2011.06.16 TRIAL Day Twenty (Morning Session)

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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JB: Ok that finishes up that report....Only 300 left to go!!!!
Moving on to her next report. Warning - this will get boring.
I respectfully disagree. the states whole case is (in its short form) that caylee was found deceased, nothing but little scattered bones, not reported missing for 31 days by her lying mother, whose abandoned car reeked of death and was found to have insane levels of chroloform, who spent the month of march googling murder techniques et al.

dont forget that anthony was indicted before the body (with the tape) was even found.

Good point except that the SA pumped the duct tape as the murder weapon in their infamous "video". If JB can eliminate the tape, he sinks some of the SA's case.
Yes I agree. JB is def going to take this all the way to lunch

Now going to another report July of 2009
What does CM have to whisper to ICA so much and so often?? Inquiring minds want to know.....
Moving on to another report, she might be on the stand all day. I would give anything to see the looks on the jurors faces.
I have walked away from the tv - I am losing my mind. This questioning has given me a huge headache - first day I could watch all day, but this is torture. When will JP stop this since there is no point?
CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Baez asks if jurors can raise their hands if they don't understand. Judge Perry says no. #CaseyAnthony -jfell

Now if this isn't proof positive JB isn't ready for court I ask you what is?:banghead:
oh dear Lord, they're moving to the next report from July. I may have to departeth for a while. Poor Ashton. He must be going nutso.
Now talking about the shorts from the ME office.
Mention of the shorts and now we have the sad face on ICA.
if caylee skin/tissue decomposed and the duct tape/body was submerged underwater would there really be any DNA or skin on the duct tape? this witness and JB are putting me to sleep. ready for states cross. why are we yapping about blood/semen. i though Caylee DROWNED
This is the most boring testimony so far. Where the hell is baez going with this?
Some questions seem highly irrelevant? DNA from a burn victim?

I gotta say JB is hard to follow at times. All I could think of was those gas cans when he asked about burn victims. All I could think about when he said skin cells and saliva DNA on duct tape was poor little Caylee. I also imagine what if JB was defending an innocent person.
Sorry Baez you can't convince this jury that they didn't see Caylee Maries skull with the duct tape. You just can't.

Yes, that does seem to be the crux of the issue. DNA or no, we can infer that it may have been there at one time, since it was found attached to the remains. An endlessly borrrrrring spectacle.
JB - "we're going a little too fast, my fault"

NOOO, no we are NOT going too fast! LOL
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