2011.06.10 HLN News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

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LKB is going to really have to stretch today to try and make any points for the DT. Her main one seems to be that HIS HONOR is somehow part of the Prosecution now. I did not hear her say anything about the state having 'junk science' or coming to invalid conclusions however. She just seems to be saying that the judge is biased.
Vinnie just made me lose it!! Wow, that pic of baby Caylee looking at her mom just bout killed me!! He said it perfectly either way u look at it she let tgat sweet baby down!! She is guilty either way u look at it!! I love Vinnie! I don't think anyone could have said it better!!! Justice for Caylee Marie! We all love you soo much sweet baby! My hear is aching right now. Im loggn off for the day!!!
What was LKB's reasoning for saying that would not like it...maybe that's what I should have asked. Thanks. I try to always mute her...but can't imagine what her reasoning would be.....actually I take that back....I'm sure she'd say anything for the defense even if it was ridiculous.

If I understood her (sometimes the screaming women on HLN automatically put my ears in mute - lol) she says jurors don't want an ME to render an opinion - they want to hear the Science. jmo ... Yes, I know - go figure that answer because I think she was on the DT when they were calling all of the forensics evidence Junk Science.
Why do I let LKB ran on my parade??? :(
I emailed again JVM and I asked if they could get pic's of Casey from this afternoon right before the Jury came back to watch the video. Casey was all smiles, I watched her on the live feed on WESH. I don't see how JVM can claim there is video of Casey sobbing. I also asked about the duct tape if roots can grow through the tape. Let's see if she answers any of the questions.
I see Wendy is on the panel again today. I emailed her this morning...first time I have ever done that.
Well, well, well, Wendy Murphy is doing a complete turnaround on JVM tonight.... :)
Why do I let LKB ran on my parade??? :(

Did you know that AL will be on tonight? Sick how they can go on and on about this case and they left the case.

Casey Anthony: Andrea Lyon talks to ‘20/20′ Friday night "Snip" Posted: 09 Jun 2011 12:32 PM PDT
Andrea Lyon, a former defense attorney for Casey Anthony, will talk to ABC’s “20/20″ about the current defense strategy.

The program airs at 10 p.m. Friday on WFTV-Channel 9.
Full Article: http://blogs.orlandosentinel.com/ent...=Yahoo!+Mail
Oh Lord. Wendy Murphy is so weird lately. She has been saying for the last week, and writing articles saying Casey is going to be acquitted. And saying she is likely innocent and covering for someone.
Now she is on a panel on JVM, and she says Baez OS is the reason " that she is going to be found guilty.'
Did Vinnie on HLN just say that if the trial would end today, he'd vote Guilty and for Death? LKB is now trying to spew something, (I hit mute).

He sure did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Baez's claim in opening of accidental death( buffoonery)(my word) may be a cause for appeal
Did you know that AL will be on tonight? Sick how they can go on and on about this case and they left the case.

All I can say is, ughhhh!!! They are amazing aren't they? They are all looking for their 15 minutes of fame........
Did you know that AL will be on tonight? Sick how they can go on and on about this case and they left the case.

I do now! ty, I have always wondered in the back of my mind if
AL's parting words to Baez were I'm going to leave it to you. She may get off on appeal, as long as you are the lead.
I see Wendy is on the panel again today. I emailed her this morning...first time I have ever done that.

I emailed her last night at the addie found at the end of her article in the Patriot. I gave her the proper info about the timeline for the control of the Pontiac and a link to our timelines used here.

I also called the phone number for feedback on her article, and said that I wished she would do more research and have her facts straight before writing articles for that paper.

I was not mean or snarky, just emphatic but respectful. I have always respected her but she went off the deep end for awhile, imo/
Did you know that AL will be on tonight? Sick how they can go on and on about this case and they left the case.

See, MLaw - that gets my goat, too. If they are/were ever interested in this case - they should have stayed with it if they truly believe in her innocence. If I liked or respected them previously (which I didn't) I would lose all faith in them because of this self promotion campaign they are now conducting. moo
I think it worked, congrats!!! :)

It stayed on my mind all night. This morning at around 6 am, I just had to say what I felt. I had told her I'd had always admired her and then just talked about the case and her remarks lately, etc. I haven't checked my email today, but I sincerely hope she read it. I'm sure she gets so much that I wondered if it would get read.
JVM said that the lady Casey cuddles up with in court looks like Cindy...
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