2011.05.24 SIDEBAR THREAD (Morning Session)

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Am I losing my mind?

Chloroform in the trunk - shakes head no
Weapons computer searches - shakes head no, says I didn't do it
Backyard searches - shakes head no

No reason for THREE PIECES OF DUCT TAPE except to murder her child - very slight nodding of her head...

Did I see that?

Yes! I saw it too.
Casey has been defiant since she sat down in that chair this morning.

The head shaking is very telling! She mine as well but a sign across her forehead saying "Yes I did it, I'm guilty, How do you like those Apples Mom?"

LDB has done an amazing job outlining the case! She will be awesome as cross exam!

The bus is coming alright, heading straight to Lowell's death row.
OMG. I am just dumbfounded. First- SO impressed with Ms. Linda. She is sharp, methodical, determined and ruthless. LOVE it.

Casey's head is about to come off. She can not help herself. Shaking NO- but at times where you can see she is reliving it as to say "NO, that's NOT how it happened".

I saw her say to Ms. Simms at the very beginning "I'm not going to make it". She said that several times......

I need to process....I am just like- WOW.

That's what I though she said too.
and still no tears....at least not from ICA, but im betting there are tears from a few hundred people at a minimum here at WS.
Has anyone from the gallery tweeted anything about the jurors response to LDBs opening?
Just a brilliant brilliant opening. It's everything I hoped for and more.
LDB- You go girl!

Tight. Step by step, she takes their hands and leads them through what will be a complex field of evidence. Makes it a common sense case.
I need abbrieviations in this case!


JB...defense attny
GA...george anthony, casey's dad
CA...cindy anthony, casey's dad

help a newbie out!! :)
I wonder if the pro-defense talking heads feel like they've just had their behinds handed to them.
IMO, Caseys eyes bounce when she's stressed. Freaky to watch.
How were CA and GA at the end? I can't believe they didn't get up and run out of the courtroom at some point. They must both be on medication to sit through all of that!
I wish Linda had placed more emphasis on CASEY wrapping the duct tape around nose and mouth so as to cause death. She mentioned "killer" instead. Small detail, but it bothered me because they need to hammer home that the evidence will show that Casey did this.

Commerical broke in on InSession right as she began talking about that. So, she didn't mention chloroform again as a cause of death, but just the duct tape as cause, smothering?
reflector link has a guy who was in there and the Juror hung on to every word LDB said, no moving in their chairs, didn't flinch when a picture of Caylee's skull was shown, Face down. They really were listening to every word LDB said.
Excellent opening.
Should the Defense say it was accidental, ugly coping and an attempt to stage a kidnapping via duct tape, prior sketchy computer searches not withstanding,
I will come unglued.
From that moment on the seed is planted in a jurors mind that evidence to come is the result of panic, not intent.
JB's opening statement has to go something like this. "Casey is just a kid herself. She lies - oh boy does she lie. But she did not murder her daughter - it was a terrible accident. An accident Casey could not face. Remember -she is super-de-dooper young. Instead of facing the truth about a terrible slip in the pool one afternoon - she ran away, she hid from the truth and she lied. Anything was better than the truth that her baby girl drowned while Casey was taking a shower. Casey wanted to believe for that 31 days that Caylee was at the park, at Universal, at a friends, at a wedding...anything but the horrible truth that Caylee had drown in a terrible ACCIDENT (Did I mention Accident). Casey is only guilty of lying after the fact but who could blame a person in such deep denial?? I mean especially a person SOOOO young."
I need abbrieviations in this case!


JB...defense attny
GA...george anthony, casey's dad
CA...cindy anthony, casey's dad

help a newbie out!! :)

CM-Cheney Mason, defense attny
ICA-Inmate Casey Anthony
I had to leave and missed the last 1/2 hour of her opening statement. So it's Jose's turn next. Is there any video up yet? My internet is so slow at work. Has anyone tried WFTV listen live?
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