2011.06.06 Sidebar (Trial Day Eleven)

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The "mock juror" is now convinced that Caylee Anthony's decomposing body was in the trunk of ICA's vehicle.

I think many real jurors are also now convinced of that fact.
I'm back to wondering about the pesticide being used in the trunk to kill the smell and bugs. Dr. Vass' testimony about a byproduct of chloroform could be from that, no?

Whew! OM .....my fingers are racing....my brain is firing every neuron available to stay up with this lovely exchange of history in the making!!!! Wow .....incredible stuff today!
I'm on lunch break, was it a good morning?
Oh Em Geee, LKB gets on my last nerve! She jumped ship on the DT yet speaks about it every chance she gets!
Dayum. All we need is Dr. G on the stand about Caylee's remains, and we can call ICA done, done, DONE! Masterful job by Dr. Vass so far!!!!

Dr. G, computer expert, bug expert all coming up. JA, RA, JG, GA, CA, etc. This will be the best week imo.
Mrs. Linda Baden in on IS ripping the Dr. Vass testimony to shreds!

You mean she's trying to and probably failing big time. I am so over her.
I'm back to wondering about the pesticide being used in the trunk to kill the smell and bugs. Dr. Vass' testimony about a byproduct of chloroform could be from that, no?

I am wondering if that issue could even be raised w/o someone actually testifying that they personally sprayed pesticide in the trunk (and I am guessing ICA isn't going to say SHE did, LOL). CA, IIRC, admitted to putting Febreze in there, and there was a dryer sheet, but that's fine because they knew that at the time of testing.
I think Dr. Vass is doing great with the jury. He has the ability to distill difficult scientific ideas and procedures into terms easily understood by laymen. He'd make a great professor. Still have to wonder, however, why Baez thinks there are points available here in his obstructive attempts with this evidence -- he just keeps making his defense less and less coherent and so complex that the jury will never buy it. According to him, she drowned. Ergo, there was a body. The body had to go somewhere. Apparently it was in ICA's car. Just how does fighting tooth and nail to prove it wasn't in there aid his defense?

Just doesn't work, IMO.
I thought that the Defence was going to argue that someone else placed the body in KC's car but they seem hell-bent on trying to completely deny that a body was ever in the car! With half a dozen people smelling it, the hair sample, the air sample, the carpet sample, etc...How can they continue to try to do this? We still haven't gotten to any of the results from the soil sample in the car, the paper towel (grave wax and maggots), the backyard...All before even considerating the duct tape!


Maybe someone should point out to LKB that she's an "ADVOCATE" too. And people 'may not like her' as well.
Morning friends, late arriving..........I have a daughter similar to ICA and last night we had to take my granddaughter away. My heart is heavy but I gotta admit this case gave me and the rest of my family the strength and conviction to go get her. Please pray for us. Thanks for posting about today's trial. I'm here for the routine and escape at the moment while granddaughter rests. She's 3.

Gma Kat,

Enjoy her ! It's summer . You did good :heart:

:praying: for you and your family. Your daughter,too !
Mrs. Linda Baden in on IS ripping the Dr. Vass testimony to shreds!

She should be embarrassed. She joined the defense team and then walked on them. She formerly represented ICA, should we expect anything more? I have to wonder why she left the team if she felt the case was so iron clad for the defense. :floorlaugh: The jury can't hear her so called expert testimony.
I would really like to know how Casey made the chloroform?? She had to have paid cash for the ingredients or we would have seen credit card/debit card receipts??

The water bottle with the syringe found near Caylee's remains has always bothered me. It tested postive for chloroform and other things (I forget exactly what??). I wonder if Casey just kept adding things to make the substance more volatile? Could she have injected Caylee with the chloroform? Injected "Mama doll" with the chloroform?? I think that Caylee was duct taped in the Anthony home (prior to death) and I think that the chloroform was used after. Could she have duct taped Caylee... put her in trash bags and then pour the chloroform in the trunk to make sure that Caylee would never breathe again??

I wish we had all the answers. I know we will never know the sequence of events because Casey is the only one who knows what happened to Caylee... I just am so sad what this precious baby went through. What a horrific death.
I know I have asked this before, but I still don't get it? Can someone please explain to me why the defense, or rather JB has been fighting the smell of decomposition in the trunk evidence for so long and so hard?

I can understand why they did it initially. The initial murder charges were based on the trunk evidence. But in December 2008 it became an almost moot point when Caylee's remains were found. The decomposition in the trunk was no longer the linchpin of the states case. It was no longer the thing proving that a death had occurred. They had the dead body.

Even worse, JB said in his opening that Caylee died on June 16 and his client was there and aware of it. So his opening statement put his client in possesion and or control of said dead child.

It's not like the jury can't do the math here? Even if it was an accidental death, they are still going to follow the line from the house to Casey to the Car. It's not like she had someone elses body in the trunk? and it's not like they are going to buy into any theories of rotting pizza or suicide squirrels when there is clearly a dead childs body in play.

So why fight this so hard? Why would they fight this tooth and nail, alienatingthe judge the jury and everyone around them? Raise the objections and move on. I mean at this point wouldn't it almost be better to get your objections strongly on the record and then back off? The Frye hearing was lost, challenge the new science at appeal, but don't fight a clearly losing battle tooth and nail in front of the jury for no apparent reason? or am I missing something important in all of it?
During the real-time threads, mods hang back a few pages and delete duplicate posts. For example, I think I took out 17 posts when Dr. V mentioned jumping back a few feet. These deletions are for the benefit of WSers who want to follow the trial thread after work, for example, and don't reflect at all on the original posters. It's just housekeeping.

If anyone notices a post missing that wasn't a duplicate, and wonders why, feel free to PM a mod with a question!

I just cannot believe that the Defence did not plea this case!

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