2011.06.16 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty)

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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If Caylees and Caseys DNA was ruined..we don't know for sure if it was ruined or never there in the first place..why wasn't the DNA that was present on the tape ruined? This does not make sense. I don;t think the duct tape was ever on Caylee's face.

I believe the DNA from the duct tape deposited in the lab ?
Wasn't there discussion at one time that the Henkel tape may have belonged to Amy H? Something like Amy asked KC if she took her tape out of Amy's bag?
There must be some past history between JPerry and Mr Ashton, but I think the problem is this, JPerry knows that Baez is too incompetent to be lead counsel on this trial and he knows that Mr Ashton could and does squash him like a little bug because Jeff has the education, the knowledge and the experience and can out lawyer Baez any day of the week. JPerry wants ICA to have a fair trial so I think he reins Jeff in every now and then.

We've seen JPerry hand Baez his azz on a plate quite a few times at the hearings for some of his shading dealings and just how JPerry is going to handle that during this trial remains to be seen.

I agree. It reminds me of sporting events when you have a Coach tell you not to "play down to your opponent." If you are better than them, you play YOUR game and win. If you let the opponent play their game, and get to you, you lose. JA needs to let JB, be JB, and he needs to prosecute his case, without getting crazy about it.
Will someone pleeeeze tell me if LA sex abuse came up when he was on the stand on june 1st or otherwise? I've been out of town. TIA

No, because Baez couldn't go there as it was outside of the scope for cross.
The State was VERY stupid not to meet these allegations of JB's head on about the molestation. They should have addressed it in their case and taken the sting out of it if they could. Now JB has full rein to tell his side and the State can't do much. Sounds to me like Lee did do something to Casey but that doesn't explain her behavior in my mind. The State didn't ask Lee about what he did to Casey when a teenager which makes him look guilty. I also think Lee is in on this and is going to admit to something when he gets on the stand but not enough to make KC into what she became.

Maybe they are waiting to see if they put ICA on the stand? It would really make it more damning if it came from the horses mouth, IMO.
I'm a little worried about the whole 17 issue. Casey and Caylee were excluded because they are 14-15... okay... so what is 17?? I remember the defense talking about mystery DNA during the first "48 Hours" special... so if it was mystery DNA, it doesn't match Roy Kronk or anyone else.

I don't doubt that Caylee and Casey's DNA was ruined in those elements... I'm just confused that there is some other kind of DNA there... they could determine if it were DNA from an animal, right??

It could have been deposited at any time, during manufacture, handling in store by customers or anyone who came into contact with it during it's lifetime, processing by LE, FBI etc. In this case the supposed DNA was so degraded it couldn't be measured just a possibility it was X if it was there at all.
Just saw a tweet that VT is not going to have the press conference:
Attorney Richard Hale, who called press conf, said Vasco Thompson has sought other counsel. Press conference canceled. #caseyanthony
by oscaseyanthony via twitter at 10:18 AM
Interesting...wonder who?

PS- remember guys, this is already stuff we knew. We knew about the "unknown" DNA, we knew about the paternity tests (IMO done to shut some folks up or in other words, cover all bases)...let Jose have his fun. The State will handle it.

PPS- ...and I have been hearing bits and pieces while in the car. I KNEW where Jose was going with all the DNA stuff and IMO he could have saved all the tech stuff ('cause he REALLY isn't smooth when it comes to that) and just asked...did you find unknown DNA?
If Caylees and Caseys DNA was ruined..we don't know for sure if it was ruined or never there in the first place..why wasn't the DNA that was present on the tape ruined? This does not make sense. I don;t think the duct tape was ever on Caylee's face.

So how did the duct tape get on Caylee's skull... it was perfectly clear, according to the witnesses in the courtroom that the duct tape was on the lower facial region of Caylee's face. It didn't just magically appear there. You do know that her manible was still intact because the duct tape held her hair on her skull and the roots grew through the hair and held it together. Without the duct tape holding the hair to the skull... the manible would have detached a long time ago.

Also, there is no DNA evidence on the trash bags, laundry bag, even Caylee's Winnie the Pooh blanket that she had since she was an infant. The DNA evidence was destroyed by the elements... if there was even DNA at all from Caylee. She was decomposing and from what I understand when the body breaks down... it destroys the DNA of a person.

