2011.05.28 Cindy Anthony testimony

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In today's testimony, the lock discussion on the sliding glass doors and each having a separate sliding screen before one even gets onto the screened-in porch which also has a locked door made it appear that there were many obstacles for a little child to overcome in order to make it outside unnoticed. Cindy said Casey also had childproofed all the interior doors.

LDB: all glass doors have a screen door?

LDB: you mentioned there are three sets of sliding doors, master bed, living room and kitchen,

LDB: they are all same?

LDB: what steps did you take to child proof your home?
Casey went out and purchased door knob devices you have to squeeze, I have a hard time with them, the outlet protectors in, rearraged where things were located under cubbords...things we could do normal toddler things.

And Cindy would not take the blame for the ladder:

I took the ladder off and grabbed Caylee's life jacket and suit and went in the house.
Did Cindy explain if it was easy for Caylee to open the door to leave the house, especially to the yard in her testimony?

No, she did not say either way. LDB was asking the questions and elicited from Cindy about all the locks and all the doors and sliders having locks. Cindy made it seem like she (and the family) was vigilant with door locking and ladder removing. LDB elicited from Cindy how HIGH the pool edges were, even to a full-grown adult woman, chest to nose high. Basically, Caylee wasn't getting in that pool without the ladder.
When CA said a child could not lift the ladder, I said ok CA is telling truth. I shall wait and see.
I have no problem believing KC went out and purchased the child proof door knobs.. they are cheap.. and she would want to look like the responsible mommy.. did she install them? Maybe but from knowing people like her.. probably someone else did.

As to the testimony that CA says KC was calling during that flurry looking for a babysitter... Is that what CA actually said? I was at work and only got bits and pieces and from reading the transcript here I'm not seeing that.

I took her testimony to mean that KC knew beforehand that Mondays were out because she often had meetings etc..

Did she really say that flurry of calls was KC looking for a babysitter?
Cindy was not 100% honest in her testimony IMHO based on other reports from her brother Rick Pleasea and her mom SHirley. I believe there was a discussion about Casey stealing yet again from the grandparents and nothing was said about this. I think there was some kinda confrontation between Cindy and Casey regarding that money too at the home on Hopesprings. The amount stolen this time was 354 dollars for a cell phone Casey bought to replace her " work phone" according to Casey's report to the cops, she said Universail was going to pay her back. Ofcourse we know Casey really only had a job for six months or so.

Why didnt Linda ask her about any confrontations regarding this fight? I believe neighbors reported overhearing this fight too which I think spilled out into the yard that evening?

At first, I assumed we did not hear about the fight because in the past Cindy has boldly denied it happened and that LDB's TACTIC was to get out of Cindy everything NON-CONTESTED FIRST before she inquired into things that we have seen the A's be less than forthcoming about. We haven't gotten to that stage yet. When you call a witness, in this case, the State calling Cindy as a State's witness, the rules state you aren't supposed to have to lead your own witness. You're not supposed to ask leading questions to them. So, in cases where you have a rather cantakerous witness you have called as a State's witness, you elicit from them what you know they will tell you readily, and then, once you get all you need, THEN you try to get the harder stuff out. When the witness goes ornery and "hostile", you ask permission to take your own witness as a hostile witness and then you can ask them more leading questions. Example, "Mrs. Anthony, isn't it true that there was an argument that night at Hopespring between you and your daughter?" A non-leading question would be: "Mrs. Anthony, what happened that night?" or "What time did Casey come home?" Even, "Did you have a fight?" is not a leading question. Sorry, if this is off the scope but layfolks sometimes do not understand why the questioning sometimes goes as it does and the tactics involved.

BUT perhaps the reason we also haven't heard about the stealing fight is because the stealing may have been ruled inadmissable due to its being too prejudicial. However, the fact of a FIGHT in itself would not be inadmissable. I'm just ASSUMING that it has not come up yet because LDB is taking Cindy thru the easy stuff first.

