2011.06.17 TRIAL Day Twenty-one (Afternoon Session)

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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This <modsnip> drank the KC Koolaid. JB is trying to act like GA gave Caylee's body to RK and he stuck it in the fridge like he did that snake. And then strew her little bones around in December like Johnny Appleseed because he had already called his son and bragged.

Problem is, it does not explain the calls RK made in August. Is some jury going to believe that GA gave RK the body in July and he stuck her in a fridge for 3 weeks to slow down decomp until he dumped her on Suburban (already skeletonized because he said he saw a skull even then, right?). And that GA would have wrapped up his precious granddaughter like trash (because he was always calling her "snothead") so that RK could have tossed her into the woods? And then GA cleaned the trunk stain so that his daughter wouldn't be arrested for anything? The next thing JB will be saying is that it wasn't really KC partying those 31 days because it was a surrogate android; she had been abducted by aliens who forced her to say it was ZFG to spare her family's life (just long enough to throw them under a bus in court).
Bug expert agrees w/ prosecutor, Caylee's body could have Bern placed in woods 2 or 3 days after she died. #caseyanthony #fox35
by anthonycase via twitter at 1:29 PM

Huntington: Looking at Dr. Haskell's depo. re: lack of blow flies. #CaseyAnthony
by oscaseyanthony via twitter at 1:27 PM
Camera just paused on Mr. Mason - for a few seconds - while he gave a big sigh and pressed his lips together.....
Not looking too happy....
wow!!!!! I would feel bad for him, but he is actually helping little Caylee!!!! woo hoo!!!!!! It is a shame though.......the entire morning......wasted with only a few of the states questions.......
Oh dear - this is bad!!! I hope Dr. Haskell is watching this and redoing his notes to how he teaches his students.

My son had a teacher once ,in first grade ,who was so awful we moved him to public school. Coinky dink....his new teacher was the teacher the bad one had done her student teaching with. When the new teacher heard our story she said "She should have stuck with upper grades. I TOLD her not to teach below 4th grade !"
Dr. Haskell is saying " I told him to stick to the lab.No testifying ":maddening:
Why doesn't the guy just say that there was not an abundance of blow flies because they simply flew away to a better food source?
stevehelling Steve Helling
Juror 16 was that guy in high school who took bad notes but charmed girls like #15 to let him copy hers. (relax. That's not happening now.)
Dontcha just love catching people in lies? I do.
I don't understand what Ashton is getting at here.

Surely it bolster's the State Case to argue that the body was not placed at Suburban Drive until at least a few days after death. The body had to be in the car trunk for at least SOME period of time for the blow flies, etc to be found in the car (if they come from the scene of the body).
Wouldn't the bugs *STAY* in the bags that Caylee was wrapped in? Especially at the early stage.
Brilliant cross. Making him read haskell's opinion that the bugs couldn't get to the body.
The sad part is we know the body was moved. How many times we can't be 100% sure but it went from the trunk to the yard, back to the trunk and then the woods.
I never knew pig skulls closely resemble cow, dog, and opossum skulls. Not the worst decomp photo ever viewed.

This poor young man has walked right into his next college courses or study internships.

He could work at The Body Farm one day![/QUOTE]
BBM :silenced: I will resist, I WILL resist! :tos:
JA is impeaching him.

JB objected.

OVERRULED! :gavel:
tedionormity [tee-dee-ih-nawr-mi-tee], noun. tedionormus, adj..

Enormously tedious, boring, pedantic on a grand scale. The testimony of the forensic entomologist was an exercise in tedionormity.
KBelichWFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV
Defense expert admitted the state's scenario is possible to explain lack of bugs
3 minutes ago
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