2011.05.04 Verdict Watch

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BBM, that is typically called obstruction of justice.

So by your reasoning, BC is guilty of obstruction of justice as well? I would say his obstruction of justice holds more weight, IMO, because he was the last person we DEFINITELY know who saw her alive.
I think that's where the confusion came in. In Brad's words he claimed that GM had a 3825 from him. It was cleared up later that it was a server that GM had from Brad's lab.

Cleared up as in covered up. GM had a 3825, BC had a 3825. One is missing, someone needs to come up with it, better to blame BC than himself. Oh and he can be a hero for the prosecution to boot.
Nothing is clear from his testimony about it IMO.

This guy seems to collect routers at his house, and obviously BC is one of the folks who order these routers.

While I stand corrected that he did not own up to having one, if you read the transcript (better yet watch the vid) you could interpret his gibber-speak to be trying to dance around it.

As for the U server, that's a different item and discussion altogether IMO but GM conflates the 2 when they clearly are not the same piece of equipment being discussed.
snipped to save space

Sorry, but it seems clear to me.
Cleared up as in covered up. GM had a 3825, BC had a 3825. One is missing, someone needs to come up with it, better to blame BC than himself. Oh and he can be a hero for the prosecution to boot.

No. It was all answered right there in the chat. Brad misstated what GM had at home. He had taken something home but it wasn't a 3825 router.
It's such a sad shame that everybody in the free world conspired against this one lowly pitiful little man. It just cracks me up. <smh> I'll never understand - as someone said to me today, "It just ain't made for me to understand."
I agree, you can see where BC has been repeatedly picking at his face. And those dark circles/bags under his eyes don't help either.

I can't imagine the stress he is under. Placing his life into the hands of 12 people. I believe he's innocent, and I can't fathom what he's going through right now.
I was hoping to come here tonight and see discussion of the items the jury requested to review. I missed from 3 o'clock on and thought maybe something interesting was going on.
Maybe it is guilt. Guilt does do that to people.
That's true, I won't deny. I have to wonder if she thought something was going to come out she'd need to explain or some cover up she'd have to identify. She looked sickly? withdrawn? concerned? I just don't know.
I can't imagine the stress he is under. Placing his life into the hands of 12 people. I believe he's innocent, and I can't fathom what he's going through right now.

He is as innocent as Scott Peterson and Jason Young. MOO
Cleared up as in covered up. GM had a 3825, BC had a 3825. One is missing, someone needs to come up with it, better to blame BC than himself. Oh and he can be a hero for the prosecution to boot.

Oh dear...I guess it is not sorted!!
I can't imagine the stress he is under. Placing his life into the hands of 12 people. I believe he's innocent, and I can't fathom what he's going through right now.

And it must be difficult for JA as well, because even though none of us know her personally, many have decided she is a deceitful liar, some possibly think murder, and she has to get on camera and describe what she did. And if she really just wanted to help her friend, and her actions have created an opposite perspective to some, than she must feel devastated and embarassed and under a lot of stress and scrutiny as well. Regardless of the painting plans, we do not know for sure JA saw NC on that Saturday morning, but we know BC did. And that is a fact, not an opinion.
I was hoping to come here tonight and see discussion of the items the jury requested to review. I missed from 3 o'clock on and thought maybe something interesting was going on.

I didn't get to hear anything today - so I have no idea what the jury asked for. Some photos is all I can gather. All I can surmise is that they are truly deliberating, which is good.
And it must be difficult for JA as well, because even though none of us know her personally, many have decided she is a deceitful liar, some possibly think murder, and she has to get on camera and describe what she did. And if she really just wanted to help her friend, and her actions have created an opposite perspective to some, than she must feel devastated and embarassed and under a lot of stress and scrutiny as well. Regardless of the painting plans, we do not know for sure JA saw NC on that Saturday morning, but we know BC did. And that is a fact, not an opinion.

It is YOUR opinion that BC did it. That is not fact. If it were fact, do you honestly think we'd be sitting in trial right now? [EDIT: Now I see that you said BC saw her is a fact. I agree with that. Sorry, misread the first time]

And I have never accused JA of being involved in this. I don't think she's got anything to do with the murder, but I do find her a little suspicious.
It's such a sad shame that everybody in the free world conspired against this one lowly pitiful little man. It just cracks me up. <smh> I'll never understand - as someone said to me today, "It just ain't made for me to understand."

I think its more a case of individuals convinced of his guilt but unsure of a conviction taking it upon themselves to 'help' ensure a conviction. No conspiracy is necessary to believe evidence was tampered with.

LEOs do it...some once in their life, some never, some on a regular basis. That's reality whther you believe it or not. That's why there is legislation in the state house aimed at insulating SAs from police misconduct/tampering.

I guess the 'friends' coordination/filtering would qualify as a conspiracy in the technical sense, so if you believe MH was asked not to speak directly to police and/or that those affidavits were written with "consistency is good" in mind and/or folks who refused to provide negative info on BC were ostracized and/or pics of NC but only with the necklace email was circulated...if you believe any or all of those things of which some are testimony/evidence, then you technically believe in at least once conspiracy.
That's true, I won't deny. I have to wonder if she thought something was going to come out she'd need to explain or some cover up she'd have to identify. She looked sickly? withdrawn? concerned? I just don't know.

Maybe she is aware of the assumptions people are making about her and the things they are saying about her. Perhaps she is sick at the loss of her friend and how this trial has destroyed her reputation. It is a good possibility this trail and the publicity has invaded her life and changed her and not in a good way. Personally, I have a lot of admiration for someone who steps up and makes that phone call to the police.
And it must be difficult for JA as well, because even though none of us know her personally, many have decided she is a deceitful liar, some possibly think murder, and she has to get on camera and describe what she did. And if she really just wanted to help her friend, and her actions have created an opposite perspective to some, than she must feel devastated and embarassed and under a lot of stress and scrutiny as well. Regardless of the painting plans, we do not know for sure JA saw NC on that Saturday morning, but we know BC did. And that is a fact, not an opinion.

She wasn't called a liar until long after her testimony. Many things surfaced throughout the trial that contradict her story. There are a lot of questionable things that I can't simply give her the benefit of the doubt like you can.
It is YOUR opinion that BC did it. That is not fact. If it were fact, do you honestly think we'd be sitting in trial right now?


Please do not twist my words. What I said, is regardless of what side of the fence you are on, BDI or BDDI, it is a fact BC was the last one we know FOR SURE saw her alive. Unless there was an eye witness who knew her personally, and saw her running, and stopped to chat, we do not know that she was seen after she went home on Friday night. Some of us think she went home, and BC killed her. Fact: he would have been the last person to see her alive. Some of us think she went on a run, and was murdered by someone else. FACT: BC was the last person to see or know of her alive, depending on which version of his story you believe...(remember in one he heard her leave, and in another, he saw her.) There is no opinion in that. It is a FACT. BC was the last person to see her alive.
Maybe she is aware of the assumptions people are making about her and the things they are saying about her. Perhaps she is sick at the loss of her friend and how this trial has destroyed her reputation. It is a good possibility this trail and the publicity has invaded her life and changed her and not in a good way. Personally, I have a lot of admiration for someone who steps up and makes that phone call to the police.

She was on the stand on day 3. No one was talking about her before that time.
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