2011.05.20 Sidebar Thread (Jury Selection Day Eleven)

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I marked The time on clip when HHJP was saying Mon he would have time to speak with Teams about some matter..(issues) they had talked about .. absence a stipulation they would do it the "old fashion way"

What do you think that is ... I am thinking The DT wants that Witness list and in the order they are calling them ..in other words he wants to be privy to the game plan .. ... wants exception cause his girl is so so special .....
Attached Thumbnails AT THE 12:50 MARK

And I think it is also about working out which 'props' are going to be allowed during opening statements. The judge said they had to approve each others ahead of time.
Thankx for this Leila!!! If you zoom ni you can see each media outlet. They are ALL going to be there and then some. The Associated Press is in seat #2 behind the red defense table.

I want to see pictures of the outside. It has to be sheer madness now. I just can't imagine. At least the local businesses are flourishing with all the influx of media.

I noted all the reserved seats for the media. I count 32 for the media and 48 for the public. I wonder who's got seat number 92 (upper right) and 79 (upper left) reserved. They're in white while all the other seats are yellow, blue, or green.

I'm sure it's going to be a real business boom in Orlando! With the sheer number of media in town, and each media outlet having a crew for all their equipment, they're all going to need hotel accommodations and restaurants.
ORLANDO, Fla. -- Restaurants located near the Orange County Courthouse are gearing up for a surge in business when the Casey Anthony trial comes to town. VIDEO: Business | 'Caseytown'
A motel near the courthouse has already begun to fill up with media members, attorneys, witnesses and members of the public hoping to view the trial in person.Spectators and media from across the country will gather outside the Orange County Courthouse on Orange Avenue for the trial. Nearly 600 members of the media are expected to come to Orlando for the trial.Rental companies are trucking in portable offices that will become mini newsrooms for journalists stationed at the courthouse.Crews have already begun setting up a special stage across the street to accommodate the media.Mike Brooks is a law enforcement analyst for CNN, Headline News and TruTV. He said few trials have attracted the kind of national media coverage that the Anthony case has."It is going to be one of the most interesting cases I have seen in quite some time," Brooks said.Only 33 news organizations, including CNN, People, Newsweek and Local 6, have seats in the courtroom, the rest will camped out outside.A fenced-in plot of land next to the courthouse has been given the nickname "Casey Town." It will have electricity, water, telephone, Internet access and food vendors, but trial attendees are bound to spill out of Casey Town, and nearby businesses are getting ready for them.
I think the issue was that they will not be given "reserved seats" or weren't when they were granted the release from sequestration. At that time, the SA told Mr. Lippman that they (the SA) have six reserved seats and the Anthony's were welcome to use two of them, if they had to just cue up like ordinary peeps. We do not know if the Anthony's accepted that offer or not.

I think the balcony idea was so that if they had any reactions or made any gestures, it wouldn't be as noticeable as it was if they were on the floor. But I have heard no definite arrangements that the balcony is where they will sit.

I just thought of something.......I wonder if the six reserved seats the state has are behind the state table? If the Anthonys accepted the offer, they might be sitting on the state's side of the courtroom. :)
I noted all the reserved seats for the media. I count 32 for the media and 48 for the public. I wonder who's got seat number 92 (upper right) and 79 (upper left) reserved. They're in white while all the other seats are yellow, blue, or green.

I'm sure it's going to be a real business boom in Orlando! With the sheer number of media in town, and each media outlet having a crew for all their equipment, they're all going to need hotel accommodations and restaurants.
I noticed those little white boxes too. One says "Edu" - education/educational? Maybe a local law student or professor? The other just says "Resv" - reserved. Maybe a plain clothes detective to watch that crowd in the balconey or even just another court baliff to watch the crowd. The balconey reminded me of a movie theatre and they need to have at least one baliff up there.
Forgetting about the high tech parts...just the tables for defense and prosecution are gorgeous!
And all the flat screens in the jury box!!! That means the autoposy photos might not be seen. They can just put them on the screens in the jury box. I would imagine anything they don't want the public to see can be removed and just sent to those screens in the jury box.
For those under 40 I'm thinking Gwen Stefani "Bananas"
over 40...
I noticed those little white boxes too. One says "Edu" - education/educational? Maybe a local law student or professor? The other just says "Resv" - reserved. Maybe a plain clothes detective to watch that crowd in the balconey or even just another court baliff to watch the crowd. The balconey reminded me of a movie theatre and they need to have at least one baliff up there.

