2011.05.14 - Sidebar Thread (Juror Selection Day Six)

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Thank you so much! :seeya: I'm halfway through some of them, and all I can say is, WOW. Some crazy stuff there. Who is Cookie?!

Which links are working for you, for the letters? I tried the top one & it says the file is damaged & cannot be repaired. Is there a link that works to read the letters?
Just hoping for a non-hung jury. A few that got in have me wringing my hands like ICA. A few doozies got in, a few obvious, and not so obvious imo, including the idealistic, ignore news cuz it's bad, nursing student you all may be thinking is an asset to the state. Watch out for this one. Issuing the death penalty would not be in her realm of mind during her indoctrination as a nurse to 'save lives' ...imo and experience.

Yes, the nursing student worries me a lil too. I think Baez will unleash his suave self on her, and try to 'connect. ' And she may actually identify a bit with ICA, and not the prosecution team. She sounded a bit like a know-it-all, and may rebel against the rest of the panel if she feels like it. imoo
Yes, the nursing student worries me a lil too. I think Baez will unleash his suave self on her, and try to 'connect. ' And she may actually identify a bit with ICA, and not the prosecution team. She sounded a bit like a know-it-all, and may rebel against the rest of the panel if she feels like it. imoo

A know it all that kept cutting off the questioning with her answers...and as a nursing student will be so currently consumed with emphasized empathy and life saving notions she could not consider the death penalty whilst encompassed with nursing school. She will be one in 10 years that says..damn! what was I thinking??!!??
What a week.
What a whirl.
I've scrolled, refreshed, and thanked so much this week,
my pointer finger is starting to twitch involuntarily.
I hope everyone gets a well deserved days rest.
I'm worn to a nub just reading all the posts
Thanks to all <waves>
It is what it is.. now we have to hope and pray the selected jurors can come together as a group and gel in their understandings of the evidence presented. I am nervous. How far can you whittle it down and retain meaning for a few of them?

This is very sad and so well said.

I missed this juror this morning as I didn't get online until later. This is a very powerful video! The statement this woman made was eloquent and spoken from the heart!

The camera goes to KC, and her response was clear. She was angry to hear someone critical of her failure to cooperate with LE. She did not want to hear how someone grieved over the loss of their child. She picked up a pen and started to write, jabbing at the paper and underlining something. AF leans over and with her pen wrote something, and Casey wrote below where AF wrote. I had the impression that KC was simply scribbling in a circle.
I am so old and stupid , I would have NEVER know that WS was a blog. I knew I just started doing such, but in the 90's when was the last time I did, we called a web community!!!!!!!!!! What a hoot! Sorry, but self defining sometimes gets lost........HONESTLY@!

WS isn't a blog. A blog is an individual's online journal. So you're not behind the times...the people that continue to refer to WS posters as bloggers are misusing the term (although some WS members also have blogs). :)
What a week.
What a whirl.
I've scrolled, refreshed, and thanked so much this week,
my pointer finger is starting to twitch involuntarily.
I hope everyone gets a well deserved days rest.
I'm worn to a nub just reading all the posts
Thanks to all <waves>

:floorlaugh: I can't even read a soup can without my finger twitching to press thanks. Rest up, my friend.
Okay this is what I posted and it was when the last guy came out, I think.

oh wow....she ain't forgiving nor forgetting!

ICA would not look at Baez when she came out, he was at her end o fthe desk and she waited till he moved back so she could get round, would not look at him would not speak to him - Baez then shook his head a few times at Sims .

ICA knows how to hold a grudge - well we knew that guess Baez is just finding it out.

She better watch it if he feels like maybe he is being treated like her parents were treated her whole life, he may just throw up his hands and take them off the wheel of that bus. And let CM handle the trial. It is obvious CM is trying his hardest to help JB to get his experience and she may know that and feel like a second fiddle to JB. As much as I get upset with these guys and their antics It is all about their lifes work, the defendant is their vehicle to accomplish that first. She is no longer in their world. WORK, she doesn't know what the word means.
What a week.
What a whirl.
I've scrolled, refreshed, and thanked so much this week,
my pointer finger is starting to twitch involuntarily.
I hope everyone gets a well deserved days rest.
I'm worn to a nub just reading all the posts
Thanks to all <waves>
This post sums up life here perfectly!
That would be really hard for me, to be honest. I mean, in some ways I would LOVE to be on that jury. But of course, I would never get there unless I lied my arse off...so I guess just being able to tell the truth and get it off my chest would be the way to go. Oh well.

ya cause jb doesn't like liars....he really gets mad--how could you be sworn in and possibly lie.....what a joke.....pot met kettle:floorlaugh::maddening:
Does anyone else have the feeling that it was ICA that made Baez get up and deliver that statement (where he lied mind) that he did not call ICA a 2 yr old?

That seemed so stupid to draw even more attention to the comment, I'm not putting stupid past Baez but it seemed like such a Casey thing to do.

Was anyone watching the SA table while Baez was lying about having made that statement? I am curious as to what their reaction was to this obvious lie.

It took some special kind of nerve for him to get up and tell such a bold-faced lie to Judge Perry.
Was anyone watching the SA table while Baez was lying about having made that statement? I am curious as to what their reaction was to this obvious lie.

It took some special kind of nerve for him to get up and tell such a bold-faced lie to Judge Perry.

From what I remember I think they were looking incredulous that this "guy" would get up and make an issue out of particular media coverage from the dreaded Nancy Grace show because now he has drawn even more attention to it. I think there is nothing that Baez can do now that will even shock the prosecutors because they've had Baez's number for over 2 yrs.
For those speculating on Baez's and ICA's relationship and her propensity to hold a grudge, I've found the 2 radio shows that Richard Hornsby (Floridian Criminal Defense Attorney and sometimes member of Websleuths) guested on with Steph Watts - Richard discusses at length the indigency hearing, the payment from ABC and what ICA might do in the future should she feel that Baez pinched pennies and did nothing on her case for over a year.

Richard on Steph Watts before the hearing


Richard on Steph Watts after the hearing

After the last break yesterday it seems like a number of the guards, one woman in particular who appears to be a supervisor had to either go back in or lean into the room where KC was. I saw KC's guard motion for her to come out but it appears she did not want to. When she did come out she had a sullen look on her face. Apparently she was upset with JB. But why? She is constantly writing notes and passing them on to AF and she writes the notes while the PT are speaking. So is she telling JB which jurors she feels she wants.

I did notice that with one of the jurors yesterday, and it was the man who had commended about writing a book on Facebook, she was responding to if you can call it that. Certain body language, wetting her lips, smiling at him, etc. So she may have been upset because he was let go. jmo
Was anyone watching the SA table while Baez was lying about having made that statement? I am curious as to what their reaction was to this obvious lie.

It took some special kind of nerve for him to get up and tell such a bold-faced lie to Judge Perry.

Oh, I dunno... I think JB is every bit as comfortable with lying as his client is.
Yesterday there were questions about why HHJP appeared to be harder on JA than on JB or CM.
HHJP was a prosecutor ,himself. He prosecuted DP cases. Due to his experience,maybe he has a higher standard for the SA's . He really ,really wants to avoid appeals that could possibly overturn a conviction.
HHJP knows this case inside and out.He knows the evidence and from his experience,knows a guilty verdict is the most likely outcome.Even CM acknowledged that.
Everything he does is based on his prior experience and I'm trusting him to do it right. That doesn't mean he won't make mistakes or be challenged,but I do think he will do a great job and there will be Justice for Caylee Marie. jmo
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