2011.06.16 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty)

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In a perfect world......

JB calls his first witness, it's ICA. She cries, tells her "story", whines about "chili", tells the world what a great lawyer JB is and then the SA gets up, hands her the duct tape which she then jumps up runs down the isle and tries to hide under GA and CA's feet, CA then chokes her for real. LA bursts through the door screaming CMA, CMA ! Then hearing only the CM part, CM starts waving his hand and says "I'm over here!" They finally get CA off ICA and GA takes off towards the front up the courtroom grabs JB's "big calendar" and proceeds to smack JB up side the head with it. And then Linda smiles warmly at JP and says, "No more questions your Honor". Baezzzz then pops his head up from underneath his now bent up "big calendar" and says, "The defense rests your Honor".
Just saw on HLN there are 100 people in line for the trial..wow.!
@RedHuber Red Huber

People in line waiting to get ticket for #caseyanthony trial whistle and clap has prosecutor Jeff Ashton walks by.

25 minutes ag
@RedHuber Red Huber

People in line waiting to get ticket for #caseyanthony trial whistle and clap has prosecutor Jeff Ashton walks by.

25 minutes ag
man.. that is awesome:rocker:
@RedHuber Red Huber

People in line waiting to get ticket for #caseyanthony trial whistle and clap has prosecutor Jeff Ashton walks by.

25 minutes ag

Reading this just made my day, thanks
Here's our li'l baby.

Whenever there's a pause in the proceedings, I think of the line in my siggy and know the angel is Caylee.


    13.9 KB · Views: 14
Three years ago today. *sigh*

I think we all need a prayer this morning. Lord, forgive us for what we are about to see, give us patience to not get TO's or break things, and the wisdom to keep Caylee and Caylee only, not the disrespect and games of the defense, strongly in our minds and hearts today.

And Caylee, I am so sad for you today, but I know you are safe and she can never hurt you again.

What a beautiful post. I add an Amen!
@RedHuber Red Huber

People in line waiting to get ticket for #caseyanthony trial whistle and clap has prosecutor Jeff Ashton walks by.
25 minutes ag


In a perfect world......

JB calls his first witness, it's ICA. She cries, tells her "story", whines about "chili", tells the world what a great lawyer JB is and then the SA gets up, hands her the duct tape which she then jumps up runs down the isle and tries to hide under GA and CA's feet, CA then chokes her for real. LA bursts through the door screaming CMA, CMA ! Then hearing only the CM part, CM starts waving his hand and says "I'm over here!" They finally get CA off ICA and GA takes off towards the front up the courtroom grabs JB's "big calendar" and proceeds to smack JB up side the head with it. And then Linda smiles warmly at JP and says, "No more questions your Honor". Baezzzz then pops his head up from underneath his now bent up "big calendar" and says, "The defense rests your Honor".

In a perfect world this post would have come with a warning...I was eating granola...
Good Morning!

I've always believed that Caylee died on June 16, 2008, but found peace on Dec. 11, 2008. I refuse to remember this day in celebration of her life, I choose to do it on Dec. 11.
I'm not nervous about the defense's opening today in the least. All the tears that Casey will shed will come from complete selfishness for herself. I believe the jury has already figured this out with her after hearing the indictment read during jury selection and what they have witnessed thus far. The more emotional she gets, the more this jury will dislike her. The jury will not appreciate the lies that Casey told for so many months that kept Caylee from receiving a proper burial. By using this day to somehow boost their defense will only backfire on them.
Where ya'll been? I've been up for two hours, 2 loads of laundry done, garden watered, zoo tended, living room vacuumed, crock pot started, pool shocked and .........omg, did I mention I drank red bull this am, I haz wings. Let's get the smack down started!!!!!!!

LOL You go girl! Just reading that woke me up! =)

Good morning teh & friends! Should be a Very interesting day. I've said my prayers already this morning.
Oh, and I am still too bleary eyed....but did anybody see NG last night where her newest BOMBSHELL was that the Judge suggested that Caylee could have been alive when placed in the bags with duct tape over her mouth? I don't know. I watched the whole motion to dismiss hearing and I sure didn't get that.. You?

