2011.06.21 TRIAL Day Twenty-four (Morning Session)

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DNA Solves
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I love WESH and Bill Scheaffer. They are talking about what instructions the jury will be given regarding witness testimony and believability. That helps so much when trying to decide what the jury will think.

My sentiments exactly. I really enjoy his commentary while events unfold. Sorta makes me feel like I stood in line for 5 hours for a ticket.....ummm, maybe not.
South Florida native here. I have seen alligators, pythons, foxes, bears, Florida Panthers and many other critters here all my life - never seen a coyote nor do I recall any of my family members seeing one.

In fact, I was surprised to hear we have any coyotes in Florida!

I live in the Ocala area and have seen coyotes myself.
The defense finally came up with a believable story. I think it is now logical to believe that Gerus and Bones are more involved in this case than we thought. They are obviously trying to set up the defendant.

tweets saying Det. Melich is in the hallway
Native Floridian here too. Coyotes are in our area and we are near Palm Beach along the coast.
I feel I have to give a little respect for this witness and the Jewish professor on account of their age. imo, they should not be used for these court settings with the opposite lawyer trying to tear down and confuse them. With much respect for their past ability to give expert opinions, I now think they should be given respect, but not called to the witness stand in a case such as this.
I don't understand why everyone thinks that a dog possibly burying a bone is so outragious???? It is the SA theory that this was a trash dump site. Dogs do hunt out such site and dogs do bury bones. It is also the SA theory and evidence that the bones were scattered BY ANIMALS. What is so outragious?

The skull was NOT buried. It had leaf litter piled up around the sides of it. Dogs do not do that, no matter how neat and tidy they may be.

Doesn't this open it up for the State to go over where each and every bone was found, how they were found and how the process of the bones were scattered by animals in direct portion to the areas where they were all found. The right arm bones being found all in one location, the left side of the body found in another location, the hole in the bag which clearly looks as if an animal has torn the bag open from the bottom and animal activity carrying the parts to different locations. That would require tissue holding it together and should be easy for the jury to understand. So I do not what defense can be thinking. jmo
And, I'm not mocking her, but I don't need to know the finer points of plant growth and root growth to tell that this doctor was confused, evasive, didn't know where the body was found, or that a bone was buried 4 inches deep. Dog buried it? Her testimony was useless for the defense. I don't need to know the finer points of meteorology to know that it's raining.
Also SF resident for 10 years on the Gulf side and just recently the newspapers have been talking about coyote attacks on small animals.

In the same county that the jury is from yet! lol
What do y'all think about the dog-burying-the-bone comment from Dr. Bock as the final word of "re-recross" by Ashton... I think that may have been the only point the doctor made that had, please forgive me, "legs."

(Dang. I just now read the previous comments by y'all... so I wasted a perfectly good pun.)

She looks like she has lost some weight the last month or so - like 10lbs. Stress?

Oh no, remember her mother wouldn't say she was thinner than before? Well, she has now chosen to grab larger shirts out of the closet to make it appear as if they are all falling off of her. How dare her mother ::crazy:
juror #4 was really interested in and studied the photo of Caylee's skull with the leaves around it for the longest time out of all the jurors. (Per tweets). I wonder if this piece of evidence will be powerful for her since she said she spends a lot of time playing farmville, which in my understanding is a game about planting and growing things on a farm?

:lol: OMG she just might buy it then. Those plants grow in hours!
Ohhhhhhhh I do not want to miss Yuri and I have a doctors appointment!!!!
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