2011.05.28 Cindy Anthony testimony

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I too found Cindy's "breakdown" to be "off". I think she may be well versed in histrionic breakdowns. I've seen very similar performances by a woman I used to be related to through marriage. Not on a witness stand in court. But, no matter where, very, very similar behavior. Oh, and she also would have "seizures" sometimes.

In any case, I'm not rushing into the "Support George and Cindy" thread just yet.
I think I'll wait to see how things play out in the trial first.

For three years Cindy went to bat for Casey, shelving her grieving for Caylee, and it is now overwhelming her. She hasn't allowed herself to really get into her grief, but it's come to the forefront now. She was beside herself, and perhaps beside herself because now she sees Casey for what Casey is. The blinders are off CA.

There has to be grief associated with her coming to the realization that she'd protected the murderer over her granddaughter. So, IMO, we see a CA grieving over that, over the loss of her granddaughter, and then over loss of her daughter, all rolled into one. CA was plainly inconsolable, and it's understandable.
I know many here see CA crying on the stand and feel for her but I just can't do it. She's been interfering with the investigation since almost day 1. If someone in my family were accused of murder I would cooperate 100% honestly because by doing that I believe it would exonerate them.

However, it appears CA knew early on that KC did it and tried leading investigators in different directions on purpose.

For example; http://www.wftv.com/news/18146218/detail.html

FBI Investigating Email That Could Land Cindy In Jail
Posted: 4:52 pm EST November 25, 2008Updated: 11:26 pm EST November 25, 2008

...When Eyewitness News obtained an email from Larry Garrison (read the email), it was handed over to the FBI because of the explosive evidence inside. The email says Cindy gave investigators the wrong hairbrush when they asked for Caylee's brush in late July to compare DNA from her hair to the hair they found in Casey's trunk, where it smelled of death....


...Cindy Anthony told Eyewitness News that she's not afraid of being arrested. We also found out that it is unlikely the Anthonys would be charged since they lost their granddaughter, but the issues could affect their credibility if they try to defend Casey in court....

It's my opinion that she knew KC did it and the child was dead very early on, otherwise she'd have been completely honest. She can cry on the stand all she wants but all I see is someone remorseless for her actions.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Wonderful post, just got around to reading this thread. Thanks just wasn't enough, you expressed my feelings exactly.

Oddly enough, I heard a lot of wet noises from CA, but did not see any tears. Maybe I missed them streaming down her face? I could have, I guess.
I have mixed feelings about Cindy. In the begining I felt sorry for both her and George. That changed along the way, and for a while she really made me mad. Her insane denial, and trying to cover for Casey was making me ill! :puke:

I do believe they have known all along that Casey, and Casey alone was responsible for Caylee's death.

I may be willing to now give her the benefit of the doubt - That MAYBE she has finally reached the 5th stage of grieving - acceptance. She does seem to have gone through all of the stages in order -

The five stages, denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance are a part of the framework that makes up our learning to live with the one we lost.
I too found Cindy's "breakdown" to be "off". I think she may be well versed in histrionic breakdowns. I've seen very similar performances by a woman I used to be related to through marriage. Not on a witness stand in court. But, no matter where, very, very similar behavior. Oh, and she also would have "seizures" sometimes.

In any case, I'm not rushing into the "Support George and Cindy" thread just yet.
I think I'll wait to see how things play out in the trial first.

I believe CA was reliving that call from a different prospective.

She now knows that ICA has admitted that Caylee had already died on June 16, 2008..however, I don't believe GA had anything to do with Caylee's demise and Baez OS just knocked the stuffing out of her..she know nows after trying to protect ICA for 2.5 years that her own daughter IS responsible for Caylee's demise..I believe she feels embarrased or mortified that she had stood by her daughter and her daughter just threw her own father under that bus...Ironic just the same for CA did the same thing to others...karma is always there..JMHO

Justice for Caylee
I have mixed feelings about Cindy. In the begining I felt sorry for both her and George. That changed along the way, and for a while she really made me mad. Her insane denial, and trying to cover for Casey was making me ill! :puke: I do believe they have known all along that Casey, and Casey alone was responsible for Caylee's death.

I may be willing to now give her the benefit of the doubt - That MAYBE she has finally reached the 5th stage of grieving - acceptance. She does seem to have gone through all of the stages in order -

The five stages, denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance are a part of the framework that makes up our learning to live with the one we lost.

