2011.05.24 SIDEBAR THREAD (Morning Session)

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Has anyone from the gallery tweeted anything about the jurors response to LDBs opening?

Tony Pipitone was just interviewed and he said the jurors were listening and watching intently but not showing any reaction.
In sync with ICA's head shaking? Or like in disgust with all the lies. Oh I HOPE someone from WS is there and taking detailed mental notes!!!
My money is on disgust with all the lies.

I already know these things, and I shook my head in disgust several times.
LDB-Wow, mesmerizing comes to mind. Caylee is definitely being heard today.

Casey is giving herself away by shaking her head. Eerily similar to OJ, accuse him of murder and he will sit stoically but get one wrong fact (i.e. he turned right instead of left or something to that affect and he would get all bent out of shape). I saw this especially when LDB was telling the story of Casey taking detectives to the end of the hallway. When LDB said ICA put her hands in her back pockets, smiled to the detectives, and said I don't really work here...ICA became visibly angry and scrunched up her face as if to to say I did not put my hands in my back pockets. I didn't see any reaction as LKB laid out the entire lie that forced detectives to Universal until she made the 'hand in the back pocket' reference. Sort of like yea I did all that but I dare you say I put my hands in my pocket. I saw several more instances just like this one. In some of those she even mouthed words to the attorney about it not being true.

I hope the jury has a very good view of ICA. I'm not sure if the podium or LKB is blocking part of their view. Her body language screams angry and defiant.

Outstanding opening statements. I don"t have the words except outstanding
Did anyone see any type of reaction from George or Cindy during the opening statement? The shots I did happen to see showed no expression whatsoever. I'm curious....
KC head nods and body language is very very telling.
Jean C is saying the jurors did not take any notes. Notebooks were open, but they were all intently listening.
I am so pleased with this opening statement. So clear and concise. Learned some things about the google searches and it was interesting to see ICA shake her head yes and no on various parts. She even gave a confused look when LDB was reading off one of the search phrases. Like, she didn't remember searching for that one. And at the end when she was standing up and she just shook her head. She seemed so irritated and shrugged her shoulders as if to say, "it's all lies". etc. So glad I am not on this jury. Baez is not that great of a communicator. The jury is eating lunch- they have no idea what's about to hit them.
jc on insession just reported that "casey is the most emotional I have ever seen." :rolleyes:
With Casey shaking her head no during certain moments, it still appears that she is sticking with her ZFG story. She shaked her head no when LDB said she was the last person to be seen with Caylee. She shook her head no when LDB talked about the last picture of Caylee taken. I am really not sure WHAT the defense is going to say, but it appears that Casey is not planning to take any responsibility for any of this... not even an accident?? So where are they going to go? Roy Kronk? Jesse Grund?? George, Lee or Cindy???

I am really anxious about the defenses opening statement!

I'm anxious too! I have a feeling that the water works will be on high power as Casey hears all about herself during the DT's opening. She will cry for herself and no one else!
I wish we had a body language expert to discuss Casey's body language and gestures a little more on here.
I can not believe Casey only showed reaction to things concerning HER. Nothing, NADA, zip about HOW Caylee's body was found.

she kinda did.....but ica got angry...really really angry--then there was that head shake "no"---about mother killing child....
If I were JB I would be in the nearest bathroom throwing up.
Okay, I am beyond pizzed because I have just overshot my download limit! So that means no more live watching for me and barely being able to follow the forum, at least until 1 June. Luckily there is the audio only version which I am just able to listen to so I got to hear all of LDB's amazing opening statements.

Here's the link if you are in my position.


LDB - what can you say about this lady? She was able to take all the facts and weave them together into a coherent whole, that anyone could understand if you have NOT followed this case for nigh on 3 years. I was troubled at the sheer volume of information a jury would have to contend with for opening but I'm so relieved now because LDB just laid it out, bam, bam, bam, bam.

Can I please ask a favour of my websleuths family? You all know how interested I am in the body language of ICA - If anyone would care to give me their thoughts, views, opinions, birds eye view of what they witnessed I would be forever grateful. Spare me no details nor your analysis - I am so hungry for details.

tia :)

Thank you so so so much to those watching and posting, I would be lost without you. I'm so glad we are here together, I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.

As an aside, the last thing anyone wants is to be t/out for the rest of the trial - please please please self censor and don't give in to temptation and keep your postings to the tos of websleuths - I mean this kindly so please don't take it the wrong way but there were a couple of posts in the trial thread that were on the border.

Lastly, you all rock! :)
I think that JB did not object because he is going to get up and say that most of it is true. The only defense right now is if Caylee died accidentally and Casey was too scared to tell the truth.

No can do. IMO Casey will never agree to that and there is no way to get that out without HER taking the stand! Can't happen, they'd have to pry Jose off her ankles as she walked to take the stand.
i will not answer my phone-i am channel flipping- eating chips with lobster dip and mt. dew. will jeff speak today? he must repeat her dramatic replay of duct tape at some time. can not see cindys face in any views. i do think teddy bear has caylees ashes in it. omg- i do feel casey shaking head is total dissociation. i feel she feels they are talking of someone else and she is innocent person just stuck in a nightmere of it never happened this way. i have gone to hearing but did not thinkl i could get in so stayed home. the closed caption helps as actual courtrrom echos.
I'm dumbfounded as to why KC shakes her head NO - to evidence that's indisputable!!! She shook her head NO to cell phone pings, she shook her head NO to surveillance video of herself! These are things that don't lie and are self evident!

only a sociopath would do that

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