2011.06.08 Sidebar (Trial Day Thirteen)

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I will pretend like I am a TH does this sound like one of them?

If I were a juror, and all I knew about this case was what has been presented in evidence:
I would think KC is a liar, and not a model citizen, and was very upset about being in jail. (if I was innocent and in jail, I would be very upset as well). I would wonder why the state brought in so many witnesses to prove she was a liar. That was pretty obvious after the first two or three, and one jailhouse tape would have confirmed that. All that repetition seemed redundant. It also drove home the point that all these witnesses believed she was a good mother, and had a great relationship with her daughter.

Her father did not seem sincere on the stand, and he didn't get upset when accused of molestion and looked guilty when he answered. Then later he got very agitated about gas cans????

The trunk of the Pontiac smells really bad, like somebody died in there.
The hair with apparent decomp, may have come from a living person, or from a dead person according to the FBI expert. Hair with apparent decomp has never been used in a trial before.

The white trash bag sat in a dumpster for hours before it became part of the chain of evidence, and some of the evidence from this white trash bag may have been inadvertantly altered. The expert who put the trash in the drying room seemed very nervous after seeing the photo of the wet trash.

The collection of samples provided to the air sample expert were not collected by the expert, and the shockingly high level of chloroform doesn't make sense because the FBI expert said it wasn't a shockingly high level of chloroform. Air samples have never been used in a trial before. This expert thought he read his initials on an evidence can, but he was mistaken, wonder what else he has misread or been mistaken about.

The two dogs have never alerted without a find anytime they were in a real world scenario, ever in their entire careers, until this case. (Anthony backyard) (trunk)

84 times? HUH? recess till tomorrow morning

Now I know these are all little things, but when you take the totality of all of these points well then circumstantially you find yourself with reasonable doubt.

Did I do good huh? Does this sound like one of the TH's?

This is the most POWERFULL "circumstantial" case I've ever seen! And I'm not sure why some people, talking heads included, keep hammering on the topic this is soley a circumstantial case. I know, thus far, some may feel the forensic evidence has been weak. But also keep in mind we haven't even gotten to the evidence found at the remain site...duct tape, winnie the pooh blanket, trash bags, ect.

Now, factor the biggest mistake made was by the defense in this trial by making such an unbelieveable and "ELABORATE" "story" of what actually happened. Caylee accidently drowns, GA hides the body instead of calling 911, Roy Kronk somehow gets ahold of the remains, has a tea party with 'em for awhile or something until he finally places them near hopespring to cash in his lottery ticket. The jurors heard this "story" and it doesn't matter if they can't use it as evidence...they still heard it and it's in there mind. If I'm a juror and have now gone through and listened to how for years ICA has lied, not only lied, but is one of the greatest liars I've ever seen who can create a bizzare imaginary world and have dozens of family and friends completely "FOOLED".

So...I expect on the prosecution's closing arguments they will go through each and every aspect of this mountain of "circumstantial" evidence...and at the end I expect them to say her "DETAILED" lies and "ELABORATE" imaginary stories have fooled her family and friends for "YEARS". Don't let them fool you too! Cased Closed!
OMG I was getting ready to post this ..Does anyone know who the blonde is sitting in first row ?

I saw CM talking to her to her today.. I can not believe all the people involved with the DT..

the woman in court has been dubbed "lawyer GaGa" by her hair/looks (by reporters on twitter). on the trial thread today, someone said she was an attorney in C Mason's office. so, jmo.
She watches and seems to try to catch Casey's eye from time to time. She prob works for Baez office. Cute young blond with bangs.

I like the way she has expertly found a chair that will give her full on camera face time all the time. Yeah, she's a consultant....
I love how her attorneys all placate her by telling her she's right and they're wrong. Interesting how she can always be "right" when she's in line for the DP for murder and they are not... but whatever it takes to calm her I guess.

Personally I would love to read JB's book if he writes one (has someone write it for him). It would answer all that 'wtheck is he thinking?'