Having a baliff or plain clothes detective in the balcony is likely. With both seats being on the end of the row they would afford a view of people coming into the balcony or leaving, and also be in a position to view those in the balcony.
..also----in the "high tech courtroom of the future", courtroom 23--

( please ignore if already posted-----i didn't have time to read back through all of the great posts! )

..there will be no need for JB to bring along his markers and easel..

( and get a kick out of having YM, Dr.V. etc. get down on their knees and 'colour' for him----as we saw at the Frye hearings.)

---------the evidence presentation system-----

The evidence presentation system is centrally stored and operated from a state-of-the-art podium and includes the following features: 1) a digital document camera to view documents, photographs, x-rays, 3-D objects, etc.; 2) a DVD player to play audio and video recordings; 3) a touch screen monitor for the attorney to mark on projected documents and/or images; 4) a touch screen monitor for the witness to mark on projected documents and/or images; 5) a visual image printer to provide instant photo-quality print output of all presentations; 6) laptop connection for computer generated demonstrations; and 7) touch screen controls for easy local and remote operation.


----evidence which the jury will view up close and personal---on the 10 monitors in the jury box.


How many think that JB and especially CM will have a real problem with high tech stuff? I know I do, and I also think that LDB will be on top of it all! :great:
..at one of the spring hearings, judgeP was talking about courtroom 23--------and said "i suggest y'all go on up, and take a tour". (gives "the perry look/pursed lips" to both sides.)

..hopefully they did-------as he also said this past week , that HE was scheduled to take a tour himself this weekend-----if he's up on it ( and i'm sure he will be ) JB&Co. better be too.

..when CM was complaining about the camera peeking over their shoulder, they took judgeP up on his offer to use the attorney tables across from the jury box--------LDB immediatley swooped in and snapped up the (normal) defense table for the state as well. ( you may recall she asked if they could push them together? judgeP said no, due to the fact that they were already electronically wired in place.)

..and finally------in addition to the usual "roving camera" that will pick up the witness, attorneys, judge, gallery------when they did the courtroom 23 upgrade april 2011, they also installed what the techs call the "casey cam" , a seperate cam that will catch her reactions to testimony etc.
( i anticipate the split-screen when certain witnesses are up testifying ! )

..i like it that she will be across from the jury (they can watch her dead-on--no hiding behind binders, and/or her attorneys.)

..it will also be evident if she chooses NOT to look out at CA and GA --ever---since she will have the option TO do so..

NOT watching but I have to comment....
You know what's a political ploy?? Being the only media representative out of hundreds to draw a picture in the sand on live camera to show OUR troop location in Desert Storm. He should have been arrested. Being buddies with Mr Baez...once again he's following his own interests in "reporting".

MOO and stuff.

Because of that he is totaly bocotted in our house (DH former Marine)---I have that issue along with how he always manages to bring race into everything...I MEAN EVERYTHING is about RACE....:maddening: I'm over it....:maddening:
Well I didn't see the Rapture and I didn't ascend either so I watched a Lady Gaga special instead...:innocent:

LOL...I emerged Friday after court for last couple days and haven't followed news whatsoever....dd told me about the Rapture and all....it was the first I heard of it.....amazing what went on in the world while I've been in my little world upstairs waiting for Justice....my peeps just don't understand why I need to hear and see this....but oh well....some just move me more than others....
I noted all the reserved seats for the media. I count 32 for the media and 48 for the public. I wonder who's got seat number 92 (upper right) and 79 (upper left) reserved. They're in white while all the other seats are yellow, blue, or green.

I'm sure it's going to be a real business boom in Orlando! With the sheer number of media in town, and each media outlet having a crew for all their equipment, they're all going to need hotel accommodations and restaurants.

