2011.05.31 TRIAL Day Six (Afternoon Session)

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DNA Solves
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JB: Can ICA stand so Cindy A can identify her?
This is BRUTAL!!!!!!!!!!!! He's trying to get CA to look at ICA.
Really, JB is going THERE. Jury no likey this, I guarantee that.
Baez and his questions...Good Lord!

Im sure CA didnt think ICA was out of the country on vacation for the last 3 years!!!
What is he doing? What does this have to do with the price of beans in china?
OMG, how CA views ICA today has no bearing on how CA depicted her 3 years ago (re: pregnancy). She knows NOW that ICA was pregnant.
hahaha vinny! "all they are gonna see now is her *advertiser censored* sticking out". thought he was off mic, ahahahhaaa
oh my IS...all we are going to see is her *advertiser censored* sticking out today....lmao
sidebar...about wanting ICA to stand...he's trying to impeach CA
These questions from Jose are so mean I bet they came from KC.

Are you aware that Casey has been in jail for 3 years? She is in a cell for 23 hrs. per day. She is sedentary.

Does she look pregnant to you now?

OMG - ON IS when they went to sidebar someone said - "All you can see are her *advertiser censored* sticking out today"
Baez is going to make Cindy look Casey in the face, a little trick to get her to look at Casey.
All rise for the jury.

HHJP: Members of the jury hope you had a good lunch.

JB: Mrs. Anthony is it fair to say you and Casey are very much alike?

in many ways yes

JB: in fact is that not what you hear often?

in most ways, yes

JB: you raised Case to be a good person, caring, loving?


JB: you raised Casey to always tell the truth.

yes I did

JB: you got to see what kind of mother Casey was?

yes I did, she was a caring mother, a easy quick mothering instinct that was evident as soon as Caylee was born, like me how natural she was with Caylee.

JB: how did Caylee respond to Casey?

Casey adored her mom. Her eyes would light up, she didn't want to sleep without her mom.

JB: Casey went everywhere with KC?


JB: she would cry everytime?

not if I was there, I didn't know if I was gone.

JB: you never witnessed Casey torture or abuse Caylee?


JB: she never went without food or shelter?

no she had everything.

JB: you testified the first time kc went to doc was june.. 30th 2005

no june 30th was when I found out she was pg. I thought she went to the drs the day before.

JB: you went to bros wedding?


JB: defense exihbit "a" do you recognize?


JB: you and casey at bro ricks wedding?


JB: you did not believe kc was pg?

no I did not

JB: you were confronted about kc by your bro?

casey had flown in earlier that day and was sick and wanted to lay down and my bro asked if she was pg I told him no I do not believe so. he brought the subject up that she might be pg and my parents were there and at that time I told them no I did not believe she was pg

JB: neither you or george?


JB: you said she was sedentary?

previously she was walking Universal Studios but she had taken a office job...we walked around...

JB: just answer my question. Lack of physical activity correct?

yes a sit down job

JB: are you certain it wasn't because she wasn't playing sports?

casey wasn't participating in sports at that time.

JB: it was the opposite it was because she was not engaging in physical activity?


JB: you are aware she has been in jail for three years?


JB: that would classify her as sedentary?


JB: as you see her today does she have a protruding belly?

I can't see her or what activities she has participated in.

JB: Can I have miss anthony stand so that Mrs. Anthony can identify her?

Side Bar

(IMHO: this defense is a joke, I can't say that enough, what a joke) Really.
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