2011.06.22 - Breaking News Folks! George and Cindy Anthony think Casey is guilty!!!

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My head is still spinning from reading that...I don't think I can even see straight!

LOL LOL That has to go down in history as the most something, something.:great:

Orlando attorney Mark Lippman issued the following statement regarding the Anderson Cooper Show on June 22, 2011.

This is to clarify the reporting done by Mr. Tuckman. First Mr. Tuckman was not given an exclusive interview. Mr. Tuckman approached Mark Lippman as he was leaving the Courthouse today and Mr. Lippman spoke with Mr. Tuckman for approximately four minutes. During this conversation Mr. Lippman was attempting to clarify that Mr. Tuckman had allowed other reports that he provided to various news agencies to become embellished . After this was identified to Mr. Tuckman, Mr. Lippman allowed Mr. Tuckman to make speculations regarding the Anthony family and a further conversation ensued. All of the statements given to Mr. Tuckman were not reported on the Anderson Cooper Show. While Mr. Lippman understands that Mr. Tuckman is a reporter, Mr. Lippman holds Mr. Tuckman to the standard that any and all statements should not be taken either out of context or misrepresent the idea that a breach of attorney client privilege was given specifically to him at any time or in any context. This statement will clear any misunderstanding that either Mr. Tuckman had or Mr. Lippman had with regard to the conversation.
I have been following this case from the beginning and have been literally appalled at the A's actions (though I believe they stemmed from deep denial).

What changed my heart for them was seeing those pictures of Caylee's play area, her little house with special flooring, her own little mailbox, picnic table with her own umbrella, sandbox and then to top it all off they landscaped the whole little area. They are loving grandparents to Caylee.

I'm sure this is not an original thought on WS, but when I see those images I can't help but understand the hope and joy that George and Cindy must have felt at having a chance at a "do-over" with Caylee. Even then, they must have acknowledged ICA's "issues" and, perhaps, their own role in creating and/or contributing to those "issues." I'm sure they saw Caylee as some kind of gift from heaven, a chance to do things over, and--hopefully--do things better.

My own feelings about G & C are very complex, but I can completely understand how they must have felt when Caylee came into their lives.
I think everything they have ever done was to try to get information out of ICA.

CA called 911, to try to get information out of ICA.

They pretended to, and went far to far, far lengths, to pretend to support her so she might slip them some information.

Now, well, now all of that stuff is done, she's not bending and they've testified in court to the truth, so they can't really back out of it now and tell her they weren't doing anything against her.

I'm wondering if they're hoping that this will push her to take the stand.
Just for clarification:
When I said I was surprised at the animosity and jeering being aimed at them, it had nothing to do with how they've conducted themselves since this all began, but rather, with regard to the situation in which they now find themselves -- have to face the truth head on. It kind of reminded me of kicking someone while they're already down.

I also think many of us have resented the fact that the A's were so willing to place blame on others when they knew their daughter was lying. Stating KC was talking in code and they had to figure it out. Lying is not code, it's lying and blaming JG, AH, RK and all the others cannot be taken lightly by anyone. However, in the back of all our minds we have all felt badly for what they have been enduring. It's just now that KC has pointed the finger at them they can see how what they have done to others was wrong.

Let's hope they privately apologize to everyone they were willing to offer up for sacrifice in order to save their daughter. RK and ZG, nor any of the others, ever deserved to have their whole lives put on public display. While I am sad for them I am waiting to see if they are willing to mend some fences. jmo
Thank you so much for this post. This thread was making me feel worse and worse about the lack of empathy, charity & compassion among people regarding these poor, tourtured crime victims. It's gratifying to know there are people like you out there.
Not everyone sees the Anthonys as poor tortured crime victims though, yet they can still feel some compassion for them. More to the point, compassion doesn't preclude criticism.

After seeing Cindy on the stand... I do not believe for even a second that Cindy believes Caylee drowned.

When asked about the pool
When asked about Caylee going swimming
When asked about leaving the ladder up

Cindy did not get extremely emotional.

Caylee's playhouse??? Where the dogs hit?
Caylee's bed?
Caylee's car seat?

All caused her to get very emotional.

If Cindy thought that Caylee had REALLY died in the pool that Caylee SO loved...
Cindy would have lost it... at the first image of that pool... while talking about that pool.... all of it.

Cindy does not believe Caylee died in that pool. Period.