I don't see how he could write anything that would really tell much because of attorney/client privilege.
When ICA left the courtroom, she left through the door she goes to when meeting with her attys. The same door HHJP leaves through.
LAST CALL! It's almost 2AM somewhere! :kimsterwink:

This thread is closing in 5 minutes.
OMG I was cooking and cracking a couple tasteless ICA jokes privately here and all of a sudden it dawned on me about the jailhouse letters. After today's testimony about the computer research it think the entire contents of those letters are a setup thought up by ICA. Everything right down to the RV and the Irish babies. She knows exactly what she's doing - she's attempting to look like she's dissociating. I'm sure you all have covered this in the time I wasn't following and I'm sure this probably isn't the right thread for it - but it IS a conclusion I was unable to make prior to today's 84 visits and so forth.

Today really changed how I viewed her! Those letters are totally a setup. She's not delusional for one second - it's just the next con and then next hallway! Good thing I think the house of leaves is coming to a final end. :furious:

It just keeps sinking in more and more for me how SICK she is!!!

Ok back to your regularly scheduled threading! :innocent:
Okay, who thinks we should leave this thread open later just for Lancelot Link?

Thank this post if you want it left open later. Throw bananas at the chimp if you don't.

This is the most POWERFULL "circumstantial" case I've ever seen! And I'm not sure why some people, talking heads included, keep hammering on the topic this is soley a circumstantial case. I know, thus far, some may feel the forensic evidence has been weak. But also keep in mind we haven't even gotten to the evidence found at the remain site...duct tape, winnie the pooh blanket, trash bags, ect.

Now, factor the biggest mistake made was by the defense in this trial by making such an unbelieveable and "ELABORATE" "story" of what actually happened. Caylee accidently drowns, GA hides the body instead of calling 911, Roy Kronk somehow gets ahold of the remains, has a tea party with 'em for awhile or something until he finally places them near hopespring to cash in his lottery ticket. The jurors heard this "story" and it doesn't matter if they can't use it as evidence...they still heard it and it's in there mind. If I'm a juror and have now gone through and listened to how for years ICA has lied, not only lied, but is one of the greatest liars I've ever seen who can create a bizzare imaginary world and have dozens of family and friends completely "FOOLED".

So...I expect on the prosecution's closing arguments they will go through each and every aspect of this mountain of "circumstantial" evidence...and at the end I expect them to say her "DETAILED" lies and "ELABORATE" imaginary stories have fooled her family and friends for "YEARS". Don't let them fool you too! Cased Closed!

Alot of people and THs will have egg on their faces. They either like eggs or need ratings to buy eggs.
Okay, who thinks we should leave this thread open later just for Lancelot Link?

Thank this post you want it left open later. Throw bananas at the chimp if you don't.


I don't want to keep you up to close it later. I'll go to a thread and spread my joy.
I don't want to keep you up to close it later. I'll go to a thread and spread my joy.

I'm going to bed! I'll leave it open and if it's still open when 'Beach gets here in the morning, I give her permission to :slap: you.


With all the talking heads on TV I've come to the conclusion they haven't watched or followed this trial or case much at all.

JVM tonight was a hoot! JB's attorney friend JW was just cheering and steering. Not once did any of them bring out the fact that these searches was on the home computer and the proof GA, CA, or LE didn't do them was many reason's but one big one if they paid attention to the trial was during the Jailhouse Video's where they asked ICA what her passwords were. Even LA came back and said one of them didn't work. Which was because ICA gave LA the wrong password to begin with.

If i had to rely on the media to tell me the facts about this case I would believe ICA is innocent. MOO

Just another thought, if they do this with this case, what are they doing with the REAL news.

I dont know why this wasnt mentioned but the witness could not tell how long the password was in use on the computer or if the computer had been idle and stayed logged in for hours or whatever. They should have had that information. Maybe we will here it later.
Point being anyone could have walked up and used it. I think they should discuss the issue as well,and I want to watch that part again as what I thought I heard appears different to what I am seeing posted about it so maybe I didnt hear it correctly

Next the password issue with the computer and the video is that on the video Casey and Lee were talking about a bank password and not her PC password. So there is no value to it as far as proving she was misleading lee I think the video itself showed that. Two different passwords for two different things were talked about one on the stand and one in the video.

