgusting
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