2011.06.21 TRIAL Day Twenty-four (Afternoon Session)

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Interesting tidbit about the death penalty: It costs $24m to put someone to death and if Casey is given the death penalty she won't be put to death until the 23rd century.
Additional DNA testing ? JA

Baez : Objection


Baez: Objection


Nice, JA
I'm wondering how Eiklenbloom got mixed up with Baez, if you know what I mean.
LOL! I over ruled before HHJP :floorlaugh:
I would love to have JA ask IF this gentleman has a "Data Base" to compare this results to in order to give some sort of frequency ???..Yikes IF you are speaking about 2 -5 loci...hummmmm Wonder what that frequency would be??

This is precisely why this type of evidence needs to be vetted and peer reviewed...It has not been yet accepted by the "Scientific Community"???

As an aside..IF a loci is found..and it cannot be attributed to any known suspects..then just maybe you might be able to clear a suspect....but then again..contamination is also needs to be factored in too!!

Yikes..JB is really reaching if he thinks this witness is going to be helpful:maddening:..But I do like his candor and forthrightness:seeya:

Dr. E w/JA = ever collect dna from small fruit fly type? depends on cocoon digested dna break down small pieces ....if break chain cannot amplify it....if month or more since human food consumed ..most likely not contain anything....if fly consumes and dies then ...if dies in between when digestion could be done....have you ever done research on enviromental factor on dna....most destruction on human dna? combo of moisture and heat...hot wet and presence of bacteria is worst for dna.....

piece of duct tape ...if place it on skin rip it off - likely to bring with it surface cells and sublevel cells...in direct contact with skin..

dead cells up against tape...

duct tape placed on a human placed in a semi-swampy hot FL that is a trash dump and sits there for 6 months as every bit decomposes off the body completely skeletonized likely finding any dna is extremely remote....conditions described are very bad for dna...depend on circumstances if you lose all of it all I need is small amount of cell. ...would you lose all material or still enough cells to amplify for low copy...if you want bone dna you don't swab bone? no cut out piece of bone (object- overrule)
YOU don't expect to find dna on bone - it decomposes (object-overrule)

putting on outside of bone - due to decomp - dna degredating - open bone chance of obtaining dna ...vs. where no good blood anymore and skin come off the bones...still dna in those locations...still possible but way more difficult than from in the bones.

possible but extremely unlikely? very difficult to obtain!

contamination in dna profile and mask existing dna ...only mask in same site..on power point the only thing this 17 alleal would mask is a smaller 17 alleal object- overrule...

not very likely....other profile - put that up

take 15 low side only thing that would mask another 15 low site....only mask it's identical low site...in order for profile to mask profile to match everysingle site....not very likely this profile is full profile...detection already..not so likely full profile covered here...17 alleals is very partial profile could be from other party...no way to mask another profile only mask identical alleals....

this is good profile to enhance low copy dna...maybe good info ...low copy number may have more information....50 rfu - possible to get 60

circles behind ....small above that...a lot of small peaks there...some of that could be noise...low copy get a lot of info....good analysis done by computer mostly...scientist comes and checks all the data and sees if he agreees with it...yep there is info there at least once...could be ....dna....or artifacts....

low copy peaks see here in circles locations where markers are ...not pure speculation

recognize where you could get dna low copy levels....every lab validates limits what will be called....standard 50 rfu's same in his lab...not mention it in his report - he would enhance it...run a couple more runs of dna - if not come out after that not going to mention it....did you ask specifically to retest this piece of tape? to JB? to anyone? we mentioned we could invesetigate this piece of tape...are you aware that items were sent for additional dna testing? yes yesterday during depo...do not quote me....move strike - aside what JA told him yesterday...have no idea that any item was retested @ request of DT NO


HHBP sounded SO TIRED when he said "overruled!" Bless his heart.
Interesting tidbit about the death penalty: It costs $24m to put someone to death and if Casey is given the death penalty she won't be put to death until the 23rd century.
by Jessica Steck/WESH.com at 2:34 PM

Methinks Jessica doesn't know what "23rd century" means. I doubt Casey will be alive, to be put top death 200 years from now!:banghead:
Redirect - oh this will be painful for my patience - again.
Baez, never one known to cut his losses, gets up for redirect.
Ha...he is going to get this witness to SAY that Mr. Baez didn't ASK for the tape to be tested.

Surprise. Surprise.

I wonder why not?
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