2011.06.07 TRIAL Day Twelve (Afternoon Session)

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Can somebody with courtroom behavior knowledge please answer about
ICA's actions (computer,phone,etc).

I wonder if this is what the chambers meeting was about with her, Baez, and LBD, to ask for her to have her own laptop.
I'm not defending ICA, but I'm honestly curious what reaction she's supposed to have to the video that doesn't come across as fake.

Did anyone in that courtroom have a reaction? I'm not seeing any tweets about the jury.

I guess we are just looking for ANY reaction to death especially in the water as she claimed her daughter died.. IMO
I can't belive Defendant's are allowed access to computers during trials, wow, learn something new every day. It must be ok, HHJP and the SA must see it.

I don't think she is using the computer, looks like she is looking down reading those yellow legal pads
Is Lee Anthony supposed to testify today? (I'm at work, can't keep up with all the comments) thanks
2 hours and 15 minutes of foundational testimony per wesh live blog...

might I add a big thank you for keeping your posts on topic? Well thanks!!! Big Thanks!!!!!!!
Which dog worked at Anthonys' house, Bones or Gerus? Why is he talking about Bones now, if it was Gerus, or were both dogs there?

And why couldn't they trace the scent down the few blocks, I wonder...

Bones was his dog before gerus. Bones is the one who died.
Why would anyone need to do a search on a shovel?

I read somewhere that "shovel" was street slang for piling on the carp. Around the same time she looked up another word which I have since forgotten but is modern slang for "*advertiser censored*". Maybe she heard these words at Fusion? Also neck-breaking or breaking necks is a word used for when a woman is so HOT people break their necks to see her. While I overwhelmingly feel ICA is guilty, these words MAY have been innocently looked up. I'm just sayin'....
Was Bones the dog that was put down? If so does anyone know why?
Please don't tell me it was just because he could no longer be used in LE.
Please tell me he was sick/deathly to point of no-return.

They don't do that. Retired or unwell dogs usually stay with the handler in their home for the remainder of their natural lives, AFAIK.
You know, the defense team should stop reading here if they don't like what we are saying about the plethora of convincing evidence or their client's demeanor. :loser:

WE aren't the ones they have to worry about anyway.... :waitasec:
Was ICA there when the dog alerted in the backyard? I wonder if that is why she is so aggitated.

No. Casey was arrested on July 16th. The cadaver dogs were brought in on July 17th, and based on three alerts by two different dogs hitting on the same 3 spots in the Anthony backyard, investigators dug up portions of the backyard.
Think Linda's mom is behind me in court. How proud she must be that her girl is steering the prosecution's ship. #caseyanthony
by jimlichtenstein via twitter at 3:20 PM
I guess we are just looking for ANY reaction to death especially in the water as she claimed her daughter died.. IMO

Odd that she reacts to NOTHING.:waitasec:
Okay ICA has some gigantic binder, that was on her lap.
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