I don't see how he could write anything that would really tell much because of attorney/client privilege.

He could if she signed a paper.or release or whatever.
This is the most POWERFULL "circumstantial" case I've ever seen! And I'm not sure why some people, talking heads included, keep hammering on the topic this is soley a circumstantial case. I know, thus far, some may feel the forensic evidence has been weak. But also keep in mind we haven't even gotten to the evidence found at the remain site...duct tape, winnie the pooh blanket, trash bags, ect.

Now, factor the biggest mistake made was by the defense in this trial by making such an unbelieveable and "ELABORATE" "story" of what actually happened. Caylee accidently drowns, GA hides the body instead of calling 911, Roy Kronk somehow gets ahold of the remains, has a tea party with 'em for awhile or something until he finally places them near hopespring to cash in his lottery ticket. The jurors heard this "story" and it doesn't matter if they can't use it as evidence...they still heard it and it's in there mind. If I'm a juror and have now gone through and listened to how for years ICA has lied, not only lied, but is one of the greatest liars I've ever seen who can create a bizzare imaginary world and have dozens of family and friends completely "FOOLED".

So...I expect on the prosecution's closing arguments they will go through each and every aspect of this mountain of "circumstantial" evidence...and at the end I expect them to say her "DETAILED" lies and "ELABORATE" imaginary stories have fooled her family and friends for "YEARS". Don't let them fool you too! Cased Closed!

I agree.

- Already the state has pretty much established that a dead Caylee was placed in Casey's trunk. I do not think the DT is going to successfully dispute that.
- And they have established that Caylee was not where Casey swore she was, under oath.
-And they have proven that she tried hard to obstruct those who were attempting to find her missing child.

These 3 things have probably been accepted by the jury already. They are actually pretty important elements of the case. Caylee was in Casey's care and custody, she went missing and Casey ignored it, and when caught, she lied about it. And there is evidence Caylee was placed, dead, in the trunk for some time. These facts are not lost on the jury.

Add to these facts the videos they watched back to back, which they were riveted to, and which showed Casey's true persona.

She is toast, imo. Baez can get his little jabs in here and there and argue about the dogs reliability and if Dr. Vass is a chemist or not, but it does not matter to the jury in the end, imo.
I agree.

- Already the state has pretty much established that a dead Caylee was placed in Casey's trunk. I do not think the DT is going to successfully dispute that.
- And they have established that Caylee was not where Casey swore she was, under oath.
-And they have proven that she tried hard to obstruct those who were attempting to find her missing child.

These 3 things have probably been accepted by the jury already. They are actually pretty important elements of the case. Caylee was in Casey's care and custody, she went missing and Casey ignored it, and when caught, she lied about it. And there is evidence Caylee was placed, dead, in the trunk for some time. These facts are not lost on the jury.

Add to these facts the videos they watched back to back, which they were riveted to, and which showed Casey's true persona.

She is toast, imo. Baez can get his little jabs in here and there and argue about the dogs reliability and if Dr. Vass is a chemist or not, but it does not matter to the jury in the end, imo.

ITA!! And her own attorney has let it be known to the jury that George drove out of the tow lot with a car full of evidence of a homicide, his word, not mine and that there was a dead body in the backyard while crossing the cadaver dog handler's testimony. Seems so odd to me that his opening statement was short on connecting the dots but his cross examinations have dotted the I's and crossed the T's for the prosecution.
I dont know why this wasnt mentioned but the witness could not tell how long the password was in use on the computer or if the computer had been idle and stayed logged in for hours or whatever. They should have had that information. Maybe we will here it later.
Point being anyone could have walked up and used it. I think they should discuss the issue as well,and I want to watch that part again as what I thought I heard appears different to what I am seeing posted about it so maybe I didnt hear it correctly

Next the password issue with the computer and the video is that on the video Casey and Lee were talking about a bank password and not her PC password. So there is no value to it as far as proving she was misleading lee I think the video itself showed that. Two different passwords for two different things were talked about one on the stand and one in the video.

