2011.06.06 Sidebar (Trial Day Eleven)

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ITA. And I don't think it's neccesary for the state to do so, either. They have been rock solid in presenting their case, thus far. That kind of risky "gotcha" isn't needed here, imo.

I think it would be effective for shock value. I could see the juror's smelling the decomp and the smell of course sticking with them throughout the whole entire trial, and every time one of them might hesitate on voting guilty, they can just think of the decomp smell and remember where it came from. JMO
I totally believe this to be the truth and it just makes me sick. That poor precious child. My heart bleeeeeeds for poor Caylee. Casey deserves the DP and I can't say I am a big fan of it, but it definately applies to anyone that hurts an innocent child.

I to had thought about that being a possibility, only problem is that Casey applied duct tape to Caylee's nose and mouth from what is being said. If she were trying to just put Caylee to sleep so she could party I may buy into the accidentally OD' on chloroform. But why the use of Duct Tape? I also thought that there was a hair on the duct tape that did not have a death band, if so that means Caylee was still alive when the duct tape was placed over her nose and mouth. Which means she would of been some what conscious I would think. At least that is how I understood it being explained on Saturday's hearing in the AM. 1 hair in the trunk with the death band, and 1 hair on the duct tape with no death band. Anyone else recall Lowe explain this? I could be misunderstanding everything though..Baez has thrown me for a big loop with all his yadda yadda yaddaa to put it nicely. :maddening:

I just pray and hope that how ever Caylee died, she did so with no pain at all, but in my gut the way Ashton explained it...she had to of seen Casey one more time while Casey was applying that duct tape. :(:tears::tears::tears:
WOW, this is unreal - !! Just counted up the sidebars and objections from JUST this morning - JA with Dr. Vass, with JB objecting!

It is 4 sidebars - 2 before the morning break (~10:30am)

27 objections!! only 2 sustained; 11 objections before the morning break ! about 10:30am
after break, with the jury out, 3 objections... :fence:
I to had thought about that being a possibility, only problem is that Casey applied duct tape to Caylee's nose and mouth from what is being said. If she were trying to just put Caylee to sleep so she could party I may buy into the accidentally OD' on chloroform. But why the use of Duct Tape? I also thought that there was a hair on the duct tape that did not have a death band, if so that means Caylee was still alive when the duct tape was placed over her nose and mouth. Which means she would of been some what conscious I would think. At least that is how I understood it being explained on Saturday's hearing in the AM. 1 hair in the trunk with the death band, and 1 hair on the duct tape with no death band. Anyone else recall Lowe explain this? I could be misunderstanding everything though..Baez has thrown me for a big loop with all his yadda yadda yaddaa to put it nicely. :maddening:

I just pray and hope that how ever Caylee died, she did so with no pain at all, but in my gut the way Ashton explained it...she had to of seen Casey one more time while Casey was applying that duct tape. :(:tears::tears::tears:

To keep her screams from being heard from the trunk if in fact she woke up. JMHO
Goodness gracious..LKB stating in most explative fashion..she is underwhelmed by Dr. Vass's testimony....I really have to LOL because she would be the first person to grasp onto his studies and testimony IF she ever (in the future) needs that to prove HER CLIENT innocent...NOW that's where I find her blabbering as a TH so advocate oriented..IT has NOTHING to do with the science...

LKB has just proven her agenda....Bless her..she (as a defense attny) doesnt know better :floorlaugh:

Of course she is underwhelmed. She is the one that wrote the questions and notes for attacking Dr. Vass and the air sampling testing. She did this back when she was a member of the defense team, years ago. JB being JB never seems to update a plan as the situation changes. Even when he himself is the one changing the situation. With the exception of his bizarre tale during his opening statements I think all of the other real law and cross we have seen from him throughout this case is mainly from theories or strategies floated by other members of the defense team from before Caylee's remains were found.

I mean Hamburger? Potato's? HELLO EARTH TO JB!!!! They didn't find meat and potato's! They did however find a dead child! This is not rocket science and it is not a point the jury is likely to get confused about.
Wonder why the DT is fighting the body in the trunk so much? In their "scenario" someone had to transport Caylee's body from the Anthony's backyard to the woods... maybe this is where Roy Kronk comes into the "story".
I was very disappointed that Dr. V did not give a possible explanation for the shockingly high amounts of chloroform in his results. I was equally disappointed that neither JB or JA asked him what could possibly explain the high amounts of chloroform in his results.

As far as I know, I was under the impression that chloroform quickly dissipates in a similar way to gasoline. I would have thought that even if someone poured a bottle of chloroform in the trunk that after a few weeks, if not much sooner that the chloroform would be gone. The trunk was opened many times for many hours prior to the taking of the air samples. I don't understand how a shockingly high amount of chloroform could still show up in his results. It seems to me that there is something wrong there. I guess that JA and JB did not ask what could have caused a shockingly high level of chloroform in Dr. V's results because neither of them knew what the answer might be.

