2011.06.07 Sidebar (Trial Day Twelve)

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This is going to sound SUPER crazy but when I follow a case or a high profile news story about a death (think Anna Nicole Smith or the death of a famous person...anyone newsworthy but that I did not know personally), I dream about them. It could be completely a non-case related/story related dream but none-the-less I dream about the person who died.....I've always kinda thought those dreams were my subconscious mind letting the spirit of that person in and showing me he/she is OK on the other side. It comforts me in some way.

I haven't had one of those dreams yet with this story and it makes me sad to think her spirit is too busy to visit.

Sure its a little nuts but eh, so am I ! hehe.
No,not nuts!
There are dream threads for cases at WS. Astrology ,too.
LOL...the "mock juror" is me. I haven't followed this case closely, so I'm hearing all of this as the jury is hearing it. Just trying to give WSer's who know this case inside out how it looks from someone who doesn't know the case well. :)

I hope mock juror has just adjourned for the evening. I really like hearing mock juror's perspective on things after three years in deep cover....
LOL...the "mock juror" is me. I haven't followed this case closely, so I'm hearing all of this as the jury is hearing it. Just trying to give WSer's who know this case inside out how it looks from someone who doesn't know the case well. :)

That is a great plan. I know when the trial started I was going to put myself in an existence where I didn't know any facts. I was going to try to remain neutral and listen to the trial and then decide. That last about two days. lol JB is driving me nuts and he is his own worst enemy. jmo
Sidebar count for the day 7.

Just wanted to let you folks know that I will be traveling and not able to transcribe tomorrow through Saturday. Will be back ready to go on Monday (Going to Tennessee to help our DD and husband move - haha asked them how far they were from the Body Farm). Anyway, hoping Wenwe4 and Chaquita will keep me up to date as I will only be able to sneak in occasionally to read. Happy sleuthing - JUSTICE FOR BABY CAYLEE!

I have been experiencing computer problems and am not reliable right now....may need to travel in next few days as welll......can we give a shout out to other posters who are willing to transcribe or give a down and dirty synopsis of the questions and answers and what is happening in the court room?

I would hate to have poor Chiquita working self to the bone ....and no backup (in case of real life crisis and other unfortunate stuff)....it would be so helpful to have at least 4-5 jump in and tag people out - I feel guilty when I can't post or when I am interrupted....but I feel secure there is someone else backing me up and catching all that I did not......

Thanks in advance for volunteers!
I was in the zone.








Sponsered by: Casey cam :great: (and the blurrier ones are reflector link in my signature)

The jury never see's this. :maddening:
you rock E! as do We and mombomb and SLOTS and chiquita!!!! for all their transcripts and screen shots..:rocker:

now pass me a margarita... my hand is numb and held on to the rest of my arm by ((((duct)))) tape. I need some decompression! what a day!
and thanks to everyone on the trial thread for being so good... you do not know how much that helps out! THANK YOU!....
I noticed that "little miss thang" ICA had her coloring book and crayons back today. Did you notice how proud she was as she handed JB the dog training book? I bet the jury is noticing her change too. Here she was for days sitting with the dumb blank look on her face almost catatonic and today she's all involved with taking notes and even handing JB his props. If JB is taking direction from CEO ICA than they are bound to lose.
I didnt hear him say the dog was not properly trained.

I heard him question how does one know if a hit is false if nothing is found? The answer can only be one , You dont.

And that was all he needed.

I dont believe his was trying to imply the dog was not trained. He was trying to imply the car hit was false and laying a road for the jury to question. A better lawyer may have been able to pull off the tactic ,it would of course take someone who isnt as baez as Jose is.

This morning started out well for Jose. He was nice to the witness and polite.

The state setting up all the ground work for the video was over kill IMO. I think to the jury the state might seem over eager to shut Baez up. At one point this morning LKB seems to almost fall on the desk when objecting to something. The SA has stopped Baez from asking or getting some very interesting answers and I dont think that reflects well for them sometimes.
They have the benefit of public trust and information that makes since and can pretty much lay out whatever they want so to the jury it might seems as they are limiting what Baez can say on purpose,and I have been watching Baez use that "defeated " act to his advantage. He stages something he knows will lead to an objection when the questions get interesting and then he will rephase it improper a few times and quit and sit down. Leaving the jury wondering why he wasnt allowed to ask that and why the state wouldnt let him ask. All my opinion.
And Jose being snarky and rude to clearly EARNEST witnesses is a terrible strategy. IMO

I had an unexpected detour to my day and missed almost everything,BUT I caught JB harassing Bones' handler about not finding or alerting on any human remains at the recovery site( TG for XM radio in my car !). What was point of that? If the jury didn't dislike JB before,they probably do know.
It was POINTLESS. Waste,a huge waste.
If I'm on a sequestered jury and it's now been almost 3 weeks since I've been home, I'd be pretty livid. I'd ask that they start at 8AM and go til at least 6PM. This starting at 9, break at 10, lunch for 1 1/2 hours, another break, another break, and end at 4:30 is silly.

