2011.06.06 Sidebar (Trial Day Eleven)

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Well, I don't anything about courtrooms but I know what's funny and surely that cross will go down in history as one hot mess.

Baez's spelling of IORN? I mean really? You wanna do that in front of a jury?

And now we know who made all the typos during the Frye hearings!
Does anyone think Baez scored anything today? If so, what? TIA

If anything, he scored free classes down at the local college for law 101.:floorlaugh: I'm sure some professor out there somewhere felt extremely sorry for him today.
Does anyone think Baez scored anything today? If so, what? TIA

He didn't score anything with me. All I wanted to know on cross was who collected the air sample Dr. Vass analyzed, were they qualified to do so, and what types of conditions might contaminate the air samples.

JB failed to makes any of the answers to those questions clear to me. Touched on a few, barely, went on to pot and munchies, then lost me completely.
Sigh. All kidding aside; I wish I could read the jury's mind.. I don't want this girl to walk, I really don't.
I have to say I never was more intent on watching Casey through testimony this afternoon. What's with the stone face (this is a real question)? I heard on a talk show last night something about it being real...meaning as a sexual abuse survivor she's checked out? I don't belive it one bit....but how do you not show some emotion when they're talking about a child that was found wrapped in a blanket in a trunk? If she's not guilty, why wouldn't that make you upset?
That terrific and for Caylee's sake I hope the jury shares your view. But that's not what scientific testimony in these types of trials should be about. It should be about science that has been thoroughly vetted, shown to be reproducible, and about results that have been generated through highly controlled conditions.

Why do you think that wasn't expressed to it's best advantage by the defense.They had LKB,when Dr. Vass' findings came out. They have Sims and they certainly have had time to get experts to ,not only rebutt,but to help them form a good cross.
IIRC ,Henry Lee,Michael Baden, brain freeze????? who else,guys? The anthropologist from Canada?
Where is their input?'

It's up to the defense to raise these issues ,in such a way,that it helps their case.
Objectively speaking, there were points Baez should have pressed Dr Vass on, but he didn't, which hurt Baez badly, which hurts his client far more. If he really cared about a vigorous defense, he would have passed Dr Vass to Sims. At least she has practical experience, IMO. I have the utmost respect for Dr Vass and his work, but a better lawyer could have done damage control and given Dr Vass' testimony a problem, so to speak.

I'm glad Baez's cross was a fail; he made very little headway and no real dents in JA's direct exam, but I can't help but think Baez's failure is mostly due to his inexperience.

I wonder what the jury must be thinking after Baez's cross.
I agree, Turnadot, but I think it has even more to do with his overblown EGO, than just his inexperience.

I think Baez was hoping to dazzle the court with his imaginary brilliance.

I also think Baez was very aware that this was ground-breaking testimony, in the way DNA was ground-breaking testimony not too long ago- and Baez wants his name in those legal history books.
One for us, and one for the wonderful Dr. Arpad Vass!



Thank you, thank you...
:floorlaugh::floorlaugh: I :innocent: got a HUGE giggle from the "are you a member of (fill in the scientific group) and Arpad Vass, Ph. D. answered twice with zingers! 1. "not at this time" and 2. "background so diverse not sure which one to join". JB made it sound like just 'cause you are NOT paying big $$$ dues to an agency, you CAN'T INTERACT with the group, READ the literature, PUBLISH in the peer reviewed journals, MENTOR others who ARE members and, oh YES, SPEAK at the conventions/meetings/scientific assemblies! I do agree that he couldn't VOTE for the officers of the organizations!

PS: Many employers have cease and desisted paying for memberships &/or licenses of professionals in their employ.:maddening::maddening:
That giant notepad trick is so amateur. He did it with GA too.

JA thwarted it in record time.
Spelling out MAG instead of magnesium might make the jurors remember Maggots instead.
Has anyone figured out what they would be able to eat for dinner tonight?
I thought I had it nailed down with Jell-o ,but then thinking about the texture....

Any ideas? Shall we just start fasting now?

Please don't go there - I do have to eat something eventually....

A chocolate bar? I think that's the only word that wasn't mentioned today...
Does anyone think Baez scored anything today? If so, what? TIA

maybe it is just me (as a medical professional) but I think JB went a LONG way in helping to prove "Ground Breaking" evidenciary acceptable evidence!! and for that I thank JB..good job in helping Dr. Vass prove his premise, methodology and findings!! Great job Jose!!

I think that Dr. Vass did an excellent job of breaking down his very complex research and the science involved with it into layman's terms. He didn't come off as a total "drone" where they had to pass around cups of coffee to keep his audience awake! LOL. He is a little eccentric but very passionate about what he does for a living and his enthusiasm for what he does showed.

Jose is annoying me more by the minute. He should lay off with the pitbull attack of the witness -- this guy (Dr. Vass) isn't getting paid (like his client did) -- it's overkill. I don't care if he is trying to save that worthless client of his.

I think that many people, especially the DT, don't give regular "Joes" like the jury, credit for just having "common sense". Sure it helps to have complex and multi-faceted experts testify to something, but guess what, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to say, for example, chemicals x, y, and z were present to show a breakdown in amino acid chains, etc., etc., and therefore that milk in the carton was bad, sour, spoiled.

How about it looks like cottage cheese to me, it smells like my baby threw it up 2 weeks ago and the chunks present in it as I pour it down the drain lets me know... "THE MILK IS SPOILED"!

Same thing with the decomposition and Caylee's body. At least 5-6 Regular Joes have experienced smelling it, testified to it, at least 3-4 professionals testified to it, chemical analysis proves it so DAMN IT, that baby decomposed in the trunk!

The more that Baez objects to the testimony (and when doesn't he?) the more I think that the jury thinks that the DT has something to hide. It's overkill and will have the opposite effect that the DT seeks have happen with the Jury, in my humble opinion.
When DH and I heard that we broke out laughing :floorlaugh:....and kept on laughing...:floorlaugh:
JBP "Mr Baez you asked the question" bwah ha ha ha ha ha :great:

I wished we would have seen Jeff Ashton's face at that time..it must have been priceless
JA certainly wasn't going to object for him. Baez didn't know how to stop Vass from stating that there were maggots on the napkins per Dr. Haskill. And the judge "...you asked it, he can answer." :floorlaugh:
I was going to put all of Dr. Vass' awesome quotes in my siggy, but then I realized that it'd take up a page or two.

Which ones were your favorites?
I really think Dr. Vass could have taken JB with one hand tied behind his back. Just sayin' :innocent:


Dear daughter just came down and we are :floorlaugh: reliving:floorlaugh: Baez Objecting to his own question..or Dr Vass's testimony to Baez's question :floorlaugh:
I'm wondering if JB's cross on the divining rod was twofold. The psychic DC talked to used divining rods too if IIRC. So if DC testifies, and the SA questions the ability of a physic who uses divining rods will JB be able to say "well you used a scientist that used divining rods".
He tried to belittle Dr Vass and make him get up and write on his chalkboard but Mr Ashton put a stop to it. Baez then had to write up magnesium and shortened it to "MAG" because he couldn't spell it then wrote down "IO" then crossed it out and wrote iron - really, it was such a joke!

Wooow...Just when you think it can't get any more ridiculous.
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