Mark my words: Once the basics are laid out and the Gov starts to get their teeth into the meat of the testimony, if either of the Anthonys start resisting once they are asked questions, facts where the State knows they have been inconsistent, or they start hemming and hawing, then the State will ask permission to take them as hostile and then the State will ask tons of leading questions.
Well, it is possible Casey opened the door and left it open a while and then Caylee went out and Casey did not notice this or when she did it was a bit too late. Caylee already went in the pool. This could have easily happened if Caylee could not open the door herself. I guess I'm trying to give Casey the benefit of the doubt. It is very possible she did drown though. If the forensics cannot explain how Caylee died...the defense theory plants a bit of doubt in the jury. If she did drown, I doubt if George was involved though. Casey should have just told JB, Caylee drowned, she freaked out and didn't know what to do. But to come up with other nonsense about sexual abuse and George helping her cover this up is ludicrous! How Casey could have gone on nonchalantly after Caylee drowned is beyond the depths my comprehension though.
ICA may well have gone out to purchase the childproofing items. CA may well have been honest about that, to a degree, but may also have fudged a bit out of the longstanding habit of covering ICA's imperfections. I do not think she consciously lied - but

Anyone want to hazard a guess at whose directive those items were purchased and further, anyone want to hazard a guess who paid for those items?
Earlier I was driving and I thought about Caylee's tiny letterbox and I started to cry...CA did a wonderful job of bringing that dear little happy alive girl into the courtroom...I find it comforting to know Caylee was so loved by most of her family and had a lot of good times in her little life. It's something to hold onto in the middle of the sadness and the horror.

I am relieved CA has finally looked into the abyss, as she had to, and I pray now she can find some peace in her life, and be comforted by how she was such a good grandmother, and not blame herself for the sins of another.
Didn't LDB do a wonderful job on Cindy today? Anyone want to speculate on why she purposefully left the 'Caylee at the nursing home photo' published in Cindy's face for way too long as a tactic? It was a visual reminder in her face when Cindy was being asked important questions. Kind of like little Caylee's face looking at Grandma and saying, "Ci Ci, tell the truth; tell the truth for me."
Couldn't Casey have already killed Caylee when she spoke with her mother, and that was just a ruse to explain why she wasn't going to be home so CA wouldn't call her looking for her? I just believe the event occurred at the house after GA went to work, rather than Caylee dying in the trunk.


Exactly what I have been thinking. Cindy said ICA explained in great detail why it made sense to take Caylee to Zanny's... Cindy working later, early morning for CA at work the next day. Way thought out so when she talked to Cindy to explain she would not be bringing Caylee by, it all made sense to Cindy. I believe it was already done by that conversation at "fourish". IMHO
Well, it is possible Casey opened the door and left it open a while and then Caylee went out and Casey did not notice this or when she did it was a bit too late. Caylee already went in the pool. This could have easily happened if Caylee could not open the door herself. I guess I'm trying to give Casey the benefit of the doubt. It is very possible she did drown though. If the forensics cannot explain how Caylee died...the defense theory plants a bit of doubt in the jury. If she did drown, I doubt if George was involved though. Casey should have just told JB, Caylee drowned, she freaked out and didn't know what to do. But to come up with other nonsense about sexual abuse and George helping her cover this up is ludicrous! How Casey could have gone on nonchalantly after Caylee drowned is beyond the depths my comprehension though.

Caylee could not maneuver that ladder. Cindy said she put it up the night before when she got out and I believe her. Otherwise Casey would be blaming Cindy. By pulling GA and RK into the mix she is trying to have us believe she wasn't the one who bagged and dumped her drowned daughter like trash or put the duct tape on Caylee's face. Seriously, those two facts alone very strongly indicate it was not an accident. Then come the party pics, tattoos, bf's, stealing and shopping.
When I've heard that, I've always thought they meant that of the family members, GA was the last one other than ICA to see Caylee alive. Interesting how things can be interpreted in different ways.