Well, CA said, she just wants the truth.

I don't think this is truly what happened to Caylee but Baez went with the sex abuse theory just to have an excuse into ICA's behavior. CA was the first to say ICA was a pathological liar and a sociopath but never told of why she said these things. I believe CA knew how sadistic her own child could be at times but never did she think she could harm her own child..

I also believe after those jurors viewed those jailhouse visits, they've got a glimpse into the diabolical person who sits there accussed...it all might just get her on death row...She seemed to have been emotionally torturing her parents back then and still is doing that today...I do believe Baez put his client one step closer to death row...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
I have mixed feelings about Cindy. In the begining I felt sorry for both her and George. That changed along the way, and for a while she really made me mad. Her insane denial, and trying to cover for Casey was making me ill! :puke:

I do believe they have known all along that Casey, and Casey alone was responsible for Caylee's death.

I may be willing to now give her the benefit of the doubt - That MAYBE she has finally reached the 5th stage of grieving - acceptance. She does seem to have gone through all of the stages in order -

The five stages, denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance are a part of the framework that makes up our learning to live with the one we lost.

CA's five stages, IMO; Denial, anger at everyone else, bargaining with the devil, depression that the cops wouldn't pin the murder on someone else and acceptance that her daughter is worse than she thought.

Well, CA said, she just wants the truth.

I don't think this is truly what happened to Caylee but Baez went with the sex abuse theory just to have an excuse into ICA's behavior. CA was the first to say ICA was a pathological liar and a sociopath but never told of why she said these things. I believe CA knew how sadistic her own child could be at times but never did she think she could harm her own child..

I also believe after those jurors viewed those jailhouse visits, they've got a glimpse into the diabolical person who sits there accussed...it all might just get her on death row...She seemed to have been emotionally torturing her parents back then and still is doing that today...I do believe Baez put his client one step closer to death row...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

Some of the trial watchers inside the courtroom said that the jury was obviously appalled with KC's jailhouse calls.

The one that may sink her like a stone is the one where she tells CA and GA that they were great parents and great grandparents and there was nothing they could have done differently. That doesn't jibe too well with the defense theory. JMO
I've been re-watching CA's testimony, and once again, "I" see hedging, self-serving testimony, and once again, I dislike and distrust this woman.

I'm not sure what her motives might be for being less than totally forthcoming, which I think she is being, but there must be a reason.

Also, the DATES of when Caylee was last seen, CA finally admitted she said the 8th, and did not want LE to check with the nursing home. I hoped they checked the 8th also. She also hedged on the "smell". C'mon, she knew at first, but the story changes with each telling, it seems.

I just cannot bring myself to trust CA or GA at all, despite the fact they are the grandparents. Even though we are now at trial, there is still something here that smells as bad as a dead body in the car, although we will probably never find that out no matter how long the trial takes. Things are still not quite adding up for me with CA and her husband.

My opinion only
I've been re-watching CA's testimony, and once again, "I" see hedging, self-serving testimony, and once again, I dislike and distrust this woman.

I'm not sure what her motives might be for being less than totally forthcoming, which I think she is being, but there must be a reason.

Also, the DATES of when Caylee was last seen, CA finally admitted she said the 8th, and did not want LE to check with the nursing home. I hoped they checked the 8th also.

I just cannot bring myself to trust CA or GA at all, even though they are the grandparents. Even though we are now at trial, there is still something here that smells as bad as a dead body in the car, although we will probably never find that out no matter how long the trial takes.

My opinion only

I think her motive is twofold; 1. Not wanting to lose another child. 2. Having to stick with prior testimony. JMO
CA's five stages, IMO; Denial, anger at everyone else, bargaining with the devil, depression that the cops wouldn't pin the murder on someone else and acceptance that her daughter is worse than she thought.

Some of the trial watchers inside the courtroom said that the jury was obviously appalled with KC's jailhouse calls.

The one that may sink her like a stone is the one where she tells CA and GA that they were great parents and great grandparents and there was nothing they could have done differently. That doesn't jibe too well with the defense theory. JMO


Here's an article about that; http://www.cnn.com/2011/CRIME/06/04/florida.casey.anthony.trial/index.html?hpt=hp_t2
If Cindy has given up on saving ICA and is going to being truthful, why is she taking notes at the trial every day? For what purpose?

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