2011.06.06 TRIAL Day Eleven (Afternoon Session)

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Wow, JB can just not get any headway with this guy. He simply doesn't understand enough to catch him out on anything.
I just hope the DT does not ask about feeding the Labrador.
"Let's see if we can keep it a little simpler. - JB

No comment...
Mr. Baez is not making any ground. He needs to sit down and stop. Once again any points he earns he gets greedy about and begins to bury himself.
JB: Research Labs don't have protocols.
Vass: Usually the research Labs develop the protocols.
Sunny Houstin says JB is going straight for the jugular.

Casey Jordan says JB has a baracuda mentality, and it's hurting him.

(It will be interesting to see how defense witnesses react to Baez's "questioning." )
speaking of labradors...

Dog handlers are in the lobby of the courtroom.
by Gabe Travers/WESH.com at 2:15 PM
OMG.......... read the peer review documnt!..THAT's the protocol to duplicate the results!:maddening::maddening::maddening:
JB is clearly confused . . . .

"Lets keep it a little simpler..."

I love Dr. Vass saying "All you have to do is..." - SLAM JB!
Baez doesn't know what he's asking when he asks about protocol. mo
I don't think JB cares if his questions are objected to, in fact he seems proud when he asks a questions that gets an objection, as if he just hit on a really good point. It also seems he asks some questions just to get points out there and doesn't even care what they answers is. Is this a strategy for the DT. Just throw it out there and see what sticks.
this report is not a scientific peer reviewed article, so what do the journal requirements have to do with it.

Nonsensical question: JB states that research labs aren't required to have protocols.

Vass says research labs usually develop them.

JB says, "Correct then". I don't think Vass meant this.

JB: "Let's keep this simpler." As if the doctor doesn't understand complex concepts.
Wow, JB thinks there is NO quality control in research!?
WHOOO HOO go Vass!

The FB issue was Bizarre (almost humorous).

However, his comment re: Dr. Vaas' institute holding him out as a biochemist when he was not, seemed relevant to me. Goes to credibility if he was complicit in it.

Respectfully disagree....I graduated with a "Food Science" degree....yet, I trained in flavor companies for an additional 5 years, took certain tests and became a certified "Flavor CHEMIST". I was considered a "chemist" because it became my expertise because that's what I did. Just as Dr. V is considered a "chemist" or "biochemist" because he "earned" those titles thru hard work and experience in those particular fields. OTOH, I know many people who graduated as a Chemist, but are working in Human Resources....

Sometimes "degree's" or "titles" are EARNED thru EXPERIENCE....and that experience is often more applicable and knowledgeable than ANY particular book can teach you.
I always say, some people can be "book smart", yet dumb as a rock when it comes to actually "applying" it..... but I'll taking working experience and EARNING a title in a particular field ANY day.
Making Vass look money-hungry may not be the path to follow. Vass clearly has shown he's not in it for the money; he loves what he does.
We know the underlying principle of all of this is that one of our senses is smell. And we as humans use this sense automatically all the time. We know when the neighbors are grilling steaks and burgers by smelling the streams of air wafting into our yard. Or that a skunk was hit recently as we drive down the road. We do not have to see the steaks or the skunk to identify what our sense of smell is telling us.
JB asking about controls, contamination, and replication of the results.

Science isn't sound if it can't be replicated. Basic premise of research science.
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