2011.06.08 Sidebar (Trial Day Thirteen)

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Meh, it's not as slam dunk for me. Like I've said, I've link jumped all night once. Reading things that I was curious about (and no, I have harmed no one). They could have left in just the chloroform search and have their point taken.

All this extra information of items she searched doesn't mean much to me. The links are there for people to read. And yes, I have been one of those people reading them.

Yes, but you didn't kill a child three months after making searches. Casey did. These mean a lot to me. It shows she was thinking of murdering someone MONTHS before she murdered Caylee. This girl is just evil.
Someone said in the post:

And it's important to note that the witness testified that these WERE NOT searches, but auto generated links that came from the initial searches on chloroform. You click on one, and then more are generated that are "like" the one you just clicked on. So chloroform will link to suffocation/inhalation, that link will link to something else, and so on and so on.

Since a lot of these were auto generated I don't' think this is the slam dunk many were expecting.

Help me out. I don't think it makes sense. If Casey googled chloroform, how would it link to "internal bleeding", "neck injury", etc, etc. And he mentioned that these were all Wikiepdia sites. Which also has a search option. I don't see the correlation between "internal bleeding" and "chloroform" for them to appear in the same results on a page in GoogleSearch. When googling Chloroform, none of the keywords the witness mentioned appeared in the results, or a wikipedia link there. She could've gone on wikipedia and continued searching there. But I really don't think her computer kept "feeding" her different links that matched. And she just sat there and let it all played out. She had to search and find and click. Someone explain it to me, if I misunderstood the witness.

I am going to go back and watch his testimony again because I got a little confused myself between watching, reading and taking care of the little one, so I am not sure if the auto-generated thing was a Wikipedia thing or a google thing. I don't use Wikipedia because it can be changed so easily by anyone and I don't consider it a reputable source. However, if it was Google that was giving the auto-generated thing, I think that he is talking about when you search for things on Google at the bottom there are "Related Searches." If that is what he is talking about, I would think, IMO, FWIW, we could not tell now what related searches would have come up back then.

There have been a lot of changes and updates to Google over the last three years. They change their algorithms all the time and have to because people figure out ways to "cheat the system" in order to get higher search engine ranking. For example, at one time you could type up a bunch of keywords that are high dollar keywords on your page, but change the text color to match the background color, so the reader wouldn't see them, but the spiders would. This could cause the website owner to get traffic for searches that really aren't relevant. Some places just fill the page with ads for the term, but have no real content. Now you are penalized for this and it gives you a low rank instead of a first page one. Just recently, in March, Google put out an update called "Panda." If you search for it online, you will find that lots of "content farm"" websites were pushed from the front of the line to the back, because their pages now show up last instead of first. ChaCha.com, is an example of one of these sites and it really hurt the people that work there. But every time they make these changes (which is probably a lot over the last 3 years) it changed the results you would have seen then to something different now.
That's true...to get to 'alcohol' from 'chloroform' for instance you would be reading the section on "Inadvertent formation of chloroform" (describes using household chemicals). It'd be interesting to track the sections she was reading to get to each of the links she followed.

So this is why they say not to mix your home products...I never do, just didn't know what would happen if i did...i never took chemistry..

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=138977"]2011.06.08 TRIAL Day Thirteen (Afternoon Session) - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Isn't it possible that she saw the Chloroform post on RM's MySpace, researched it and got scared that he may do that to her? Not that I believe it, but those searches (and not all of them were even searches), could be placed in 1000 different contexts. Someone even mentioned GA moving back in (self-defense?).

JMO, though.

Seriously? How much evidence is enough? No, I don't think she got scared that Ricardo would chloroform her because he posted a joke on myspace. Why would anyone think that?
Okay, I link hop like crazy...so I can understand clicking on these links. But her deleting it later...

That's why I wanted to know if FireFox, as a browser, was still on the computer. Without a date for the actual deletion of these searches, it is possible they sat around until someone uninstalled the browser.

When I lived with my parents I installed browsers that I preferred. Once I moved out they didn't want programs they didn't use, so I deleted the browsers. It would appear, to someone rebuilding the hard drive, that I had deleted my searches, though I had just uninstalled the browser to make room.

Make sense?
Okay, I link hop like crazy...so I can understand clicking on these links. But her deleting it later...

The thing that strikes me, though, is that you are here. You have an interest - like the rest of us.

ICA had everyone snowed that she was a stupid party girl.
Kathi B and Bill S are saying that ICA had asked CA to care for Caylee while she went to Puerto Rico and CA said no. They said this was the time these online searches took place - in response to CA not watching Caylee while ICA went to Puerto Rico.

so ICA was upset with mommy in March 2008 for cutting off her money supply and for saying NO to watching Caylee so ICA could go to Puerto Rico
Sounds like we'll see her real soon.
yep guess you were right. Here's her new Orange county mug shot from booking

The mock juror needs MUCH time to reflect on today's testimony. So please don't pressure her for her thoughts.

Blue hoodie number was 82, not 84.


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ICA appeared to be very agitated leaving court - first talking to JB then CM
HLN and IS HAVE to find a better way to go to commercial...I am stuck with them in the mornings on TIVO until I am up and caught up and also when my laptop gets too hot from using the multimedia...and they are ridiculous about it. A lawyer will ask a question and bam, they are off to commericals before the answer begins...:( It is very jarring to go from the courtroom to loud commercials about adult diapers or converting your settlement $ into cash.
I'm astounded, 84 times-- and I knew about her searches! I hope the jury is as blown away as I am.
So I can't help but think that the Home Depot videos are coming very soon. The state is brilliant if they are leaving the jurors with the 84 searches! If tomorrow they showed video of her prior to June buying masks, gloves, and the ingredients it would be AWESOME.
I got the impression we may have a start time of 8:30 so they could take up matters with this guy, but the HJBP never said. Boo!
Was Bradley done on the stand or will he back first thing in the morning? I missed it...
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