As always my entire post is my opinion only.

I think they both considered it as a given. "Chloroform evaporates very quickly when exposed to air. Chloroform also dissolves easily in water, but does not stick to the soil very well. This means that it can travel down through soil to groundwater where it can enter a water supply. Chloroform lasts for a long time in both the air and in groundwater. Most chloroform in the air eventually breaks down, but this process is slow. The breakdown products in air include phosgene, which is more toxic than chloroform, and hydrogen chloride, which is also toxic."

"Long" is according to this site many years for groundwater, doesn't mention how long precisely for air or other surfaces like carpet though.

IMA and Harmony give great additional information on page 40 and 41. It seems that chloroform evaporates slower in the dark as well.
I always knew KC was chloroforming Caylee in the trunk of the car, drugging her etc and one time she OD's her. Thats why she is claiming she drowned by accident. She knows she would never get out of prison by saying she OD'd the baby by accident and she can't tell anyone that ever.

I totally agree she will never admit to being the monster she really is...
I just looked and it stated it was last changed June 6,2011 at 18:41

I looked at it earlier this morning and it showed a last edit date in April 2011. (For some reason I always look, LOL). I SWEAR or AFFIRM no bio chemist listed!

But, here's something that strikes me as interesting. No Wiki for Jose Baez at all.
I looked at it earlier this morning and it showed a last edit date in April 2011. (For some reason I always look, LOL). I SWEAR or AFFIRM no bio chemist listed!

But, here's something that strikes me as interesting. No Wiki for Jose Baez at all.

Hi Rosie. What am I missing? ;)
Do you think Baez should have a wiki? tia
The list of videos that the State intends to use during trial :

There are a few of these that have not been released to the public, and it is speculation that Casey may have been caught buying something very damning to this case.

Thanks for that list, I hadn't seen that before:

24. CD-R - Home Depot Video, 5-23-08, 6-29-08, 7-5-08
25. CD-R - Home Depot Video, 5-29-08

I also noticed this on the list. Is this when ICA, Caylee and TonE had lunch? I wonder have they have little Caylee on video.

14. CD-R - Cheesecake Factory Rest Video, 6-11-08
15. CD-R - Cheesecake Factory Rest Video, 6-12-08
Why do none of the callers or experts ever have a theory that the chloroform could have had dual use. It could have been to knock Caylee out and been a way to set Casey up as a victim in an abduction or carjacking abduction. That could go along with the computer searches of making household weapons and missing kids. No one ever mentions that her MO was to make herself an elaborate victim. She's still doing now with the latest excuse.
gosh dont we have a thread for support love and adoration of dr vass??? I'd make one but I fear the mods believe I have overdone my hyperbole for the good doctor! :heartluv:

dear dr vass if you ever read here, I'm your biggest fan!! I know hungarian too! :biglaugh:

Yes, but I make great goulash AND I know that Buda and Pest are two separate cities! That makes ME his biggest fan!
Why do none of the callers or experts ever have a theory that the chloroform could have had dual use. It could have been to knock Caylee out and been a way to set Casey up as a victim in an abduction or carjacking abduction. That could go along with the computer searches of making household weapons and missing kids. No one ever mentions that her MO was to make herself an elaborate victim. She's still doing now with the latest excuse.
That's a good question Txsvicki. Hopefully someone will read your post and call that question in.
ICA such the liar, drama queen and victim. :banghead:
Oh geez, I started keeping track and lost count how many times JB was overruled... anyone?

I didn't read all the way through to find the answer.

But I decided that I would do a workout every time he objected and was overruled or a sidebar was caused....the workout was as follows as in...like the first time he was overruled, I did 10 squats. The next I did 10 situps, the next 10 pushups, the next 10 burpees.

By 2:00-2:30 (AND I WOKE UP LATE so started at 9:30) ((and of course missed some cause I couldn't catch my breath or feel my legs)....

I had done about 80 squats, 70 situps, 70 pushups and about 25 burpees (as i broke my ankle in January and burpees with barefeet tweek said ankle((and replaced burpees with Good Morning hamstring workouts))) and about 45 Good Mornings...

i wont be able to walk tomorrow or lift a diet coke.
I hope that I've covered the many Thank You "Notes" here and even though it soulds like this was a day not to miss, I had to bow out of this travesty, so one last Thank You for the kind sentiments and recaps...how horrible is it to receive such tragic family news and within minutes, one's mind has no choice but to think of Casey Anthony?!

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