2011.06.16 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty)

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Good Morning everyone! :seeya:

I was watching HLN last night - may have been on JVM - and they were showing different footage of ICA when she was arrested, and noticed she had glasses on. We see her in court everyday, pouring over papers and the monitor like she is doing her last internship before graduation. I am guessing she has no problem with her eyesight, as I don't think contact lenses are on the list of acceptable eyewear. Anyone know about this?

I know it's not important, just one of that things that makes you go hmmmm.... :waitasec:
Morning all - running around trying to get a couple of last minute chores done so I can plant myself on the couch with my laptop in place and my seatbelt fastened. I'll see you in the trial thread:seeya:
Been a longtime lurker to this site.

Wanted to take the time to THANK ALL OF YOU for your informative updates.

It's hard to follow the trial from work, but I spend MANY HOURS when I get home just reading all the info from the day.

I have already warned my hubby not to expect dinner or clean laundry for at least another week. :lol:

The only thing I'm worried about is Baez pulling some kind of outrageous stunt whereby Judge Perry would have no choice but to call a mistrial, I'm not worried about the States case and I can't wait to see the prosecutors rip the defense team a new one - I think the defense are going to get a thrashing they'll never forget.

I hope he knows better and I hope if he were to try any kind of outrageous stunt he'd be risking his law license. IMO he is already skating on thin ice with the child support arrears. I'm still baffled on how he can be more than 10 grand behind and have ANY licenses not revoked for non payment. IIRC anything over 10K qualifies for felony non payment of CS.

Prior to joining WS I was a member of the largest CS advocacy group in the states (ACES) and was sucessful in having the state of IL go after a CS evader within the 20 yrs after the child becomes 18 according to the state law. Was also involved in having the judge and all the SA's in my county under a microscope for not following state law regarding CS. My county got spanked. JB pulls any crap to deliberately cause a mistrial and I promise I will seek out every advocate to ensure the man doesn't have a single license of any kind until he is paid up.

Back on topic - rant over.
Good morning all!

Is everyone strapped in and ready for the ride?

RIP Caylee, justice is coming!!


yes, im strapped in, took my motion sickness pills( blood pressure, heart meds, ready for the ride

I hear the whistle of the karma train a blowin
Good morning to you in Australia, will be in Sydney to visit my son this Fall:seeya:

I have that same feeling Darnudes, especially where they are grabbing at straws, it would be a likely choice for them to pull a stunt. Hope I'm wrong.

Good Morning :) Hope you have a nice time in Australia.

Bets on who is the first witness today?

I'm going for George.
Everyone get your Advil and Maalox ready, it will be needed. I can't watch until after work and I am already dreading it.. but just like a train wreck, can't stop watching. It will be aggravating and nauseating. Just lock the girl up and throw away the key, enough of the nonsense already!
Question posted on FB, "What does the defense team have to do to win?"

My reply? "For starters, get a mistrial, then go ask for a job with the state attorney's office to help prosecute her the second time."

Just thought I'd share! Chin up guys - its gonna be OK today.
Been a longtime lurker to this site.

Wanted to take the time to THANK ALL OF YOU for your informative updates.

It's hard to follow the trial from work, but I spend MANY HOURS when I get home just reading all the info from the day.

I have already warned my hubby not to expect dinner or clean laundry for at least another week. :lol:


Welcome!!!! You will find everyone is very kind and receptive at this site, so post away!!!!:seeya:
I have already warned my hubby not to expect dinner or clean laundry for at least another week. :lol:

Oh I can see you're going to fit right in :D I'm glad you decided to start posting!
Good Morning everyone! :seeya:

I was watching HLN last night - may have been on JVM - and they were showing different footage of ICA when she was arrested, and noticed she had glasses on. We see her in court everyday, pouring over papers and the monitor like she is doing her last internship before graduation. I am guessing she has no problem with her eyesight, as I don't think contact lenses are on the list of acceptable eyewear. Anyone know about this?

I know it's not important, just one of that things that makes you go hmmmm.... :waitasec:

Yup, I remember that. She was going for the studious, librarian look. :floorlaugh:
Good Morning Websleuthers (in my best Robin Williams voice).... What a wild ride we have been on and today promises to be no less.

Raise my cup to the Mods...Good Luck today...May the force be with you...lol
Good Morning all! What a night it was! I urge anyone who has not read the thread on Mr Thompson that our very own AZlawyer solved (so proud of her, and WS's!) please do read it. But be forewarned: make sure your bladder is empty before reading. :floorlaugh:

I'm still seeing a lot of newsarticles with no clue as to what happened with the number and such. A LOT. :maddening: God, I've had no sleep and my head hurts. I know the second Jose Baez utters his slimy "And goodmorning ladies and gentlemen" I'll be ready to puke.
I'm feeling a little anxious and nervous this morning. *sigh*

Me too. I've cold the cold and clammy hand thing going and it feels like my lungs don't want to expand. 21 more minutes until the DT slapdown. That's the cure!!! :)
Teeth brushed, face scrubbed and moisturized, hair brushed, laundry folded, dishwasher running, all 6 babies sleeping...let's get this show on the road! :)
Everyone start chanting.....


(well until JB opens mouth to insert foot) :loser::crazy:
Been a longtime lurker to this site.

Wanted to take the time to THANK ALL OF YOU for your informative updates.

It's hard to follow the trial from work, but I spend MANY HOURS when I get home just reading all the info from the day.

I have already warned my hubby not to expect dinner or clean laundry for at least another week. :lol:


Care to join me in some sidebar cleaning today? Yesterday, my house sparkled. ;)
Good morning, all-- slept pretty well knowing the VT debacle was all tied up, and woke thinking of Caylee. Nowhere near teh's energy, but I'm working on it! :coffeecup:
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