2011.06.09 Sidebar (Trial Day Fourteen):

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She's going to get destroyed on this forum no matter what she does. I don't see how that surprises anyone.

I am sorry but I think that any monster that throws their baby out like garbage for animals to ravage her deserve to be destroyed because they are evil.
Well, Wesh seemed to think it was a fear reaction like when she had the charges read and re-read while she faced her potential Jury. A big dose of reality was how they framed it.
Bob K. is obviously very shaken by his experiences this morning. I've never seen him quite this upset. He always seems to be pretty calm about his reporting, but not today just after court.

Kathi B seemed completely out of sorts this afternoon too. While on one hand I would like to see the un-redacted crime scene photos, on the other I'm glad I don't have those images burned into my brain.
A little pre-performance before the jailhouse video of her breaking down when Caylee was discovered?

The encore of course will be during the viewing of the jailhouse video............
I would LOVE to think these were anxiety attacks based on the essence of reality seeping into her soulless psyche.............
she will beg for a plea.
the only real question is, will the state give her one?

she is gutless, and all of her evil is showing up in plain sight and there is no where to run and this will pain her more than the reason we are at this trial


If she pleas she has to tell us what happened. I don't think she'll do it. jmo
Wha happened...went to take a shower and all of a sudden ICA cannot go on so court is recessed??? WTH? Somebody tell me what she did...did she puke on JB?????

NO such luck. HHJBP just erred on the side of caution, probably a smart move, and if anybody would know, I'd say it was he.
Are we absolutely sure they'd go forward without her tomorrow? The judge wanted the jury dismissed so that they did not know the reason for ending early today. If they show up tomorrow and she is not there, then that will explain to the Jury exactly what the judge was trying to avoid.

IMO he doesn't want there to be any leeway for an appeal, such as the Jury basing an opinion on her "illness" and not the actual testimony & evidence.

I wondered the same thing, because he Perry asked the reportes not to ask the Lawyers on either side any questions, could it be that she will try to make a plea deal, as maybe just maybe she now sees that there is no way out for her but the DP, I do not know how her mind works, any takers!!
She did look sick, but only becuase she sees no ending, or the ending she thought would come about, she would just be free, and go on as usual, but now if it is true her family have turned their back on her, so I really am not sure what is going on!
This trial seems to have more sidebars than the OJ trial and HHJP wanted to keep things moving quickly and now this.

Maybe they should give KC 1 mg of Zanax and she should be feeling absolutely in control!!!

You can bet the SA has informed the jail and the sick bay and will be reading the sick report.

Who (besides me) thinks maybe the Judge was on the phone asking one of his trusted and unbiased Doctor friends to come check out KC?
Ahhh.... Miss Anthony is ill ... no questions... personal matter and all... but she sure did make sure everyone on the jury saw her wincing and holding on to the table as though she were too weak to stand. Not to worry WS'S ' Tomorrow is another day, " she'll have to face the music then.

I hope she just can't say "I feel sick". Surely there will need to be documentation of SOMETHING if this continues. A fever,high blood pressure, diarrhea ,uncontrollable :sick:. None of that sticking your finger down your throat ,either.
Give her some tylenol and let's roll.
I don't know JSR. I don't think Judge P will continue to delay due to funding, attorney, expert time, etc... I am certain he will be looking into how to handle this better. Maybe KC can watch via video in another small room. Defendants are removed from trial all of the time, I don't know about with this expected and continuing reaction if he can do that. Anyone know?

Exactly! I don't believe the judge will allow ICA to play these games. I think this is a one shot deal and if she pulls fake illness (assuming the odds are this is just an anxiety attack or more of her drama) he will continue with or without her.

IIRC at one time she was rather annoyed she was even required to appear in court. This could very well be her attempt at being excused without making a complete jack arse out of herself in court. Time will tell.

I think this was a defense ploy to get the attention in the news tonight off the photos and have them talking about this instead. I dont beleive she was sick for second. She has been laughing and being a paralegal during the smell of decomp and everything else that has been discussed so far.

She needs to deflect attention away from the damning evidence of her daughters remains in the media.

I'm upset that the talking heads keep talking about what an emotional day this has been for ICA, she is NOT emotional or upset, ICA is angry and enraged.
The DT COULD HAVE orchestrated the illness, but I think it was all ICA. They pretty much ignored her through it all ... even seemed a touch annoyed. JMO
Link to crime scene photos (graphic ones are pixilated)


ETA: Grandmaj said we could post pixilated photos.

Are we going to have a seperate thread on these so someone can say what each picture is. I can make some out but not all. Some of the blue arrows I am not sure what it is pointing to.

Also at link provided above, in picture #9 if what I am seeing it surely looks what was described on the trial thread from twitter as a skull sitting in a nest.

This makes me so sad.
I'll be honest. I never wanted to see her get the death penalty. It just seems so barbaric to me. I think she should fry, for today alone. Whether she coldly killed Caylee or it was an accident, as her MOTHER, she owed it to her to sit there and take it. Be a little uncomfortable. Her child lay in the cold flooded woods, with animals picking at her little body, and she can't take a few hours of discomfort. She just sucks!!!!!
I think ICA is really sick. I think she made herself sick as she relived what she did. Guilt will make you very sick, it can disable you. Usually nausea is connected with fear, pain with guilt. I think we were seeing nausea - which makes sense with ICA. Fear of what is going to happen to her as she sees the evidence pile up. The illness is real, IMO, but pay attention to the cause.
When she heard the news of Caylee's remains being found, she complained of the chains (shackles) being too tight and hurting - that was guilt IMO.
Today was fear for herself.

I think she's also remember the smells from the day she dumped her poor little baby.
Not to defend Casey but I have a panic disorder so plenty of experience with this, she could have been fine this morning or an hour ago and this just came on. Realizing she was sunk and her defense was schitzo (thanks Bill) could certainly trigger one.

Personally, I don't care if this "illness" is real or fake. If it's fake, wouldn't surprise me a bit, if it's real...good.

Either way, makes no difference to me. I'm here to find out what happened to this precious child. I could give a flip about Casey Anthony one way or the other.

Once the video is up on whichever station posts them you can watch. She was doing a child's fake barf action and trying to hyperventilate again. I do not like to sound so snide, but I just saw it as fake.
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