This is what the Judge said yesterday after the Motion for Judgment of Acquittal.
NG twisted the part where the Judge said that the Defendant [lied] and said that her daughter was alive during the time that her daughter is now known to have been duct taped across her nose and mouth, had chloroform in the trunk, and placed in a trash bag and other container. Meaning the Inmate lied and that is part of the State's case which the Judge says they presented to the jury.

Judge: in this case there is more than a single act ... those acts consist of duct taping, the nose and mouth, the presence of chloroform in the trunk, coupled with fact that there is evidence that the child was placed in a trash bag and other container and
statements introduced into evidence that during this time period Ms Anthony through statements, said that the child was alive during various segments of this time.
It is quite clear in this case more than one single act which satisfies the test of Brooks vs State.
Considering the evidence in the light most favorable to the state and reviewing all evidence and tests laid down by Florida Supreme Court the defense motion for judgment of acquittal on counts 1-7 are hereby denied.
These are strictly questions for the jury to decide
The court finds State has presented substantial competent evidence for this jury, the trier of fact in this case to decide this particular issue.
I have a niggling suspicion that today will Caylees best day yet. The surprise witness will be denied and the actual defense case will commence with one really angered Judge presiding.
GA who I've been meditating for and sending calming empowering chi to, will hold his anger in check making JB look like the sociopath he defends. The defense will not be prepared to call any other witnesses. They'll have a long sidebar, then the jury will be told the defense isn't ready....again, and they'll be dismissed.
I've got it all planned out. :)
Caylee wants courtroom kaos for her anniversary so she and her angel toddler friends can laugh out loud. JB is sure to comply. It's probably the only defense he knows how to conduct anyway.

Good luck George!!!! Have fun today Caylee!!!
Tick tock Casey. Street clothes and make-up are coming to an end. No media ops for you because it's all about Caylee. Remember her, the beautiful child you snuffed?

bbm. I like the way you're thinking. ;)

Been praying for the State too (didn't we have a support thread for them? I searched, couldn;t find)..Anyway, that they keep their cool in the midst of the debacle. I know they will, they are pros, but a little extra help may be needed.
And Caylee, we're all here for YOU! xoxo
Yes, I think the State left out lots of things that didn't really make a difference. I think they wanted the jurors minds not to be too muddled with the small stuff. They want them to go into that deliberation room with certain facts. Those being, The smell in the car, KC drove the car, she dumped the car. She partied with her friends and boyfriend when Caylee was missing, she shopped, got a tattoo, she lied to everyone about everything, SHE NEVER REPORTED HER DAUGHTER MISSING, Chloroform searched 84 times, chloroform in the car. She duct taped her daughters face as to asphyxiate her...and I believe she also duct taped her wrists behind her back.

These are the big things. These are the things that they will take with them. These are the things they will remember...ESPECIALLY THOSE 31 DAYS!!

I agree that they purposely put aside the extraneous stuff we've just come to know as part and parcel of this circus, but has no real bearing on the crux of the case. That being said, I did notice that some TH's were still saying that the State still threw too much at the jury.
Does anyone know how long the defense's case is expected to last?
I predict until noon. But I'm not a chemist so I could be off by a few hours. :fence:
Good morning WS Family...one day closer to a conviction and we might be one day closer to a DP one at that...it appears the defense took a sleazy approach and want ICA off scott free...doubt that will happen but a sociopath can try...now they introduce a convicted kidnapper who is in cahoots with GA...truly a shame that ICA won't take responsbility for her actions which might do her in...if these jurors are smart and use common sense, ICA will go down...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
I lit a virtual candle for Caylee last night, but still slept badly. I think I'll stick to "thanking" posts today, so I don't get a time out.

Wrapping two hands around my coffee now :cup:
GM all!

Special prayers for Caylee today. :( Today is your day of justice, little angel! May the spirit of truth confound the DT and help the SA bring to light ALL lies.

OT, is anyone else wearing black? I wonder if ICA will...
Just wanted to say Hi to all. I'm mostly a lurker because I read and watch from work, but today I'm on vacation with my new puppy, so I can actually watch on TV, however, I think I'll just stay here. Besides, from what I have seen, I can't stand the commercials on IS and HLN at all the good parts! OT, my new pup is named Yuri.
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