I disagree. If you look at JT's statement, he writes that he saw KC and Caylee around lunchtime. Later, in TV interviews, he changed the time to 4:00 PM, later explaining that 4:00 PM is his lunchtime, which I found odd considering how detail oriented the rest of his statement was. (This accounts for the time discrepancy I've seen in timelines.) So I did a little research and JT's sighting had been discussed and dissected on WS back in 2009 when JT went to the police with his story (over a year after Caylee went missing). A blogger named Marinade Dave (second/lower entry "Revolving Doors") puts enough holes in JT's story to show that most likely JT saw another pretty young mother and child and confused them with KC and Caylee. I think GA is recognized as the last credible witness to see Caylee alive (and with KC) and that's why the defense is gunning for him.
As the State has suggested with duct tape.

I believe it occurred at the house, where Caylee was immediately put into the bags her remains were found in, then placed in the back yard until retrieved the day Casey borrowed the shovel and had the car backed into the garage.


Panthera, you and I are right on the same wavelength! This is my theory too.
What day was it when she borrowed that shovel? I know there was a hit by the cadaver dogs near the play house, but it sure does seem risky to leave her body anywhere in the yard even for 1 night for fear of GA finding it while doing yard work.
Also, this would mean she had to drag the body through the house to the garage. Maybe a clean garbage bag was used for that so no dirt would track in the house. Wasn't the body found with more than 2 layers of trash bags?
CA and GA have consitently obfuscated the truth from "day 1" (July 15th) in KC's defence. Some of us, left so perplexed by their behavior, have speculated as to whether or not both of KC's parents were involved in "covering" up what happened. So the time is nigh. They have now been accused (both of them) as being part of some manner of deceipt. And so, the facts (and some secrets) are now ready to be exposed. They will be...KC will pull all manner of excuse out now. She has nothing to lose but her life!

I disagree. If you look at JT's statement, he writes that he saw KC and Caylee around lunchtime. Later, in TV interviews, he changed the time to 4:00 PM, later explaining that 4:00 PM is his lunchtime, which I found odd considering how detail oriented the rest of his statement was. (This accounts for the time discrepancy I've seen in timelines.) So I did a little research and JT's sighting had been discussed and dissected on WS back in 2009 when JT went to the police with his story (over a year after Caylee went missing). A blogger named Marinade Dave (second/lower entry "Revolving Doors") puts enough holes in JT's story to show that most likely JT saw another pretty young mother and child and confused them with KC and Caylee. I think GA is recognized as the last credible witness to see Caylee alive (and with KC) and that's why the defense is gunning for him.

Who's JT?
Panthera, you and I are right on the same wavelength! This is my theory too.
What day was it when she borrowed that shovel? I know there was a hit by the cadaver dogs near the play house, but it sure does seem risky to leave her body anywhere in the yard even for 1 night for fear of GA finding it while doing yard work.
Also, this would mean she had to drag the body through the house to the garage. Maybe a clean garbage bag was used for that so no dirt would track in the house. Wasn't the body found with more than 2 layers of trash bags?
Underneath the sandbox. The sandbox was a "turtle" and it had a lid. It rained for several days the day Caylee went missing and after. The A's had no reason to be out there. It's likely that Caylee was there before the "tot" mom decided that she had to move her.

When asked about redoing the patio, Cindy said something that seems strange to me.."we haven't been able to grow grass back there since 2008"..talking about the back yard. Am I the only one that finds this strange?
Casey should have just told JB, Caylee drowned, she freaked out and didn't know what to do.
I agree, this would have been the simplest explanation, if this had been what happened, but since they didn't offer this then I'm going to guess this isn't really what happened. To be honest, had they just said something simple like...KC was in the pool with Caylee and had to use the restroom, she figured Caylee would be fine in her life vest/jacket then got distracted and totally forgot the baby was in the pool and when she remembered Caylee had drowned. She panicked and blocked the whole incident out. I wouldn't like it but I could believe a story like that. I could even buy the accidental cold medicine overdose...but she has a defense team she picked, her legal bills are getting paid by the tax payers and this is what they're going with??

And let me say that I have never been molested or abused, so I don't know all of the psychological effects it has on victims but that's another story I would find easier to buy if she hadn't slept with half of Orlando.

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