That is a very good observation and an opportunity to explain the breaks. I'm not challenging your opinion.

It seems like it is inefficient, but really, being a juror is very tiring. Listening to all that material and you aren't generally familiar with any of the procedures, the language the lawyers and witnesses so easily use and the scenarios the witnesses are laying out is much more taxing mentally AND emotionally.

It is hard facing real life horror day after day after day. That is something that the body fights and wants to turn the attention away from it in any way possible.

Then, with so many people in the courtrooms, it starts to get hot and voices tend to drone on and on. It is enough to put them to sleep.

On top of that, they don't get much opportunity to move or exercise and that compounds the challenge of staying alert to the testimony. When one stops moving as they usually do in their personal daily life, their body takes that as a signal to sleep.

Their food and beds are not what they are used to so sleep isn't as restful. The information is so intimate that most normal people have a tendency to want to look away. Sleep is a form of escape.

If HHJP sees somebody nodding he will call a break. So, even if they aren't appearing to be sleepy, there are very good reasons for frequent breaks.
Normally, when I'm not watching this trial, hubby and I listen to a Los Angeles talk show radio station as we do yard work in the afternoons. Hubby has the radio on, and whenever there's been a break today I've gone out to the patio.

The talk show host is talking about the Casey Anthony case today and doing an excellent background of all that happened. He's been quoting Bill Shaefer and Mark Nejame. He's discussed the "party pictures" and all the lies. He just got finished doing a background on JB - how many times he failed to pass the bar exam, had only been an attorney for 3 years prior to this case, and more importantly..........how JB has some seasoned trial veterans on the DT but is not letting them help. He's doing all the cross exams himself and not doing a good job.

Did you read this article? It's an eye-opener.

Mostly lurking...but...
Couldn't ICA have used the playhouse to stash a doped up Caylee in other times? It'd be so easy...which we all know is ICA's style.
Maybe the last time she did it she willfully duct taped her mouth, knowing full well little Caylee wouldn't survive and stashed her in the playhouse to come back & deal w her later.
Duct tape is so harsh that it was never used before on Caylee or else CA & GA would have seen red marks or lip tears.
Anyways...then ICA snuck back a few days later to deal w the "problem" & saw 1st hand what the FLA heat does to a body. Then she could have laid her in the yard...maybe thinking of burying her in the sand box...
Then realizing she needed to get Caylee away from home she double bagged her and drove away.

I haven't heard any evidence concerning the duct tape yet, but I have heard other WSers who know this case inside out comment that the duct tape was over both the mouth and nose of Caylee. If that's the case...no person of even modest intelligence would duct tape the only 2 orafices from which a child can breathe, and expect to come back and find that child alive and well.

Just saying.
AMEN! I just finished Vincent Bugliosi's book Outrage about the Simpson trial, and one of his points was that the state of CA in their infinite wisdom cut court hours to end at 3:30 and take Fridays off to save money. :waitasec: Which resulted in that poor jury being sequestered for NINE MONTHS!!!

Can you even begin to imagine? I'd have wanted to killOJ myself over that.

Read that book, too. And, yeah, housing and feeding and transporting those jurors for 9 months saved Lots of mulaah. RIGHT. Go figure.
And as annoying as JB is, I'm extremely grateful each and every time it happens. He's a 'gift' that keeps on giving.

he truly is!!!!!!!!!

everytime cross is up... I think... oh my... time to open presents!:rocker:
Did they even get 5 hours of actual testimony in today? :(
Anyone else feel like writing these witnesses a letter to thank them for searching for and standing up for Caylee so well? This is YEARS of their lives. Years. They all clearly worked so hard, so carefully. How many nights did they not see their family because of this? And still, with the trial... jeez, all the work, the stress, the hostile defense... but they do it from duty and I have to think also for caring about the little girl they never met.

Anyway, I just feel like they need real tangible and sincere thanks. Regardless of how the trial goes.
I watched a few minutes of Forgey's testimony today and thought he looked very familiar. Then it hit me: he's an older version of Casey's childhood friend Jeff Hopkins. Anyone else see the similarity?
Wait until the stain in the trunk is outlined for the jury by the tech who saw her little image in the stain....you can see her little toenails and fingernails....like the shroud of turin....

I wonder when the jurors will be brought to tears?

I seriously doubt it will be the same as when kc feels the need to cry (unless she feels she needs to or has been cued to do so)


Yes, that's exactly what I thought when I saw it!!
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