There was nothing left of that precious baby except bones. Bones! Tiny, scattered, nibbled on bones!
I could claim the that anyone raped me or molested me. It doesn't make it so. The State tested the DNA for parentage to eliminate moments just like the one we just saw. Casey was claiming Lee touched her. Anthony Lazzaro told them that. So in order to properly investigate they tested. It doesn't mean they believed Casey's claim it means they were thorough in their investigation.
Can the Prosecution ask questions to point out that in none of the previous hearings, testimony or depositions did the Defense ask ANYthing that would suggest Caylee drowned on June 16th? Try to pinpoint when they came up with this story?
I want to know what this telephone call witness felon is testifying to....and what he is getting out of it.

I smell a hoax to throw the trial.
In all fairness, why should the state address something that there is not one iota of evidence to show it actually happened? The state does not need to address the defense's fantasy about ICA being sexually abused, not without proof, and the defense is not going to prove it, and won't even put any mental health professionals on stand. The opening statements are NOT evidence. The defense can claim whatever it wants in the OS, and that's what it did. The state by no means is required to give an argument to go against pure fantasy with no evidence whatsoever to back it up.

Exactly and JB is once again trying to sneak something in to keep from putting Casey on the stand. Good faith? Yeah right. Remember the contempt of court JB issue where he made a good faith agreement with the SA and went back on it proving he never intended to keep the agreement when he made it. It was to get out of the contempt. He goes again trying to sneak in evidence of sex abuse by way of saying if the LE wanted a paternity test they must have had a reason. Just let that float out there with nothing to back it up.
Dunno there but it's pretty common for there to be a like or not like relationship between judges and attorneys. I left my ex with his attorney, rather than requesting a conflict of interest dismissal. I sat on a Legal Aid board at the time and I was informed the presiding judge referred to the opposing attorney named Lincoln as "The Missing Link."
Then HHJP needs to keep that in check while in open court. Fair enough if he doesn't like JA, but dressing him down and sniping at him makes it obvious.

As a professional with a long and stellar career, HHJP certainly has enough self control not to let his dislike show in open court.

My opinions...
We so very much need and deserve these:



Pink Please
It could have been deposited at any time, during manufacture, handling in store by customers or anyone who came into contact with it during it's lifetime, processing by LE, FBI etc. In this case the supposed DNA was so degraded it couldn't be measured just a possibility it was X if it was there at all.

So it's not the dna of the FBI analyst that they said was an inadvertent transfer? And it was the same dna that was degraded as to only read the x, which would not tell you anything, so it could be Caylee or ICA and they can't tell and they are saying this is mystery DNA???
I know the blood talk left me with my jaw dropped and there is no way I would forget it - so if I was on that jury, it would have something to do with my final decision. Very confusing especially since I know a lot about this case (not all) and that was totally new to me.


It was new to me too Salem and to be honest it had me (someone who is deeply convinced of KC's guilt) saying to myself--wait a minute, what? there was blood evidence? not enough to test for DNA? HUH? so if I respond that way, how will these 12 jurors respond---given that they testified that they have little to no prior knowledge of the crime commited?

I'm just pondering that at this moment. (i'm not worried about her being aquitted, I know you know that Salem, I'm wondering if it creates enough doubt about murder as opposed to a lesser charge, might or might not, the defense has just begun and I can't tell where they are going yet for sure)
Baez does not care of what he's insinuating, as long as he gets it out there for the jury to hear. This is his MO, and he will do this throughout this trial.....I don't blame Jeff A for getting hot on this, but he needs to quell his outrage, as his points will get lost...JMO

^ THIS ^

I notice that he continues to speak even after an objection is made. Infuriates me and I wish HHJP would put a stop to it.

I love JA and totally understand his passion and frustration. But he needs to take a bit of a chill pill. He was so calm and confident earlier this am and he let Baez get under his skin.

As for the testimony this morning... uh... there may be some method to JB's madness (and I mean that literally), but I've yet to figure it out. All I came away with is there was possible blood on all those items, but they were out in the elements too long to determine. A negative, IMO, as no mention of blood has been mentioned previously.

I pray this afternoon will be less grueling. I laid out of work today for this. :banghead:
The "possible" blood that came up, and it was only possible, was probably Caylee's or what was left of her blood, that the water and decomp didn't destroy. To me it means nothing and it does not constitute a get out of jail free card for the murderer.
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