2011.06.15 TRIAL Day Nineteen (Morning Session)

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Here we go again with "She was not given her Miranda rights" moo
This "oration" is not for the jury, they are not there. Not for the judge, he knows more law than Mason. It is not for the Prosecution, obviously. It must be for his scrap book.

HHJP has his "I'm tolerating this because I have to" look on his face..
here CM goes on about the Miranda rights again, doesn't he remember how HHJP ruled on that one?
So KC thinks she is innocent of everything?? Mothers take note - if your child drowns you are free to not call the police and you may go out with your man the very night you claim your child died and not worry about funeral costs, just throw her in the woods near your home.

This is insane!
so glad I didn't drink that 5 hour energy drink before this. I'd be dying of tachycardia. I'm seriously getting PTSD over this case. Not enough to kill anyone though.

Does the State have the opportunity to do the same thing DT is doing? tia
Having never before listened to a Motion of Aquital before, I'm finding this fascinating.
Should Mr Mason be succesful - it's been nice posting here for a short time but you won't be hearing from me again due to a major coronary event rendering me lifeless.
Her miranda warning.

As Yuri said: She was the mother of a missing child!!!!!!

The DT thinks that since they made up a new story in opening statements... that everything that was done under the Zanny the Nanny accusations don't apply! Give it up!

They were at the end of the hall when they made that opening statement weren't they? Like... ok ok... now I will tell the truth. I am assuming that when they start their case it will be something different...
so glad I didn't drink that 5 hour energy drink before this. I'd be dying of tachycardia. I'm seriously getting PTSD over this case. Not enough to kill anyone though.

I have some Acute Stress Disorder going on right now.
CM goes back into that ICA was not read her miranda rights. There was no need to they were looking for a little child and she was not under suspicion at that time.
re: Standard Jury Instruction,
*Statements attributed to you by Defendant - going to ask you to give all of that Instruction
*YM did not read ICA her rights
omg, miranda rights, that was already ruled on, but he wants the jury to know about that. I guess they want a lot to come in jury instructions?
I don't agree with what Mason is arguing but I truly think that he is doing the best that he can with what he has to work with.
I wonder where ICA would go if she got out?
just getting in so what is going on? I thought the state was going to do something then rest?? What is CM trying to do here?? Other than annoy me, make me laugh, and peeve me off all at the same time????
My personal observation:
People in the courtroom that sit within the camera view, in the past have kinda half paid attention at times. Most seem to be truly interested in what Mason has to say this am.

Mason you are wasting the world's time!!!


you too over there Baez, I know you were gonna say something...you always do!!

How is it that all of a sudden now CM can speak halfway clearly? Where is the fumbly old geezer routine? What a blanketyblanking blank!!

I am having trouble following his train of thought!
Perhaps JB gave him some Red Bull...
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