I thought the white seats may be wheelchair access seats.
A fenced-in plot of land next to the courthouse has been given the nickname "Casey Town."[/COLOR] It will have electricity, water, telephone, Internet access and food vendors, but trial attendees are bound to spill out of Casey Town, and nearby businesses are getting ready for them.


Whattt! NO porta-pots? :crazy:

That's the most IMP thing needed in "Casey Town"..If they truly don't have any these folks will be sheeet out of luck! :rocker:

We all know that's def not the kind of "business" anybody wants or will allow.

I'm thinking this was simply an 'omission'..If not, the ones that planned "Casey Town" goofed BIG time..Unless! Code doesn't permit it..Is that possible? :waitasec:
With ALL the talk (by JP) about the 'financial' trouble in the FL court system it's kinda shocking they have this incredible ($$$$) courtroom..It really doesn't 'add up' in my mind especially considering how unlikely it is there will be another 'Tot Mom' type trial there, or any where for that matter, any time soon.
I think the issue was that they will not be given "reserved seats" or weren't when they were granted the release from sequestration. At that time, the SA told Mr. Lippman that they (the SA) have six reserved seats and the Anthony's were welcome to use two of them, if they had to just cue up like ordinary peeps. We do not know if the Anthony's accepted that offer or not.

I think the balcony idea was so that if they had any reactions or made any gestures, it wouldn't be as noticeable as it was if they were on the floor. But I have heard no definite arrangements that the balcony is where they will sit.

As IF the Ants would ever sit on the 'enemy' side or even consider taking anything from them! I don't see it happening at all.

They just can NOT control themselves so if they were smart they would sit in the balcony..OTH! If they don't really want to be there wherever they sit that's exactly what they will do=getting removed.

Btw! Did anybody notice the ICA's female guard (the blonde) chomping away on GUM? If anybody should know the 'rules' it would be her. :loser:
With ALL the talk (by JP) about the 'financial' trouble in the FL court system it's kinda shocking they have this incredible ($$$$) courtroom..It really doesn't 'add up' in my mind especially considering how unlikely it is there will be another 'Tot Mom' type trial there, or any where for that matter, any time soon.

I believe this came out of last year's budget so it would not affect this year's. This courtroom was not updated for Tot Mom. It was scheduled to be refurbished and the technical equipment permanently installed is for safety reasons if you have seen all the wires being strung downstairs in the other courtrooms it makes sense. The courtroom existed before and was just updated. I would think this is their main trial courtroom for criminal cases and not necessarily just for high profile. Considering how many media seats were requested 100 gallery seats are not very many so it's not as big as we would think. jmo
As IF the Ants would ever sit on the 'enemy' side or even consider taking anything from them! I don't see it happening at all.

They just can NOT control themselves so if they were smart they would sit in the balcony..OTH! If they don't really want to be there that's exactly what they will do=getting removed.

Btw! Did anybody notice the ICA's female guard (the blonde) chomping away on GUM? If anybody should know the 'rules' it would be her. :loser:

It is going to be a toss-up where the Anthony's are going to be with "this" at opening statements, especially after Finnell's questioning during the jury selection, which I am sure their lawyer insisted they watched to get them used to how rough the trial is going to be.

I also think it depends on how close to ICA they want to sit during the trial, or if the concern is simply to get a seat at all if none have been reserved for them. Despite all they have done, I hope they are given reserved seats - they will have enough to battle emotionally on a day to day basis to remain in the courtroom at all, without being concerned about seating.
I think the issue was that they will not be given "reserved seats" or weren't when they were granted the release from sequestration. At that time, the SA told Mr. Lippman that they (the SA) have six reserved seats and the Anthony's were welcome to use two of them, if they had to just cue up like ordinary peeps. We do not know if the Anthony's accepted that offer or not.

I think the balcony idea was so that if they had any reactions or made any gestures, it wouldn't be as noticeable as it was if they were on the floor. But I have heard no definite arrangements that the balcony is where they will sit.

I remember hearing this offer, too. Now I'm wondering why those 6 reserved seats aren't marked on any of the seating charts we're seeing. I wonder why SA would have 6 seats reserved but not the defense. Maybe the defense does have their 6 seats, too, but didn't want to give any of them to George and Cindy?

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