2011.06.08 Sidebar (Trial Day Thirteen)

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Good morning! I did not watch all of the court session yesterday, but tried to catch up reading this board last night - Big Thank You :yourock: to all who post proceedings especially ICA's reactions and the pictures!
I did go by the courthouse yesterday on the way back from taking my child to the dentist. I could not resist.
I have to say i watched judge alex with vinny and dr drew yesterday, He believes she will be convicted. Very interesting man. I never knew! :seeya:
I wish court started at 8 a.m.
OTG! I have been up for hours.I almost started a "Where is Breakfast? " thread.

Okay,I came across this last night and found it humorous.
Remember the DT expert who is a forensic anthropologist,but claimed his expertise was cadaver dogs? Dr. Fairgrieve,from Canada.
Here's a reference to Dr. Vass in his depo by the State,Dec.16,2010.

Pg 82

Q.Are you familiar with Dr. Vass' study on the decomposition odor database?

A.I know of them.

Q. Pardon me?

A.I know of them and I've seen them-some reports in literature on it.

Q. I'm sorry.What did you say?

A.I've seen some reports and literature on this . But,again,I'm not a professional chemist.

Q.Right. Well he isn't either. He's a forensic anthropologist. That's why I'm asking the question.

A. Oh.I understand he has a substantial chemistry background,though.

Q. That he does?

A. Yes.

This depo should be titled "Who's on First?" and I would like to point out that this DT expert witness made many mistakes in this depo and was continually apologizing for them. Good read.
Hi all! Yesterday was nothing but a bump in the road. JB's drowning/George panicked theory still doesn't make any sense.
For those who say that yesterday was tedious and way too much info, it seems that the state must lay a foundation for using the dogs' alerts with every bit of information on the way the dogs were trained and introduce the training logs - and lay a foundation for that! Someone said that if there is an appeal, which is automatic in death penalty convictions, both parties must use only information/material that was introduced in the first trial. So the state must get everything in. They are operating with two goals: providing information and a narrative for the jury to convict and providing information to meet the rules of trial and the rules of appeal.

Not an easy job - I think they are doing a spectacular job.
Good morning from the west coast ! I was going to sleep in today but here i am at 5am lol.
Thanks for the protein-laden breakfast spread. A little fat from the meats and cheeses will keep us satiated until lunchtime. Bon Appetit!

Carpe diem.

I have to be around dogs later, hoping they dont "hit" on me

good morning all, hoping for a fruitful day
Good Morning all, gonna be a long day at my house. I will be on and off most of the day because my AC has gone out. So I will be working with the repairman and hosing myself off at random intervals...LOL Gonna have temps today in the high 90's. Gawds help me!!
Hi I don't get a chance to post much but I read all the time. I only have 5 min breaks at work to get on so most of the time when I read it is well behind where you guys are... but I was looking at the sociopath/narcissistic information and I knew that was what Ted Bundy was. So I looked at some stuff and I noticed strikingly similar photos of him and her. I merged alot of the pictures in photoshop and I wanted to see if you guys think it is somewhat creepy also. :)


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Just watched the Today show & they were depicting the State as having took a hit yesterday & not showing KC as the murderer. Also, the hinky meter also stated the State had a bad day yesterday. What do you think? I still say the State has a strong case against her. I am not a lawyer in any sense of the word, just a regular "Jane", but it makes me verrrry nervous when I hear these opinions. She can't get away with this (can she?)

I think the State did lose a little ground with the FBI chemist, but I wouldn't worry too much about that. I read on either here or Hinky that after the dog handler was done, one commentator said something along the lines of 'game, set and match for the State! All seem to agree that JB lost big time with his cross. If you consider that testimony was AFTER the FBI chemist and it is the last testimony the jury heard and went 'home' with it in their heads, I do not think any of them have any doubt there was a dead body in the Sunfire.

Have faith! While I personally don't think she will get the DP or LWOP - she will spend significant time in prison. I think the final verdict will be aggravated manslaughter and/or aggravated child abuse.
Here in Orlando, word on the streets is that she is guilty. Every business or restaurant I go into has this on tv. The dentist office even had it on - and the Y has it on - the school secretary has it on - I took my son to physical therapy and the receptionist let me sit at her desk and watch on her computer. People are demanding it. And everyone seems to think she is guilty - most have not followed the trial as we have.
Good morning from the west coast ! I was going to sleep in today but here i am at 5am lol.

Now that's dedication, lol. I don't think I would be able to do that. 6 hours ahead. :woohoo:
Hi I don't get a chance to post much but I read all the time. I only have 5 min breaks at work to get on so most of the time when I read it is well behind where you guys are... but I was looking at the sociopath/narcissistic information and I knew that was what Ted Bundy was. So I looked at some stuff and I noticed strikingly similar photos of him and her. I merged alot of the pictures in photoshop and I wanted to see if you guys think it is somewhat creepy also. :)

WOW! thank you for this. Scary, and extremely unnerving.
Can someone please tell me why I keep seeing reports that the State "has nothing"? Am I watching the same trial as everyone else???? It really bothers me to think that she might walk!! I will be devastated if this happens....
It was reported yesterday that Lee had been "out in the hall" all day..Not sure why he didn't come into the courtroom since he's allowed..It was either KB or IS that said he's going to be on the stand again very soon since they're now getting into their 'August' timeline..They will be questioning Lee on what he was doing during that time to find Caylee.

It's gonna be brutally HOT here today too :(
Hi all. :seeya: Off to work today. I gotta do it occasionally. Will keep up best I can.

Keeping the faith.
Good Morning Peeps

Has everyone had their breakfast?

Hi I don't get a chance to post much but I read all the time. I only have 5 min breaks at work to get on so most of the time when I read it is well behind where you guys are... but I was looking at the sociopath/narcissistic information and I knew that was what Ted Bundy was. So I looked at some stuff and I noticed strikingly similar photos of him and her. I merged alot of the pictures in photoshop and I wanted to see if you guys think it is somewhat creepy also. :)

Even creepier...read The Stranger Next to Me there are many similarities in the way the two interact with people

Love your side by sides though...they really bring it out...BTW, I think we could do the same with Diane Downs...

I hope the jury see this side of her...
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