2011.06.16 TRIAL Day Twenty (Morning Session)

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Let's all send calming vibes to JA today. We don't want him to lose his cool in front of the jury. Even though we can't blame him.
What little sign did Baezzzzzzz just give to Mason at the D table? Like a quick 3x tap tap tap on his upper right shoulder. Anyone see that? Like a baseball sign or something.
I really get tired of JA getting yelled at by the judge but JB can get away with baiting him. MOO

As I listened to HHJP's tone though...it was more like...me talking to one of my children...translated:

It is okay..I understand...don't get upset...I am in control...I see what he is doing...he won't get away with it...sit down...shut up and trust me.
The DNA on the shovel could be from a female or a male, per the expert. Not enough DNA there to know for sure.

Correct. There is no Y peak so there is an X; however, all humans have at least one X chromosome. Males being XY and females being XX.
LOL...I had fallen asleep around 10:15, and got woken up around 11:00 by Bill Shaeffer telling me the jury was leaving the courtroom. Now I'm confuzzled as to why JB is fighting to get the shovel DNA in, when it SHOWS some amount of female, HHJP telling JA to calm down, and I think I'll get another coffee before the jury returns.

I could use that buzzer.

Is there a Mrs Brian Burner that could get dragged into this somehow?
Me too. Ever since the hearings it has been the same way. If JB acts like an *** HHJP will pat his hand and say Now,Now, lets's play nice...
If JA says anything he doesn't like he gets super critical.

I think it's because JA is an officer of the State, and HHJP takes that very seriously. Remember when he had to dismiss the one juror after a "man in black" talked to her about the one woman's outburst in court? He was very upset because he knew the "man" was probably an Officer or Bailiff, and he doesn't like when these people (JA included) aren't showing the decorum that he feels they should.
HHJP seems to be a little impatient with JA today... and seems to be over ruling more objections than he is sustaining.
JA needs to read our warning about DT. He really needs to calm down, he is better than that. IMO.
This testimony is all about trying to raise reasonable doubt for the jurors. I don't see this happening.
The DNA on the shovel could be from a female or a male, per the expert. Not enough DNA there to know for sure.

Precisely..Cannot obtain any profile given there is no complete DNA obtained only a partial....Didnt this shovel belong to the neighbour?..Maybe could have been a partial from him..so unless Kronk, or George used that shovel??..Hummm rather a convoluted suggestion by Baez..I am sure JA will clear this up in his cross:crazy:
Wow JB just asked a question he just told the Court he wouldn't.

SA objected HHJP sustained and sounded annoyed when he sustained it.
Actually, HHJP did a great job letting this in. He gave JB every opportunity to back away but noooooo, JB thinks he knows better. Jeff will knock it out of the park, again.
And I was just pointing out we don't know what George does with his finger (ie shushing motion) when the camera is not on them. I wasn't picking a fight, I love ya Oakley! Just pointing out the obvious. :twocents:

No, no, of course not, nor was I. :blowkiss:

Gotcha, you were asking me a rhetorical question then. Got it.

I don't know what George does with his finger either when the camera is not on them. Only that when it does pan to him, he often puts his index finger to his lips as if to say 'shhhh.' :twocents:
Me too. Ever since the hearings it has been the same way. If JB acts like an *** HHJP will pat his hand and say Now,Now, lets's play nice...
If JA says anything he doesn't like he gets super critical.

The judge probably EXPECTS JB, et al to act a fool. He is probably SURPRISED when JA gets excited!
So, in the end, it is extremely important to Jose to make sure that the esteemed jury understands that some unknown human, either male or female, at some unknown time did, in fact, touch the shovel.

I really don't get where JB is coming from in this...I think he is opening a door...not sure what...but
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