2011.06.13 Sidebar (Trial Day Seventeen)

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Yeah it will be really entertaining to watch JB dig himself into a hole

I think they decided against calling those kinds of witnesses because of the Defense admission made in Opening Statements. The DT has an explanation for her not to search, she had 'drowned accidentally.'
I stepped out to get some lunch and am lost. The State didn't rest did it? I thought Court ended early because a witness wasn't there. Please someone clear this up because I'm freaking out.

No, their witnesses are not available until tomorrow because thsi case is ahead of schedule. So they are in recess until tomorrow afternoon.

But the bombshell is that the State is resting their case Tues or Wed.
I don't concur with the SA, I feel it's missing pieces. I hope the jury is not feeling that way.
The prosecution should have allowed the last witness to testify as to what allowed the heart shape to appear under the dye and light source and why it was not seen later.

Video was fouling up and it seemed that JA didn't clear anything up but instead left this jury with the word "contamination"...now they have 24 hours to think about this and the fact that they have no context for this line of questioning as it relates to the heart shape (this is because the state was not allowed to bring in the stickers that would have put this gluey heart shape, found on the duct tape, into context.)
I understood her testimony, and that the testing destroyed the evidence. Of course I follow trials and there is a lot of DNA that gets destroyed in testing, if there's only a limited amount. I hope some of the jurors are familiar with that. Also they might be familiar with general defense tactics, contamination of evidence being one of them.

the pings were brought up in the SA's opening statement/where she was when she was on her phone

I also believe KC's whereabouts during that 31 days was well documented by all the witnesses who interacted with her....No need to ping that whereabouts necessary...at least not in my mind
A repairman was in my house last week. I mentioned the trial going on and he thought she was guilty. He followed the case a little, but not much.

The repairman told me he was on a jury for a rape case. The guy was guilty, no question about it. The poor rape victim had to get on the stand and re-live that nightmare. There was one hold out on the jury. He refused to deliberate. The hold out juror said the perp said he didn't do it so he believed him. The repairman said they asked the judge what could be done. The judge cursed (something about I'm sick of this ****, etc.) and called a mistrial. The repairman said NO, we don't want a mistrial we just don't know what to do with this juror. It reminded me of the juror who can't judge someone. It gets worse. The repairman ran into one of the cops after the trial and the cop told him there was so much evidence the state did not introduce, including the fact that he was a convicted rapist.

The repairman was livid that they didn't get to hear all the evidence. I asked him what happened to the rapist and he said he didn't know. The judge simply released him and the jury.

I hope the jury doesn't vote 'not guilty' then hold interview after interview and say 'if only we had known [fill in the blank]'.

I have to trust the prosecutors knows what they're doing but I think there is way too much evidence being left out.


I've read many cases where jurors said if they knew about past convictions they would have certainly voted guilty. Showing Casey had a history of stealing from mother, brother, g-parents, bank account and piggy bank of Caylee's, and then a friend would certainly show this girl has no morals or conscience. The neighbors, etc. relaying arguments cussing at her mother, SP and RP's testimony about Casey would certainly show a very hateful, jealous, selfish, person imo. The laziness as well, no school, work, etc.
question, if JB doesn't call any witness to the stand and stands up and says the Defense rest there will be no rebuttal witness for the state to bring in correct?

Yes, and even if the DT brings in several witnesses, how would the SA bring in the tattoo artist? What Defense testimony would he rebut? I thought he would be the SA's last witness.
I don't concur with the SA, I feel it's missing pieces. I hope the jury is not feeling that way.
It's not over yet, and the rebuttal should be spectacular. The penalty phase will be the most damning, imo. They've got plenty to work with, no?
A lot of the missing evidence might be viewed as "piling on" and prejudicial right now, but later...not.
question, if JB doesn't call any witness to the stand and stands up and says the Defense rest there will be no rebuttal witness for the state to bring in correct?

That thought makes me a little bit ill........if that's the case, the SA has not done nearrrrrrrrrr enough.
is rebuttal the same as cross?????

I ask because if the defense doesn't bring up the pings than the state cannot cross on it let alone have another expert witness..:waitasec:
no - the DT presents their case and then when the DT rests - the State has a chance for rebuttal. HTH
I was just getting ready to post something along the same lines.... has the state proved via all the circumstantial evidence that ICA did this (it is their burden) and she should receive the death penalty for it to this jury??? Do they really think they can get all the rest of the circumstantial evidence in on rebuttal?? I am worried personally but I am trying, at the same time, to have faith. :twocents:

THANKS! I have been waiting for something that ties ICA directly to the tape or the bags so far all I see is an Anthony had access to all these things. I have tried to not conflate what I know and WS's know with what has been presented to the jury.. The car I guess is the lynch pin? I suppose it must be huh?
I also believe KC's whereabouts during that 31 days was well documented by all the witnesses who interacted with her....No need to ping that whereabouts is really necessary...at least not in my mind

I think so too, it's already been well established that she had no job, Zanny did not exist, Jeff Hopkins did not exist (not the in way ICA said) so all the activity she claimed to have had was proven to be lies. The jury already knows she was never where she claimed to be.
Just was watching on In Session - legal experts showed the superimposition with Casey and Caylee and duct tape. They believe state and Judge made a huge mistake, and will lend to getting a conviction overturned on appeal.....

Oh... the IS talking heads over a chief Justice who has taken every precaution to make sure that this case won't be overturned or tried again... hhmmm... who do I believe? Chief Judge Belvin Perry, is who my money is on- hands down!
Wow, I feel SO ripped off! Like I spent 3 years reading paper after paper, deposition after deposition, thread after thread, and this is all the jury is going to get? OHHH I hope they have a neat bow to tie it up in at the end.

I hate to think that after the verdict is read, the jurors will come here and read everything they didn't know about the case before, and then say they would have voted a different way if only they'd known about 'this or that'. You know?

Oh, I have to trust, must ... trust...

Think of it this way: If the state takes months to put on its case then that leads me to believe they don't have that strong a case against the defendant to start with. I've listened to several lawyers and some who have been doing trials for many years say that the stronger a case, the less time it takes to prove it.
There is such a thing as overkill. This jury has already been sequestered for weeks, there really is no point in putting them through two more weeks of testimony if it's not necessary, and then they have to sit through the defense's case for another two weeks or so. These people deserve to have this whole thing over and done with so they can all go home. If the state hasn't been successful, two more weeks won't make a lot of difference.
Unless some are just hooked on watching the trial itself... makes no sense to me to drag it out.
question, if JB doesn't call any witness to the stand and stands up and says the Defense rest there will be no rebuttal witness for the state to bring in correct?

Right. But it would be a GUILTY verdict in that case most likely. They need to try and convince the jury of their version of events. If they just sit back and say the state did not prove their case it will not work, imo. Because the state did a lot to prove the body was in Casey's trunk. They need to answer that somehow, imo.
And they need to explain the 31 days of partying. imoo
So...were the Fusion pics ever shown?

I Believe that the state was allowed to bring in 3 of the fusian pics... And during sidebar, JB was all wahhhh about the pics portraying ICA to look like a lesbian. (as if looking like a lesbian was worse than looking like a child killer)
If what they showed on IS is the whole video, I don't see what the big deal is. Maybe there was more than what I saw.

There was much more. You didn't see the entire thing on IS.

Several people saw the entire thing on the link in my siggy before it was pixalated. I was one of them. It was quite upsetting, but I am certain it wasn't any more upsetting than seeing the actual photos of just her skull and the way it was found. Those pics, I ahven't seen and I hope I NEVER do.
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