He could if she signed a paper.or release or whatever.
I think today's expert's job was task specific for the deleted info. I bet they'll have an expert from the SO.

ETA:...and they did...lol. Didn't get to see Sgt. Stenger. Maybe they'll bring him back?
I agree.

- Already the state has pretty much established that a dead Caylee was placed in Casey's trunk. I do not think the DT is going to successfully dispute that.
- And they have established that Caylee was not where Casey swore she was, under oath.
-And they have proven that she tried hard to obstruct those who were attempting to find her missing child.

These 3 things have probably been accepted by the jury already. They are actually pretty important elements of the case. Caylee was in Casey's care and custody, she went missing and Casey ignored it, and when caught, she lied about it. And there is evidence Caylee was placed, dead, in the trunk for some time. These facts are not lost on the jury.

Add to these facts the videos they watched back to back, which they were riveted to, and which showed Casey's true persona.

She is toast, imo. Baez can get his little jabs in here and there and argue about the dogs reliability and if Dr. Vass is a chemist or not, but it does not matter to the jury in the end, imo.

Good points . The SA is making headway. on the other hand ..

Nothing mentioned removes reasonable doubt that Caylee drowned in a pool.
The SA has to remove that doubt Caylee drown in a pool they have to show a murder. Before opening they didnt have to remove the drowning doubt it wasnt there. Now it is and they have to get rid of it.

I do think the trunk images will aide them alot but right now as the jury sees it . Where is all this going?
If the SA case was a strong as one would think would 5 hours of jail tape be a must?

I really am excited to hear the SA 's closing though I expect it to be very good.
I also think Baez does have a few tricks up his sleeve and dont expect this jury not to be shown a witness or two with a few interesting things to say.

I also think the jury is going to have issues with thinking Casey moved a days old body herself ,alone. Since Baez gave them an option to consider GA moving the body they have doubt there to.
I'm still catching up on the trial. On part 10. What blows my mind is how JB accuses the IT forensics guy of advertising off of this "high profile" case, when he and his has done the rounds in ways this guy will never be able to. I have noticed that the DT falsely accuse others of doing what they ARE doing. Deflect much?
Good points . The SA is making headway. on the other hand ..

Nothing mentioned removes reasonable doubt that Caylee drowned in a pool.
The SA has to remove that doubt Caylee drown in a pool they have to show a murder. Before opening they didnt have to remove the drowning doubt it wasnt there. Now it is and they have to get rid of it.

I do think the trunk images will aide them alot but right now as the jury sees it . Where is all this going?
If the SA case was a strong as one would think would 5 hours of jail tape be a must?

I really am excited to hear the SA 's closing though I expect it to be very good.
I also think Baez does have a few tricks up his sleeve and dont expect this jury not to be shown a witness or two with a few interesting things to say.

I also think the jury is going to have issues with thinking Casey moved a days old body herself ,alone. Since Baez gave them an option to consider GA moving the body they have doubt there to.

I think if they had gone with the accidental drowning, they COULD have made some head way. Problems arise when they tried to deflect any culpability from their client.

This is not reasonable nor is it doubt.

Reasonable is not cooling your heels in jail for three years, having your lawyer declare the child was alive.
Reasonable is not asking to be let out of jail to search for your "missing" child five days before Grand Jury.
Reasonable is not claiming for years that ZFG was the culprit and she was a victim.

Doubt comes into play for a juror who hears that she told the first responding officer that everything was fine and that her mother wanted to take the child away from her.

Doubt is evident as she lies repeatedly to LE when they are only trying to find her missing child.

Doubt is paramount as the jurors are fed more and more confusing wordplay by her attorneys.
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