IF GA/CA believed the pool story they couldn't bear to look at or swim in THAT pool - it would be gone by now (3 years later.) :twocents:
I wonder where all these new pictures of Caylee that are being aired are coming from. :waitasec: (She certainly was a beautiful child.) Are they part of the original deal with ABC or has there been a new deal recently considering that the trial has revived public interest in the case.
Well, I believe it may be the first real truth we've heard! Good for them, keep it coming. :)
I am not surprised at all.

They heard the opening statement the same as we did and Casey did. Now we know why Casey had a few tears, she has finally given her parents the message loud and clear in front of the world.

Good for you George and Cindy. It's okay to love your daughter but I am glad you have accepted she is responsible and that she will ruin people's lives so you want justice for your grand daughter and to stop this from happening anymore.
I have been saying that all along. I just got done arguing with someone who stated to me that the A's are nothing more than grieving grandparents.....OK! Believe what you want, but I along with many others have followed this case since day one and have read the thousands of documents and have seen the spiral of lies from the entire family. I think the only reason the A's made this 11th hour statement is because they have finally realized that ICA has thrown the whole family under the bus and that this is the only way they can get out from under it......JMO


****Oh and by the way, the end of the Universal Hallway actually leads to MY OFFICE!! Really! that is the truth, when ICA brought OCSO to show them where her office was she literally stopped in front of my office; I work as a Paramedic at Universal Studios here in Orlando. She saw that the door to my office was closed and then admitted that she didn't work here.........:seeya:


I too have followed this case since day one ...or should I say ....day 32 and I have also read every document dump & document. I personally never excused their lies, but I understood them. IMO I just feel that they are victims of Casey's and my heart was always heavy for them. They didn't deserve any of this. I didn't always post here in the Casey section because I will never agree with bashing victims....and when I pointed out that they were victims things got ugly.

OMG! They walked her to the door of your office? Small world huh?
Interesting that they would come out with this now. So my question is, why would they? Seriously, I wonder what the motive is behind them having their lawyer state this. It's kind of strange to me that it comes out right before River Cruz is set to testify.
Y'know, I read or heard "somewhere" that Tracy wasn't interviewed. I certainly don't know whether she was or not, though I find it odd if she wasn't, and I cannot trust my own memory that far back. If you saw the brief interview NG did with Ms. Dimond, then you heard how if someone spoke of how cute Caylee's photos were, then KC would come along with photos of her (KC) and mention how cute they were. Weird, being jealous of your own kid...or any kid 20 years younger than yourself. Anyway, I cannot wait to read this interview, I hope it delivers.


In case this has not been answered by now, the audio from Tracy's interview with LE (along with a long list of other discovery) can be found at the link above.
Maybe since Cindy is supposedly testifying today, the Anthonys wanted to communicate to Baez not to expect any more covering-up done on the stand. We'll see.
Why do they come out with this statement now? Is it tied in with River Cruz? Are they letting Jose know they will come out swinging?

I wonder if the timing had to do with Primetime's program last night. At almost the same time, Anderson Cooper had the information that GA and CA thought ICA was not innocent, Primetime was running Ashley Banfield's interview where the Anthonys were proclaiming there was no evidence against Casey. It was an old interview but they never qualified that to the viewer. Those of us following the case would know that becuase CA's hair was very long.
It only makes sense. Cindy admitted at the start of the trial she was looking for Zanny the Nanny up until about "six weeks ago". They wanted so bad to believe their daughter was innocent that I believe Cindy truely believed Zanny killed Caylee. When they heard the "new" defense they were going with (that Caylee drown, George is the one who found and disposed of her and George brutally sexually molested Casey since she was a child which had been shared with Cindy about six weeks before the start of the trial) Cindy was faced with a horrible realization. She knows George was not involved and that he did not sexually molest Casey. She now knows there is no Zanny (because the Defense admitted it). If George didn't do it (as the defense claims) and there is no Zanny the only one left is their daughter. Hard reality for them to face.
That's a very specifically worded statement. A retraction would be "George and Cindy believe Casey is innocent and I never said what was reported". But that's not what Lippman said, not even close.

Lippman is saying that Tuckman got it wrong. He's saying that he didn't tell Tuckman what he ended up reporting to the world.

There is no need to retract something that you never said.
Ok, now when does the apology message to Tim Miller come out?

Also, does anyone know if in their statement they mentioned whether or not they believed Dr. Vass was a chemist?
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